

The mages mostly had one down side when it came to the fight, They weren't welled trained in hand-to-hand combat. To Rhya and the rest, It seemed as if they trained their magic more then their own body.

Surely anyone who survived the fight would start training their body considering how many mages fell down with just a punch and others that could just barely stay conscious after a sword slashed them.

'Compared to Shinobi these guys wouldn't last in a war.' Rhya thought while he continued cutting mages down one after another.

Rhya danced throughout the battle field as his tanto slashed down men with skills and finesse that stunned even Yagos.

Followed by Fū who was more in-depth with his blade as he had no affinity for any nature transformations.

Many men had fallen before Yagos snapped out of his stupor. "Kill them all! Don't let a single one escape!" He ordered.

The Shadow clone Rhya had left with Torune was no different then the real Rhya and Fū, fighting off any who passed the blood thirsty pair.

That was until he sensed Tori's chakra strongly fluctuating from deep within the forest.

'Tch, did they come from behind as well?' The clone asked himself while decapitating a mage.

'(Shadow Clone Jutsu)' he murmured while making the hand-sign for the Jutsu, Decided what to do he made 4 more clones 3 to help Tori and one for himself.

'Don't die on us Tori.' The clone murmured with a grim tone.

—Over with Tori—

"Damn, just what the hell are you? I've seen no man who could take on five like it was nothing." The purple hooded mage said with a small smile on his face.

Tori didn't answer just fell back into his stance preparing for another battle.

"Oh my~ you want to fight me? I could've sworn I told you I don't fight?" The man mockingly said.

"Then why are you still here?" Tori asked.

"Hahaha because you are interesting of course! You would be of great use to the Diamond Kingdom as well." The mage said.

"So how would you like to come with us and serve under The Eight Shining generals? It's really a honor so what'll it be? All you gotta due is help me kill those ba-" before he could finish his rant a kunai logged itself deep within his forehead.

"...….huh?" Was all the mage could say before he hit the ground.

Tori turned around and saw the sight of a familiar person or well three of that person.

"What happened with y'all?" Tori asked the clone.

"The Original and Fū are taking on a small army while Torune is unconscious, We have been sent to help you before things could get worse." The clone responded.

"Has everything been setup?" The second clone asked.

"Yes it has it should work for the mages." Tori responded.

"Then we should return to the fight and retrieve the rest." The last Clone ordered.

"Indeed please lead the way." Tori said while glancing at the dead bodies behind him.

—Back at the battle Field—



"A Piece of paper can do that?!" A Mage yelled like a child after seeing Rhya throw a kunai with a explosive tag tied to it into a crowd of people.

"SHUTUP! Keep fighting they will tire out soon enough!" Another mages voice resounded within the ears of the army.

"AHHHHHHH" the mages let out a war cry as they casted spells and rushed towards Fū and Rhya who had been long since surrounded by bodies and covered in blood.

"What do you to do Rhya there is to many of them." Fū spoke.

"We could always lead them into the Clover kingdoms territory making it look like a invasion." Rhya responded while shaking the blood off his tanto.

"That is true but we need Tori first." Fū spoke while glancing at the forest behind them.

"Indeed." Rhya agreed.

Before they could charge back into battle they sensed Tori spreading towards them along with Rhyas clones.


Much to the mages astonishment 4 more people appeared 3 looking similar to the one they had been fighting.

"t-t-theres more?" A mage with a shaking voice asked out loud.

"Everything is ready, but I had a run in with mages who had been sneaking in the forest." Tori said once he landed beside Rhya.

"It's fine we are going to go through the forest then to the Clover Kingdom to see if they will follow us." Rhya responded while looking at his clones.

"You five will watch our back while we go into the forest." He ordered.

The clones nodded and flickered in front of the group.

"Tori grab Torune we are retreating." Fū ordered.

"Alright." Tori said.

Noticing their movements Yagos ordered his remaining troops.


The mages who still had their Will to fight gathered up all their courage and charged towards Rhyas clones.

'(Fire Style: Majestic Flame Destroyer)'

'(Water Style: Water Colliding Wave)'

'(Wind Style: Dust Cloud Technique)'

'(Lava Style: Liquid Fire)'

After the attacks had been sent out towards the horrified mages the first three clones looked over towards the fourth who for some reason was puffing up his chest triumphantly.

Sensing their gazes the clone scoffed under his mask before saying. "What? It's just the combination of Fire and Earth Chakra, Maybe I'm just better then you three at it."

The three just shook their heads before sprinting into combat.

Making their way deep into the forest the group heard the sounds of combat along with the explosions of Jutsu and spells going off left and right.

"Do you just want to head straight to the border?" Rhya asked Fū who was running beside himself.

"Might as well there's no reason to stay here just for them to catch up soon." Fū responded.

"Tori are you doing okay carrying him back there?" Fū added while looking back at Tori who was following them closely with Torune on his back.

"I should be able to make it let's just pick up the pace I'm not trying to deal with anyone who has some weird Magic anymore." He grumbled.

"It shouldn't take to long, maybe a few hours of running." Rhya commented before they started to pick up their pace.

—Back at the battle field—

The Witch Queen had been using her magic and sent a crow to observe the last known location that the group had said they would be. Once the crow reached it, it noticed the dead and mangled bodies of mages strewn everywhere along with the charred remains of half of the town.


Looking in the direction the explosion came from the crow saw a small cloud of ash and dust rising from the ground so it headed in that direction.

Once it reached the location it's eyes widen well to be exact the Queen who was looking through them widened.


Bodies everywhere dead or alive and screaming in pain is what she saw, Some seemed to be drenched in water while others had cuts or burn marks. But what caught her eye was what seemed to be lava on one side of the battle field.

She willed the crow to look around to which she saw the fearful look of the mages gazing in one direction. She looked and saw 4 Rhyas sprinting into a crowd of mages cutting them down while also losing one clone along the way.

She watched as the remaining 3 clones jumped away from the mages landing a good distance before they seemed to talk about their situation.

"I have a plan." One clone spoke.

"What might that be?" Another asked

"I'm going to summon one more clone then we will use our remaining chakra to use [The Four Violet Flame Formation]." He answered.

The other clones thought about it for a second before nodding.

'(Shadow clone Jutsu)' the clone muttered to himself as he made the hand sign.



Catching the mages off guard the clones disappeared before they reappeared one standing at each corner of the battle field.

They watched as the clones made the same hand sign and said out loud.

"(Ninja Art: Four Violet Flame Formation)"

As they finished their words a dark purple light connected between each clone before slowly and gradually coming together encasing the army within a box like barrier.

"What the hell is it now?" A mage fearfully asked.

"I don't know let's just break it!" A mage said as he ran towards the barrier enhanced with mana preparing to punch it.

But to everyone's horror once his fist made contact his body seemingly caught fire and started to roast.

Then it finally sunk in…..

They had been trapped by their enemy.

122 men lost to four, even if they did retreat the mages couldn't do anything.

Chapitre suivant