
Black and White with Red All Over

When in the crossroads of life, will you choose to be a hero and sacrifice yourself, or let others down and save yourself? Precious is a pet who lost her owner in a terrible accident and now embarks on a journey to find 'home', though, living her whole life in the hands of her owner, has no experience of the outside world. But this journey takes a turn when she realizes her life is a never-ending horror story. TRIGGER WARNING! This story may have depressing themes, such as thoughts of self-harm, and violence/gore

NOCent · Fantaisie
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25 Chs


He's gone...

He's really gone...


Why does this always happen to me?

What do I do now?

I open my eyes, crusted from my dried tears. I'm laying in the back seat of the bus; a blanket is over me. I sit up, looking straight ahead of me, long rows of seats, empty rows. Then a door to the driver seat.

The bus is still moving. How long have I been asleep? 

I spring up toward to window. I'm going down a one-way road, I couldn't make out where I am, though. It was supposed to have stop by now. At this rate, I'll definitely miss my train. I have to stop this bus.

I abruptly turn around only to see a man standing there. My heart races. I didn't think there was anyone on the bus. How come I didn't see his reflection on the window.

He is a brown German Shephard with a top hat and a coat that hangs over his shoulders. He's in a black button-up and a golden chain leaps from the pocket to the pocket on the sleek, black pants. And boy was he close, awfully close. He carefully inspects me.

"You're awake..." He speaks.

"Mmhm..." I nod.

"Sleep well?"

I nod.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"For a second there, you looked traumatized."

"Who are you?"

"Kayate. And you are, my dear?"


"What are you doing here on this fine bus?"

To be honest, I don't remember a thing before I fell asleep.

"Actually, I'm going to the nearest station to catch my train," I smile. "This place seems abandoned, are there any passengers on board?"

"I'm a passenger."

"I see, I'm going to find the driver."

"Well, I'm the driver."

At that moment, I felt like this was all some kind of twisted joke. But I'm not playing this game.

"It was nice meeting you, Kayate," I squeeze by him toward the door to the driver seat.

"Very well... Precious. May we meet again. It was nice to have someone talk to. If you need me, I'll be there. Always."

I open the door and I feel a strange feeling. Dizziness, like I've been blinded on the spot by confusion.

I'm at the back of the bus again.

"What?" I look around. It's as if I never left. But Kayate is gone this time.

I turn around to look behind me, there's no door. No possible way of entering the bus from the back. It's like something is keeping me from going to the driver.

I try again, going back through the door. 

And again.

But this time, I'm alone.

In front of me stands a tiny, furry, brown gremlin. It just stands there, making a weird snarling noise and staring at me as if I was crazy.

Yeah, I'm officially creeped out.

I run again to the door. This time, expecting to appear back at the start. But I didn't expect another gremlin sitting on the nearby chair.

If I run again, I might see another, and the room will be filled with these ugly creatures. I don't want to play this game anymore.

"Kayate?" I desperately call.

No reply.

There's got to be another way out. No back door. I look at the window and try to open it. It doesn't budge.

Desperate, I have to take the chance. I make a run for the door. As I approach it, it opens.

I'm back at the start, but this time Kayate is sitting on one of the seats and all the gremlins are gone. The thing is, Kayate is the least person I want to see.

"Kayate..." I mutter.


"Kayate, I want to get off is bus."

"Then I'll be alone again," he frowns.

"I want off!"

His face goes dark as he looks down. Then he smiles and looks back at me.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. The bus will never stop. Let's just face it, you can't ever get off. I learned it firsthand; when I first got on, it just kept going. I've been here for many years. Alone. Now we're here together, yay."

"I'm not staying here with you..." I run for the door.

He lets me go.

Back at the start, I'm alone again. With a gremlin sitting in front of me.

I'm not staying in this horrible place any longer. I make my way to the door, toward the gremlin. It does nothing, just stares at me as if it wants to ask why I came back.

The next door, I actually expected to another gremlin, but no. There were none. That's very pleasing to my eyes. I take another trip through the door.

Again, nothing. Well, until I hear aggressive snarling behind me. I whip around to see two gremlins with sharp teeth showing in their large, creepy grin.

Instinctively, I run toward the door and took a large step backward to see gremlins, more gremlins than I can count. All hissed and growled and smacked their slimy lips.

I try to open the door, but it seems as if it's locked on the inside. I give up, backing toward the door to create a greater distance between me and the gremlins.

Then, all the gremlins, at once, lost their patience and scamper after me, topling over each other like zombies.

I scream, "Kayate!" I repeatedly bang the door.

As the gremlins sounded as if they were near enough to deliver my painful death, the door opens. Kayate stands there. I immediately hug him tight.

"Precious, now do you wish to stay with me?"

My heart still pumps hard. The trauma scared me badly.

"I'll stay with you, Kayate, I'll do anything."

I'd really do anything than to rewitness what had happened earlier.

Kayate smiles and returns the hug.