
black and white untitled

The first master of the black sword who unified the black sword, Heukamje Yeonhojeong. Although he joins hands with the political faction and defeats them in a revolt of the Three Religions, he is caught up in the plot of the Murim lord and ends his sad life. "...It really is my home!" When I opened my eyes, I was at the house of the most prestigious family in Moorim and a lover who had gone extinct in the past. "I won't make a mistake this time. Never." Run to prevent the family's extinction, and to stop the rebellion of the Three Religions that will spread in the future! Grand Duke Yeon Ho-jeong's struggle to unify Moorim.

Arnnok · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Episode 4. Prodigal son returned (3) (3)

The wind was quite chilly.

But even the cold autumn wind did not dampen the vibrancy of the street. Many people were soliciting customers to come into their stores.

'long time no see.'

As soon as I came out, the idea of ​​Byeokrajingyeol entered my mind.

It was the first time I came out to that street after returning to the past. The feeling was new.

'It's still the same.'

This street I walked around a lot when I was young.

It was a street I had never visited since the family disappeared. It was because every time I came here, I thought I would think of my dead family.


"Hehe, right?


Yeon Ji-face pyeong's was very much recalled. It was because it was the first time she and her brother had been out on the street alone.

"Brother, where are you uncomfortable?



"Your gait is a little strange."

"Oh, just a little."

Suddenly, the quality of internal energy rose two notches.

In addition, a lot of blocked blood vessels were also pierced. As Jingi repeatedly came and went there, the natural body gained strength.

A discrepancy between body and spirit. Even if I tried to walk slowly, it automatically sped up. It was a gap caused by the muscles and bones not being perfectly trimmed.

'I'm going to have a hard time in the future.'

Just as important as internal energy is the strength of the body. In order to train a body that has not yet ripened to the level of the Emperor of Darkness, he will need hellish training.

When Hojeong Yeon turned her shoulders around for a while.

"Oh, over there! Go over there! "

The place Yeon Ji-pyeong pointed to was Juru, which had a clean appearance.

"It's Goyangru."

Goyangru was a famous main building in the southern part of Jiangsu Province. Although the price is quite high, it is famous for the taste of food and good scenery.

"Oh, has your brother been there too?


"how many."

It wasn't a place I had very good memories of.

Maybe half a year before the end of Yeonga? Feeling desperate, I drank quite a lot. Among them, the number of times I drank at Goyangru was quite high.

'I lived a very stupid life.'

I was drunk and broke a lot of things, got into a fight and got beaten up a lot.

It was a place where both the body and the mind were wrecked.

"They say the fish dish over there is very famous. Go eat fish, fish."

"It's good."

"uh? But do you eat fish too? Didn't he really like it?"

Yeon Ho-jeong shrugged.

"You should eat while you can. By the way, are you going for the first time?"

"Hehe, I actually went there once. With friends."

"A friend… … Of Cheonggang Seowon?"

"yes! They are all good friends."

Byeoksan Sonata emphasised martial arts more than other Moorim schools. I didn't want to become an outstanding scholar, but it was the thought of my ancestors that I should at least become more than others.

That teaching was the same even now, when he reached the ranks of the seven generations. It was for this reason that Yeon Ji-pyeong learned to write while attending Cheonggang Seowon.

Yeonhojeong smiled.

"Learn well. There is nothing wrong with learning."

Yeon Ji-pyeong asked with an innocent expression.

"But, brother, won't you come out in the future?


"At Cheonggang Seowon?



"I'm not leaving."

Yeon Ho-jeong went out first to learn at Cheonggang Seowon. But two years ago, he stopped writing to focus on martial arts.

A slight disappointment crept over Yeon Ji-face. pyeong's

"Yeah, that's right."

He's a very honest guy.

It's sad, but I have no intention of leaving again. Not because I hate writing, but because I don't think I need to learn more.

"You seem to be getting along well with your friends?


"sure. ah! Come to think of it, short-term auditors came to Seowon this time!"

"A short-term audit student?"

"yes! They are from famous martial arts in Anhui. Among them, there is also a son of the Namgung family! "

He speaks with a brightened expression as if he had never done that.

Yeon Ho-jung frowned.

"At Namgung?


"yes! Are you surprised?"

Was it?

I don't remember about that part. In the first place, at this time, he was only interested in himself.

'Namgung... … Namgung.'

Anhui's most famous house adjacent to Jiangsu.

It is a family that is counted as one of the seven generations along with Yeonga, but it was a family with a much older history than Yeonga.

Namgung is a sword. In the past and in the present, it was the Namgung family that was most famous as a swordsman.

It was the same even after the appearance of the swordsman of Bulsaechul in the Moyong family.

"older brother?




"Why are you like that? You don't look good?"

"no. Let's go."



The two finally entered Goyangru.

Goyangru was unexpectedly quiet. There seemed to be no ten people in the four-story main base.

"You are lucky, brother. Go to the fourth floor!"


When I went up to the fourth floor, the scenery was very nice. The window was open, so the wind was refreshing rather than cold.

"Good? Is it good?"

"Yeah, it seems to have come well."

It was a place I had been to many times before, but it felt new as if it was the first time.

After sitting in the window seat, Yeon Ji-pyeong was excited and ordered food. He ordered a fish dish and a couple of stir-fried vegetables, so the price was not cheap.

"Isn't that too expensive?"

"I saved up a lot of pocket money!"

"Are you going to buy it?"

"sure! You said I would buy it for you! "

Well, you didn't even bring any money.

Yeon Ho-jeong licked her lips.

"Don't eat well."

"As much as you like!


Goyangru's cooking was all about cooking. There was no other puppy whose eyes were full of excitement.

Yeon Ho-jeong was such a cute younger sister. And at the same time, it was burdensome.

'He's such a bright kid.'

He was jealous of this child and behaved meanly. It wasn't verbal abuse or assault, but sometimes indifference is much more brutal.

So even though it was burdensome, I tried my best to smile in front of Yeon Ji-pyeong. The regret of the past mistakes was so great.

Yeon Ji-pyeong, who was looking at Yeon Ho-jeong with a smile, asked cautiously in an instant.

"excuse me… … ."



"Aren't you in a bad mood?"



"no. just… … There's something I'm worried about, or something like that."

Yeon Ho-jeong tilted her head.

"Okay? Nothing like that happened."

"I see."

"why? Does your face look that bad? "

"no! Just in case."

"A fresh guy."

Hojeong Yeon turned her head to the window. He wanted to see the scenery.

Seeing his brother like that, Yeon Ji-pyeong let out a sigh of relief.

'Looks like you're okay.'

As a person from a love family, I could fully understand the behaviour of Kang Yun, the non-eungdaeju at the time. But wasn't it in front of his brother's eyes? Anyone can be embarrassed

Fortunately, my older brother didn't seem to care too much. Rather, he felt that he had suffered because of him, and his Kite Ji-pyeong was very sorry.

Yeon Ji-pyeong, who was looking at Yeon Ho-jeong with a smile, tilted her head for a moment.

"By the way, brother."



"uh… … I don't know if I can tell you this."


"Your non-yeongi has become active?



"Do you understand?


"yes? Ah yes. It's been a long time, but I think it's definitely different from before."

Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Yeon Ji-pyeong with new eyes.

'You felt that?'

Danjeon has been activated and the non-yeonsim method has flourished, but it is a change that is difficult to notice without looking at the pulse.

It is because Yeon Ho-jeong is good at keeping the spirit constantly. In addition, since Biyeonsimbeop itself is not a high-level martial arts, the range of change is not large. From the outside, it is difficult to notice the change in true energy.

That's what my brother saw through. Even if it's not yet a skill that can be called first-class.

"I have mastered the non-love mind method."

Yeon Ji-pyeong jumped up without even realising it.



You can't believe it because it's so sudden?

"congratulations! I really congratulate you, brother! "

I believe

Yeon Ji-pyeong sincerely congratulated him as if it were his own work. He looked very excited as he clenched his fists and shook them wildly.

I was grateful for such a younger brother, but the surprise was greater than the gratitude.

'I knew you were talented, but... … .'

There was a faint admiration on Yeon Ho-face. jung's

'This guy was a complete monster, right?


Generally, there are two types of cases that are considered to be talented in martial arts. If you have a great body and if you have a great head.

But Yeon Ji-talent pyeong's wasn't that great.

'It feels good.'

What is more difficult to have than the superiority of the body and the excellent eyesight is intuition.

A force that overwhelms logic and reason. In other words, it is an innate ability. I don't know about other fields, but at least when it comes to martial arts, it was clear that Yeon Ji-senses pyeong's were superior to anyone else's.

Besides, the physical talent is also called the best in Yeonga, isn't it?

'If I polish it properly, I'll make a name for myself in the not-too-distant future.'

Yeon Ji-pyeong said with a very excited face.

"Brother will be strong soon! Obviously! "

"Yeah, that's how it should be."

In any case, it was a moment that surprised each other.

After a while, the dishes came out.

The two of them laughed and chatted while eating. Yeon Ji-pyeong was usually the talker, but Yeon-ho was not the talker one.

The two quickly finished their meal and ordered tea. There was a nice scent from the rising steam.

"Hyung-nim, since you've been doing great, let's train together!"


It was a firmer refusal than I thought. Yeon Ji-pyeong squeezed her neck.


"You and I have different ways of training. I don't know if it's later, but for now, each one does it separately... … hmm? "

Yeon Ho-jeong turned her gaze to the stairs.

"Why are you like that, brother?"

"… … ."

"older brother?


"Is it worth it?"

Is it worth it? what?

Yeon Ji-pyeong, who was tilting her head, suddenly felt a faint prayer coming up from the first floor in the distance.

Yeon Ji-pyeong's eyes widened.



No, not a master.

A true master should be able to unleash the achievements he has achieved in practise. That's how you deserve to be called a master.

In that respect, there were no masters coming up from the first floor. At least Yeon Ho-jeong thought so.

However, the level achieved was considerable.

'Compared to my age.'

The vitality emanating from the qi was very refreshing. It was clear that he was not even old enough.



Yeon Ji-pyeong exclaimed.

"why? Anyone know? "

"yes! I don't know who Go Soo is, but I feel a familiar prayer. He must be Seowon's friend."

Are you Seowon's friend?

"Say hello and come."

"oh?! may I? "

"If you didn't know, you wouldn't know, but you know, but you can't pass by without saying hello. go and come."

Yeon Ji-pyeong quietly stood up.

"Then brother, I'll be back soon. Please wait a moment."

"Speak slowly."

Yeon Ji-pyeong quickly descended the stairs.

Yeonhojeong smiled and rested her chin.

'He's cheerful.'

Is it because I grew up so dark?

He gathered the black swords and developed some social skills, but he was not as bright as Yeon Ji-pyeong. There were many times when it was annoying to talk to someone.

So, I liked seeing my brother like that. Because I don't have a personality for myself.

'Grow bright. You don't have to be serious every moment just because the world is rough.'

I wish I could grow up to be more handsome than anyone else. That was the only thing Lee Je-hwa and Yeon Ho-jeong wanted from her younger brother.

Yeonhojeong Pavilion drinking tea and looking at the scenery outside the window.

I don't think it's time to enjoy this kind of leisure, but what can I do? Isn't it the first time you've gone out to dinner with your brother?

Preparing for extinction is the most important thing, but there are things you shouldn't miss.

It was when Yeon Ho-jeong was enjoying a short break.

"Are you here?"

"oh! Even the third floor is definitely different! "

A muffled voice came from the third floor.

And the embarrassed Yeon Ji-voice. pyeong's

"Now, wait a minute. First, tell my brother... … ."

"Ugh! You said you'd just say hello, why are you doing that? Besides, aren't you guys renting out the fourth floor? Let's take a look too."

"ah… … ."

An unknown feeling of bewilderment came out of Yeon Ji-voice. pyeong's

After a while.

"Hiya, the scenery is killing me!


"Good job coming up!


Hojeong Yeon turned her gaze to that place.

Yeon Ji-face, pyeong's sandwiched between a man and a woman he had never seen before, looked very embarrassed.