
Black and White with Red All Over

When in the crossroads of life, will you choose to be a hero and sacrifice yourself, or let others down and save yourself? Precious is a pet who lost her owner in a terrible accident and now embarks on a journey to find 'home', though, living her whole life in the hands of her owner, has no experience of the outside world. But this journey takes a turn when she realizes her life is a never-ending horror story. TRIGGER WARNING! This story may have depressing themes, such as thoughts of self-harm, and violence/gore

NOCent · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

On a Stormy Night

It's a stormy night, the rain showers. I just want to find a place for refuge before I head for my train to start a new life.

I come across what seem to be a place with fences and glass surrounding empty wild animal habitats. I spot a cave surrounded by tall trees, hiding what hides behind. 

Regardless of the mystery, the cave looks quite comfy, almost as if someone civil lived there. It's empty, and decide to stay there for now.

I get on all fours, starting to dig a hole under the fence to squeeze myself inside. In the cave, I shake myself dry, not dryer than dried with a wool towel, but it's better than resting in wet bedding.

I stand and grab my suitcase, retrieving my favorite bone chew toy. They day I got it was when I first met my owner, Emma. She was a nice little girl, always there for me as I was for her.

I kick off my boots, curl up on the fine straw bedding intermingled with fur, not better than my luxurious cotton bed, but I'm not picky, and close my eyes.

Not long from now, I hear chatter going on around me.

"What is that?" A gruff voice says.

"Looks like nothing I've seen before!" A high pitch squeal exclaims.

"My, it looks cold," a gingerly voice mutters. "Hello, dear? Are you well?"

I'm awakened. I open my eyes to see a crowd of wild animals, what were they doing in a place like this?

"Hello, am I in someone's place?" I stand.

"Mr. Bear's home," a rhino says.

That explains the brown fur on the bedding.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take his place. I just wanted a place to stay for the night. I'll take my leave," I say kindly.

"Oh no, you can stay as long as you want, Mr. Bear died not a long time ago," a honey badger clarifies.

My stomach churns.

"Oh no, that's okay, my train leaves in an hour, I'd have to go now."

"But it's still raining out and don't you want to fill your belly with some grub before leaving? We're having a feast to party our life away," the lioness points toward the depth of Mr. Bear's cave.

What did she mean by that? I didn't want to think about it too hard. But my stomach is empty, I could take a bite before leaving, besides, I love food!

"Woof, woof... What do you serve?" I lick my lips.

I walk along with the other animals, following Lioness into the cave. Behind the door, a bright light! 

After my eyes adjust, I find myself at a... Casino!? 

The place is so large, it is as if we are in Vegas. 

There are lots of tables with many animals playing games, a bar where I find some drinking and chatting. And at last, a large table with many dishes. It certainly is a feast, much like my owner's dining table. 

I wish to dig in right away, but that'd be very unlady-like, as my owner would've said.

Then I spot my favorite dish.

"Lamb chops~!" My mouth waters.

"Please, go give yourself something to eat," Lioness says.

"Thank you, Lioness!"

"Please, just call me, Mrs. Lion."

I walk toward a seat, I feel like a puppy again. 

But, of course, I can't let some meat make me forget my manners. I cut a piece of the lamb chop and put it on my plate. 

But unfortunately, I can't take a bite, eyes are on me. 

A hyena, but way more dog; a dog that looks like a hyena, with an eyepatch and patches and bandages covering most of his body. He wears a fur coat, hyena fur if I'm not mistaken, and he has on a white button-up. 

He looks like he was in a lot of fights and severely injured, but something about him makes him handsome at the same time. 

Maybe it is his mesmerizing amber eyes...

He smiles when I notice him.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" I put down my fork and knife, put up with the discomfort.

"Don't mind me, hehe. It's just you're the first to ever eat my dishes," he smiles again.

I feel bad for him.

"Well, who wouldn't love a lamb chop?"

"They say it's uncivilized to eat such innocent things. Besides, they're not from this zoo... I may have my undiscovered methods of providing these delicious meals."

I miss that last part, too caught up by the unfamiliar word he just said.


"You must not be from here. Tell me, sweetheart, where do you come from?"

"I lived in a giant castle in the far side of town with my owner, Emma."

"That figures. So, you're a princess?"

"Well..." He is kind of right, though.

"900 East Oathwood Street..." he notices my collar. "Why'd you leave?"

"Oh, well... You see... That place doesn't exist anymore. There was a war and my owner sent me away."

"Oh. I see. Is that why you're here?"

"Hmm? I'm just here for refuge."

"No? Well, you're a cute little dog and I'm sure that's the reason her majesty allowed you here." "I hope..." He adds softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Welcome to Zoo Casino, a place where all the animals of the zoo come to fulfill their pleasures and get rid of stress and depression."

"You mean all these lovely animals are... Depressed?"

"I wouldn't say 'lovely', though. But yes. they have this single wish, to get freedom."

I have many more questions, but the Hyena stands.

"If you'd excuse me, princess, I have to go talk to someone. Enjoy your meal."

After finishing my lamb, I decide to explore the place a bit. On the other side of the room are the game tables, but there seems to be only one game being played — dominoes.

I approach a table; all eyes are on me.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

Then I overhear a conversation.

"... Dominoes. It's what we stand for. What other choice do we have? It's not like opportunities like this happen often," Mrs. Lion says.

"But, your majesty, she's a living girl. Not a sign. Is this what his highness would do?" The Hyena says.

"Mr. Hyena, you are in no privilege to address the king. Have you ever seen such an animal that looks like a domino? Sleek white fur, with carefully placed black spots? She's clearly the symbol. With her, we could gain our freedom from the merciless zookeepers," she walks to the center of the room.

"Here in our presence, we have the Great Domino, who came to our doorstep! We are guaranteed our freedom!"

"Great Domino?" I'm confused. "How can I give you all freedom? I'll be leaving soon..."

"But don't you want to be a hero?"

"I just want to catch my train. I'm not staying here."

"Just know, if we have a solution, we do what we must to implement it. Our freedom depends on the Great Domino, and it's not a choice. Take her away."

Suddenly, two rhinos come on both sides of me, grabbing my arms.

"Let me go!" I scream, but that doesn't stop them from dragging me away.