
Bitter_Sweet Fragnance of Love

Si_zen · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Ch_8:Excursion to the garden

Alex turned away avoiding her gaze. He knew she was sore so he altered the topic instantly. Let's go you said you've got plenty of flowers that I like. I wonder if it's valid. I haven't talked much about flowers except for my loathing for specific species. Yet what I saw on my first day here is ... He taunt her as he unlocked the window.

To his surprise, the gloomy garden emitting the murderous aura was no longer there. Black Velvet Petunia was also missing. The garden that virtually looks like a burial one night before has already rotated into a beautiful arena.

With a doubtful look, Alex turned towards Aiyana indicating his finger at a specific space.

Oh, that I tossed it. You didn't like it so what's the meaning of maintaining it? Aiyana comes closer to him showing her injured wrist. And someone said I'm lazy. She rolled her eyes and stepped to the other side of her garden.

The other side was more massive than before. It looked like a woodland from a fairytale. Alex followed her closely as his eyes daydreaming at the magnificence. He forgot the purpose of his visit.

The foyer to her real garden was a gate of bamboo bent from left to right making it a half circle as the blue morning glory's vines encircled it completely. He walked two to three stairs attached to the bamboo gate and finally there he was. A dreamland. The niche he was standing in wasn't merely a garden. It was heaven. The route was paved from bamboo highlighting the way.

Sideways were adorned with different species of roses, and the baby's breath was budding in the middle of those rose plants making them more attractive. As they walked forward they saw a miniature pond with lotus and water lilies. Trees such as Japanese Maple, Crape Myrtle, and Mimosa, were being placed on the sidelines as if they were receiving the visitors. After a little more walk they left behind those trees, and the visibility of the atmosphere was back. They came across a small wooden bridge. A clear rivulet of water was flowing underneath.

There was a bench where they sat for a rest and Alex closed his eyes, the floral scent filled his heart with an indescribable feeling as his ears were soothed by the lullaby of the small rivulet and rustling of leaves.

He didn't speak throughout the excursion as he was engaged in sightseeing. Aiyana splintered him out of his imagination and called him back to reality. So, what do you think about my...

She didn't even completely speak when Alex cut her off.


It's really beautiful, calm, and relieving. Why didn't you bring me before? I should've scheduled my time and come by myself. Knowing your tendency for blossom and your mastery in upholding them I should've dropped here sooner. He concluded his long sentence in one whiff.

Aiyana was pleased and satisfied with his joy. You know, she softly said," This is just a replica of a specific place." But I'm happy that even with such little assortments of plants I was able to make a replica."

Alex, she called him and stare straight into his eyes. She picked up a dandelion that was dancing near her feet and said," I wish to ascertain you not only the replica but the actual garden where the seasons don't matter, the flowers there just bloom and I wish to return you....you....she paused and said your lost happiness." Alex didn't seize the last line but didn't pester to raise a question. She closed her eyes and wished for more before she finally blew them off.

Alex cracked up like a child and he too decided to pick up a dandelion that was lying low under his bench. I wish to accomplish your every wish and defend you till last. Saying this he too blew off the white puff. They both dwelled there for a moment before they finally head back to the villa.

Once they reached the villa, Aiyana passed Alex a flower. Alex's eyes were overwhelmed as he grabbed those flowers. There was a slight glistening of tears in the corner of his eyes which he secretly wiped. You indeed have my favorites. First the dandelions and now these flax flowers. Why do you keep reminding me of her? He said as lowly as he possibly could.

Huh? Did you say something, reminding.... what? Aiyana locked her gaze on him.

Nothing it's getting dark. I should have my parting now. See you next time and thanks for these flowers and for offering me a sweet tour. Saying this Alex parted with her.

I didn't intend to remind you of her. It's just that you never forget her. I know she too would've given you this precise flower as you were destined by fate that was what she believed. NAIVE!!

She muttered hiding her pain behind those tiny curves.

She again went to the bamboo opening. She frame there as two maids waited behind her. The stunning garden slowly turned into a plain forest without breaking out a trace of a single blossom.

She headed around and noticed someone deferring in her living room. What are you doing here? I don't recall inviting you. Well, what can I even anticipate like a master-like servant? Both are sneaky barging into others' property without consent. Mannerless. She nearly choked on the phrase mannerless as she was reminded of Dylan calling her the same.

The person in front of her was a young girl playing with her hair. Hearing Aiyana's words she stood up and playfully spoke. You better not disrespect my master. And I'm not here for a mere conjurer like you. I was already here so I thought I might visit you as well.

White bat!!! Aiyana called in a provoking tone.

She paused as she heard the word from Aiyana's mouth.

What did you say?

Aren't you white bat flower, sweetie? Aiyana closed her distance. She slowly raised her hands, her fingers playing around her face. I guess you aren't the only one visiting me. Where's your twin brother?

How did you know that I'm ...? Who are you? The girl jumped back in shock.

Didn't your master tell you my identity? I must tell you then that I'm not just a mere conjurer. A poor little girl. She laughed as her feet left the ground. Your master sure is dumb to send you alone to fight me. Her voice echoed throughout the house. Thanks to her massive property and the forest behind her villa no one could hear them.

I'm not here to fight you missy? I came for that handsome guy you were talking with before. The girl smirked and vanished.

What? Wait what did you say? Aiyana immediately called Alex but he didn't pick up.

Alex was steering and as soon as he gave attention to his phone ringing someone abruptly stood in front of his car. Alex turned his steering and his car halts on sideways. He was mad as he step out of his car roaring. If you wanna die you better go somewhere else. His hand was bleeding.

Aiyana was still calling. But due to the accident, Alex's phone fell and turned off.

The person stood in front of him without withdrawing. Alex steered towards him just to see a familiar face. Black bat....he said with drastic disgust.

Instantly his eyes turned deep blue as he moved closer at full speed. The person barely avoided it.

As frantic as ever. You didn't change a bit even after so long. The person smiled. His smile was as evil as it conceivably could be. He saw the blood dripping from Alex's hand. His mouth starts watering.

Alex turned into an enormous beast as he howled and jumped toward him again. The person also turned into a black bat but there was a wrench. He was more of a plant than a mammal. Two petals were suspended behind him like wings with toxic vines creeping out from his body.