
Black and White with Red All Over

When in the crossroads of life, will you choose to be a hero and sacrifice yourself, or let others down and save yourself? Precious is a pet who lost her owner in a terrible accident and now embarks on a journey to find 'home', though, living her whole life in the hands of her owner, has no experience of the outside world. But this journey takes a turn when she realizes her life is a never-ending horror story. TRIGGER WARNING! This story may have depressing themes, such as thoughts of self-harm, and violence/gore

NOCent · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
25 Chs

White Roses

Mr. Hyena's POV

"I told you I don't want to see you again." Mrs. Lion tries not to look at me.

"Come on, your majesty, you really think I have ill-intentions? I'm most loyal to you, you are the one who gave me the honors to escort his highness, which means you must trust me to some extent."

"You're lucky you're the only one who is almost as clever as I."

"Haha! Is that a compliment?" I shake my head in disgust.

"I was thinking, we should avenge his highness' death."

"Against zookeepers?"

"I received intel that he died from a gunshot wound."

"Zookeepers have guns... it's what they'll need to kill a lion."

"No, we did a check, it's from one of our guns." She turns to me. "Tell me, Mr. Hyena, what did you see when his highness was murder. What you told me doesn't add up."

"Not again..." I facepalm. "You think I'll pick up a gun again after I put it down for a long time. Nothing good comes from them."

"Sure, it may not be you. But Chinchilla?"

"Ms. Chinchilla? Why would she kill him, then turn around and try to save him?"

"Are you sure it was a zookeeper? Tell me what you saw."


I enter the main casino room from the hall. Everyone was asleep, so I didn't  expect to see Kayate leaning against a table, appearing to be waiting.

"Funny seeing you here, Kayate."

"I'm staying for as long as Precious stays." He repositions himself onto the table. "You killed Mr. Lion, didn't you?"

Always quick to the point. "So, you're involved too? What makes you make such a conclusion?"

"Sure, you can lie to them, but you can't lie to me..."

"I'm listening."

"You believe people shouldn't be sacrificed for others, yet you honor it when you mention it to Mrs. Lion."

"I try to minimize the differences Mrs. Lion and I have, the zoo honors sacrifice."

"Very well, what could Ms. Chinchilla possibly say to make Mrs. Lion suspicious of you both? I've narrowed it down to two possibilities. 1, it's against Mr. Lion, or 2, it's against you or herself."

I get out my handgun from hiding in my coat. I stare at it. "I'm not sure if it was a bad idea." I have no other choice than to confess.

"Looks like you're still the same. After all these years." He smiles. "It feels good to see you again, Nigel."

"Yeah, and you're still sharp."

"Hmm. So why did you do it?"

"He tricked Ms. Chinchilla into telling him my intentions. There was nothing else I could do. He already knew..." I look down at my gun again. "I need you to hold onto this, it's obvious you are the only one in here who holds a gun."

I hand him my gun, he places it in his pocket, under his coat. 

"My bet, they'll be looking for the murderer at the other zoo. If they're desperate, they'll suspect you or Ms. Chinchilla."

"I already thought of that. If I could distract the with something of much bigger concern, it could draw their attention."

"Maybe if it was connected to Mr. Lion's death in some way, they will take their eyes off you."

"Just don't tell..."


How did he know?

"Something seemed to be gnawing at your conscious..."

"Yeah, her... I'm worried that I won't be able to save her. It's my fault she's here in the first place."

"Your fault?"

"I know, this isn't the time..." I cross my arms. "Mrs. Lion gave me a schedule. Tomorrow, she'll recruit people to investigate Mr. Lion's death. That same day is his funeral. The day after, is when they think the royal family of Boutielette will arrive."

"The royal family? I heard they have died in the fire."

"The zoo thinks they didn't die from it and they'll be visiting the zoo for their revenge. So they're going to use Precious to fight against them."

"I see what you mean... If we could get her out before that day, we wouldn't have to worry."

"That'll be hard while making sure noone suspects us."

"I guess we just have to hope for the best." His reassuring smile returns. "Don't dwell on it too much, Nigel. It has its side effects." He turns to walk away, waves a hand in the air. "Goodnight."

I watch him leave.

Something was suspicious about him. Why was he so concerned of this matter? Thoughts as this swamp my mind, but I dismiss them.

I have much important things to focus on.

I continue my way to my office hidden behind the stairs. The door's unlocked, as I left it, but Kayate isn't here. Surprising. I wonder where he went off to.

It's just me and the princess. She sleeps on the plush couch, I'm careful not to wake her as I walk over to my chair. But I stop midway when I hear her mutter my name. I look at her, her eyes still closed, she could be dreaming.

If I don't plot well enough, this cold night could be the last I see her.


Precious' POV

I awaken to the warmth feeling, almost putting me back to sleep. But I notice Mr. Hyena's coat on me, his woody scent is still on it, just the smell puts me at ease.

I look around the room, Kayate relaxing on a hanging hammock, swinging slowly. And Mr. Hyena reclined on his office chair, a hat covering his face.

I feel bad for him, why would he give me his coat, then sleep in an uncomfortable chair?

Distrubing my thoughts and breaking the silence, a cow bell rings vigorously.

Mr. Hyena groans, followed by a sigh, as he sits upright. "I guess it's time..."

"Time for what?" Now I'm curious.

"Mr. Lion's funeral. Usually, Mrs. Lion doesn't do this much for a death." He puts on his hat.

"Why wouldn't she this time? It was her husband who perished."

Mr. Hyena chuckles. "Not even for her dearest. Today, expect the unexpected."

Then, I hear someone calling for me.

"Don't want to keep everyone waiting." He leads us out the room. 

In the casino room, we find two female deer. After searching around the room, one of them notices us. "I thought you already checked upstairs, Cassie."

Cassie approaches her. "Where were you, Precious?"

"Never mind that!" The other deer doesn't let me answer. "Come on!" She grabs my hand and takes me to wherever she's going.

"See you at the funeral, then, Princess," Nigel calls.

I can't say my farewells, for the deer takes me to the nearby room and shuts the door.

"Why did you take me here?" I find myself at a dressing room.

"Her highness' orders. You must look good for the event," Cassie says.

"So, what do you think about Mr. Hyena?" The other deer smirks. "You're always around him~"

"Hilga!" Cassie calls from across the room.

"I'm just asking! Well?"

"M-Mr. Hyena?" I could feel the redness creeping to my face. "... He's... handsome..." I realize what I said after hearing Hilga's soft giggling.

"Her highness was right!" Hilga joins Cassie at one of the clothing racks.

Surely I've never thought of Mr. Hyena like that. But if I did, would he feel the same?

I decide to discard these thoughts and explore the room. I walk by some clothing racks, running my hand through the clothes. This place reminds me of my owner, Emma's, dressing room, where she would sometimes dressup and if she's in the mood, she'd let me join her. 

I had my very own wardrobe, but it wasn't as big as hers, nor this place. But I don't care about having a big selection, that I probably won't have time to wear, because I have my favorite outfit. 

I look at myself through the mirror, I have on a black and white summer dress with laces for sleeves and laces lining the bottom. I love laces, it's what Emma loves as well, hence her whole room was filled with laces.

"How's this?" Cassie holds out an outfit set consisting of a brown and black plaid skirt and a vest with brown fur along the collar over a black shirt.

"I thought this was a funeral..."

"You're not there to mourn with the rest. His highness means nothing to you. You're here for hope."

Mr. Hyena's POV

All the animals have gathered outside, behind the zoo. All waiting for Mrs. Lion to arrive.

From the uneven mound of dirt, laying under a lone, leafless tree, I conclude Mr. Lion was buried there. But why near a dying tree?

"Didn't want to be late for this important day," a familiar voice comes near.

I turn to see Mr. Fox.

"Mr. Hyena." He smiles at me.

"What?" I'm not in the mood for a chat with him.

"Can't say hi? What a drag..."

Then from the back doors of the zoo, Mrs. Lion joins us. Everyone's attention was on her as she stands in front of the crowd.

"It's an honor for all of you to take part on this cloudy and unfortunate day to honor the tragic death of our dear king." She looks toward the doors as they open. "And what better way to start this event than the arrival of our guest of honor."

Precious enters with Kayate behind her.

Mrs. Lion continues, "and Kayate, our new prisoner." She looks at the audience again. "On this day, we have a funeral.... and a public execution..."