
Black and White with Red All Over

When in the crossroads of life, will you choose to be a hero and sacrifice yourself, or let others down and save yourself? Precious is a pet who lost her owner in a terrible accident and now embarks on a journey to find 'home', though, living her whole life in the hands of her owner, has no experience of the outside world. But this journey takes a turn when she realizes her life is a never-ending horror story. TRIGGER WARNING! This story may have depressing themes, such as thoughts of self-harm, and violence/gore

NOCent · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
25 Chs

A Dream

Ms. Chinchilla's POV

Where has that guy went off to?

I've been searching this place from top to bottom. I've lost track of time, it's already midnight.

I should get to sleep, try again tomorrow-

"What'cha looking for?" A voice scares me half to death in this empty casino room.

I turn around to see Nathan.

"Let me guess... Mr. Hyena?"

"No, I was looking for you, where were you all this time?"

"Heh." He decides not to answer the question, and changed the subject. "I've never been told where my room is..."

"Ah, I can show you." I lead him out the casino room, up the stairs.

"What type of place is this? It's not a zoo..."

"It's kind of like our home, we transformed this place from an abandonned habitat."

"And the zookeepers didn't mind?"

"They're not very strict about us. No one really visits as much as they used to." 

We enter a bedroom, and ordinary room with just a bed in the middle, with a nightstand... pretty simple, it has motel vibes.

"It's not royal, but-" I get interrupted by him knocking me onto the bed.

"It doesn't have to be..." He pins my down, then picks up my mask, examining it.

I didn't realize it fell off!

"Cute. I knew it, you're just a Bichon frisé in disguise." He slides his knee in between my legs.

"Nathan..." My heart beats hard, how did I get into this situation? "Get off me!" I squirm and kick about, but he doesn't budge, his grip just tightens.

"Hush, or I'll make you." He holds my chin and leans forward, to where his lips hover just over mine.

"... What do you want with me?"

"You see? This is what happens when you hang around people who are all about business and politics. You forget how to play." He slides my arms above my head, holding them in place with his elbow. "We were getting close, wouldn't it be great to take it a step closer?" 

He brushes his lips against mine and occasionally licks them, as an attempt to open then. "Stubborn..."

"... I thought you loved Precious."

"I do, but we could work as well." He licks my collar bone, nipping his way up.

"S-stop..." I fight back against a satisfying sigh, I don't want him to-

"You liked that, what contradiction." He smiles. "I won't stop until you fall for me. And I'm sure I could do better."

"I said-!" I get interrupted by a perverted hand going up my shirt. "Stop it!" I can't move, but I still try.

"Stop fighting, just relax~"

"Having fun?" Mr. Hyena interrupts. How long has he been in the doorway?

"Mr. Hyena, I knew you'd show up sooner or later. Come to watch?"

"I knew this will happen. It's midnight, could you have chosen a better time?"

"She was with you the whole time."

"I see, and is this what you do to Precious?"

"Is this adorable pooch yours?"

"No, that'd be incest, she's a sister to me. If you let her go, you won't have to see my face again."

"Meh, she was getting boring, anyways." He rolls off me and immediately, I get off the bed. "She doesn't submit as Precious does."

"Are you alright?" He asks me as I approach him.

"I'm fine..." I still can't help but think, he was kind of handsome...

Mr. Hyena's POV

It's a restless night, even after Ms. Chinchilla went to bed, I can't get to sleep.

I rise from my futon couch, stroking my head. Maybe a cup of tea will help me get some rest, because in this state of mind, I can't think straight. And it's irritating.

In the small kitchen behind the bar, I pour some water into my heated cup and insert a chamomile teabag.

After a sip, I hear a sound come from another room. Cautious, I put down my cup to take a look around.

At the casino room, I find an empty weapon case. A sniper.

I know I would really hate my decision later. I run up the stairs, to the room at the end of the hall. The door is cracked, allowing me to see inside a little and out the window, a glint catches my eye.

"Nathaniel!" I bust in through the door.

"What?" He was at the dresser before turning around to see me. Standing in window range.

"Lookout!" I push him out of the way just as the sniper in the tree fires their shot, shattering the glass and putting a bullet hole in the wall.

"What are you doing, you idiot?!"

"Idiot?! You're an idiot for standing near a window when I clearly told you the zoo is after you!"

"You said I won't have to see your face again."

"I saved your life!" "Stay down..." I stop him from trying to stand. "I'll get back to you."

"Where are you going?"

"Going to save your life." I rise to a knee, aiming for the window.

I look outside just as a dark silhouette hops off the tree. I immediately jump out the window to chase after them.

Landing on the wet grass with a splash, I ignore the pouring rain to continue the pursuit.

The sniper is pretty fast, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. As they run into the forest, I take a shortcut. Based on how they move, aimlessly, I can stop them in their tracks, as I know the woods very well.

At the treetops, I look down at them, still not able to identify them. But in the clearing, I find the cloaked figure, subconscious on the ground. But why? Weren't we still in a chase? Unless...

  I hop down, near the limp figure.

"Precious?" Her flowery rose scent was her signature, and it's confirmed as I uncover her face. I drop onto the ground, holding her on my lap.

It can't be... she'd never try to kill... would she?

This has to be a mistake. Am I dreaming?