
Black and White with Red All Over

When in the crossroads of life, will you choose to be a hero and sacrifice yourself, or let others down and save yourself? Precious is a pet who lost her owner in a terrible accident and now embarks on a journey to find 'home', though, living her whole life in the hands of her owner, has no experience of the outside world. But this journey takes a turn when she realizes her life is a never-ending horror story. TRIGGER WARNING! This story may have depressing themes, such as thoughts of self-harm, and violence/gore

NOCent · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
25 Chs

Victoria Railway

Is it wrong to wish someone shared the same feelings as you? Is this even... love?

The sun was already setting and the question lingers in my mind.

"If Mr. Hyena really loved me, then why did he send me away?"

Everyone had went off on their jobs when I told them the simple, but questioning, answer to their question.

I understand that he wanted to protect me, but is this necessary? By travelling far from the zoo means I'm also going to be far from him. Which means I'll never see him again...

Maybe if I do love him he wouldn't have me do such a thing. But he probably wouldn't feel the same.

Still, I can't help but imagine life with Mr. Hyena... Nigel...

I think I'm missing him too much...

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice. I was sure I was alone.

"By Mr. Hyena giving you the pin, you have access to this group."

I realize Mr. Wolf never left.

"I'm not sure if he wants you part of this organization, but I'm sure it won't be a problem telling you what we do."

"That's fine, you don't have to tell me... not sure if everyone else will like that."

"We get many customers, but none are dogs. They're all under human control. If I were to see a fellow dog stumble here, I would definitely welcome her with open arms." He takes off his wolf mask and lies beneath, a dog, a greyhound. "Victoria Railway serves to protect dogs and guide them down the rails to freedom, not just literally, but figuratively as well."

"So Victoria Railway is a group? What do you do?"

"As much as we can without getting caught, but we focus on taking down the middle powers, like pet owners and the ones who want to inflict pain on us, but aren't that high to do much."

"If that's your purpose, then why was I not welcome?"

"Well, some pets love their owners and would do what they can, in their power, to defend them. Even if it means ratting out the dogs who are against them... but I trust you won't do such a thing, Mr. Hyena wouldn't allow you here, if otherwise, and we must trust his judgement, for the best."

"He's like your leader?"

"True, but even he has a superior Dr. Rabbit founded the organization, the Rabbit Hole. It consists of inter-connected groups: dogs, Victoria Railway, led by Mr. Hyena, cats, Alley Cats, led by him as well, and many different animals, the Outcasts, led by Mr. Squirrel. The cats monitor the upper and the Outcast monitor lower classes to protect ourselves and each other."

"Dr. Rabbit, he's a rabbit?"

"Well, he's otherworldly, a rabbit with antlers and a set of cat ears. Some say he's a bit cuckoo, but I've never met him. He only showed himself to Mr. Hyena, Squirrel, and Tomcat. But he's never to be seen again."

"I want to help out!"

"Yeah, not sure if Mr. Hyena will like that. It's a dangerous place to be in, you have to treat everyday like it's your last."

We hear someone call from another room on the train, "Mr. Wolf! Passengers need dinner!"

He stands. "Oh, and if you don't see Mr. Hyena's cold side, then he has an interest in you, and you should consider yourself lucky, he doesn't often show such feelings to others." He then continues his way out the room, leaving me alone.

Mr. Hyena? Cold? I never thought such a trait existed in him. But then my mind drifted off to how dangerous it is to be part of the Rabbit Hole. At any time... I could lose him.

I grip the edge of my seat.

I decide to hold off the horrible thoughts.

I look out the window. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset, such lush landscapes... with horses! I've always wanted to ride a horse, I've only ridden carriages...

At that moment, I see a white horse, with wings!? It flies down beside the train, riding along with it in a steady pace. Surprisingly, it could keep up with the train.

I thought such creatures only existed in books.

The rider was heavily concealed, with a helmet, laced knee-high boots, and a white cloak and scarf that blows in the wind, revealing a black shirt underneath and long white pants. 

This scene almost takes me back to my old days, under Emma. When I would wave at the horse and riders who would travel beside the carriage, offering protection as we rode.

Emma would protest against my friendliness.

She was always so strict and single-minded...

My thoughts were interrupted when I see the horse fly off. I frown, disappointed to see it go. But I find that there's a tunnel coming ahead.

Once the car I was in go through the tunnel, it feels as if darkness consumed the train. But almost immediately, the outside lights turn on, and at that second, I could've sworn seeing something scurry into a dark corner.

We make it out the tunnel. It's now dusk.

The pegasus returns. Gallops and chugs fill the night.

I sink in my seat, realizing I've been this room for a very long time.

I stand, deciding to explore the train.

"Darling, you're just in time!" Ms. Doe greets me when I enter the room.

This car has a lively feel, many animals gathered here, at some sort of bar. Laughter and chatter was everywhere. Just happiness.

"Doughnut?" She hands me a box of small, colorful doughnuts.

I'm more than happy to take one, with a proper thank you. "What's going on?"

"Mr. Wolf is going to show us a magic trick."


"A long time ago, Mr. Hyena would do the honors, but since he's gone, Mr. Wolf will try it out. It'll be a great performance..."

"So, is this some sort of celebration?"

"It's sort of a tradition. We usually do these talent shows to feel good after long, stressful days," She explains. "It's easy to lose yourself in times like these. Mr. Hyena started this."


Sounds like she misses Mr. Hyena as well.

Suddenly, the lights flicker off, and the animals in the room goes quiet as we all face the lone spotlight onstage. With a cloud of smoke, Mr. Wolf appears on stage.

After some greetings, he cuts to the point, "for the first trick, I'll try something not entirely common..."

I listen as his words trail off, my hearing becomes muffed I try to regain my focus. I lean against a table, trying to catch my balance.

All I can hear is my ears throbbing, (or is it my heartbeat?), before my vision goes dark.