
When Vallemar learned to transmute Alghalys to human skin


Second, since that environmental disaster, there was the resurgence of a new city, called Nuevo Chimbote, projected beyond the swampy area, in itself one of the purposes of the ecological engineering approach was to conceal the area of ​​the parallel world, the Kingdom Ancashy, to which the humans of the Ancash Region can access every December 24 since 1970, to date, there have been 50 decades of joint work that has allowed the survival of both species and peaceful coexistence so as not to offend with blood sacrileges to the omnipotent. Well, with their factories, they had polluted the water of the swamps and thus made the wonderful creatures that lived in them sick. On the night of 1970, the molecular test to inject transgenics into the seabed, had produced the death of Vallemar's mother, she had taken various amounts, attracted by her striking phosphorescent colors. Hundreds of guests from the Alghalys world died, and caused a rejection of the domain of Vallemar's father, to the point of being overthrown. -Since then hope was in Vallemar, but he had to find his own destiny and while I could not decipher the enigma of life, he will not be able to exercise the gifts of a King of the Ancashy region.

When Vallemar was about to turn twelve years old, he fled his home to the White Island, which owes its name to the marine renovations and concentrations of manure or guano from seabirds, as well as sea lions, seals, penguins, among others. This stay was a prelude to fulfilling his great mission until he was 39 years old, a year that according to the prophecy he had to be sacrificed to save the parallel world, but not before preparing his offspring. –This includes transmitting, training the power of the Ancashy Kingdom; a gift to see the things we are thinking of doing that would end up distorting reality in outer space. Vallemar went to the desert to manufacture a chameleonic DNA at a physiological level that would allow him a suit of the 500 chromatic states, compatible with his human DNA, necessary to maintain emotional balance from that age to the subsequent ...

When Vallemar learned to transmute Alghalys to human skin, at the dawn of 21 years, he - he entered the city, to adapt as a human -, when walking the streets of Chimbote, he was attacked; and, he avoids being killed by mutating his human skin to Alghalys skin; which was impressive to the eye, brilliant scarlet green; the individual is amazed at the physical change and flees, desisting from committing his wrongdoing. However, the moon is in the nativity phase. Vallemar: he manages to perceive that someone at the top of a hill is observing him, that place was very distant, but the young Nalexa, —an adventurous girl, who had planned to spend the night at the Cerro de la Paz viewpoint. (If that Nalexa, who conquered Bierny and is about to meet Vallemar the improved version of Bierny), was observing him with powerful binoculars, -as a student of environmental engineering-, she was monitoring the impact of pollution in the sea of ​​the Chimbote Bay, by the marine tributaries, issued by the fish meal factories; She supervised, above all, that the rivers do not stop flowing water towards the swamps, especially towards the swamp where Vallemar lived. –Since her grandfather told her the story of the meeting of the two worlds: human and sidereal, she dreamed of meeting the heir to the throne of the Ancashy Kingdom. Since then, both experienced: sidereal and human attraction.

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