
Bite Me, Darling

Welcome to Metamorphosis, a city whose name is less charming than the bloodsucking residents. Here, the nightlife is as neon-drenched as your nightmares, and the only predictable thing is the rhythmic grumbling of undead stomachs. Enter Callista, a young woman with emotional baggage exceeding lost luggage allowances and a past as dark as her eyeliner (but hey, who doesn't?). Thrust into a world of the supernatural with a past as murky as swamp water, Callista must navigate the treacherous landscape of the undead like an emo Barbie with a grumpy side-kick —resembling Mr. Darcy with a perpetual migraine (and a healthy dose of exasperated sighs). Their quest, however, takes a sharp turn when Callista discovers the line between hunter and hunted blurs faster than you can say "vampire academy." Think Hogwarts meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but with better fashion sense and an R-rated twist (think fangs instead of first kisses). Except, are the vampires truly the villains in this twisted fairytale? Is the world as black and white as it seems? And what does the enigmatic Queen desire besides, say, an apocalypse… right now?

CosmicTapestry · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Pure Physical (3)

Crimson eyes fluttered open, greeted by a kaleidoscope of colours dancing across the ornately carved mahogany ceiling. Sunlight, filtered through a stained-glass masterpiece, cast jewel tones onto the opulent surroundings of Athena's chamber. The air itself hummed with a faint floral scent, a stark contrast to the musky musk that had lingered last night.

Callista stirred, a sliver of unease worming its way into her chest. The warmth of Athena's body beside her was a stark absence now. The memory of their shared intimacy sent a delicious shiver down her spine, but it was quickly overshadowed by a cold dread.

Surely, after declaring their encounter a mere… curiosity, she shouldn't feel this way. But the very thought of their encounter being just another adrenaline rush for Athena, a fleeting indulgence, was unbearable.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Callista pushed the unwelcome emotion down. It was illogical, this sudden attachment. They were on opposite sides, hunter and hunted. Yet, the memory of Athena's touch, the vulnerability hidden beneath the predator's mask, lingered, a potent cocktail that threatened to unravel her resolve.

Pushing up on her elbows, Callista winced at the delightful soreness that reminded her of just how vigorous a "fragile princess" Athena could be. A sigh escaped her lips, a blend of frustration and something akin to longing lacing her voice. "Damn it, Athena," she muttered, reaching for her phone on the floor. The screen's accusing late-afternoon glow was a stark contrast to the memory of tangled limbs and shared heat. Never had she slept this late. 

A blush crept up her face as a memory flickered to life – Athena's insatiable… well, ambitious appetite. Was that all it was then? A whirlwind of passion, a fleeting connection, and now… emptiness?

A rustle of fabric sent a jolt through Callista. There, framed by the doorway, stood Athena. Dressed in a flowing ivory gown that accentuated her otherworldly beauty, the princess radiated a captivating aura that both infuriated and enthralled Callista. Her golden hair, usually a cascade of unbound glory, was now intricately braided, highlighting the regal line of her jaw. 

Athena held a tray laden with a steaming lunch, the scent of spices and herbs instantly filling the air and coaxing a rumble from Callista's stomach.

"My, my," Athena purred, placing the tray down with a smug grin that sent a familiar jolt through Callista. "Sleeping Beauty awakens... eventually. Did you miss me?"

Callista's lips twitched. "Terribly," she deadpanned, the sarcasm laced with a tremor of something deeper. Waking up alone had fueled a disquiet that lingered despite the undeniable pull she felt towards the princess.

Athena's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something akin to surprise crossing her golden eyes. Then, her gaze drifted to Callista's exposed skin, a slow smile creeping across her lips. Heat flooded Callista's cheeks as she realised her state of undress. Self-consciousness battled with a strange reluctance to cover up. This foreign yearning for Athena's appreciation both terrified and excited her. 

Fumbling with the sheet, Callista felt a ridiculous urge to disappear beneath it, a flimsy barrier against the intensity of Athena's gaze. Golden eyes twinkled with amusement as the princess leaned closer, her voice a husky whisper brushing against Callista's ear.

"Don't be shy, Astra. I have a good memory. Especially when it comes to… masterpiece works of art."

Heat bloomed in Callista's chest. The compliment, a word that usually elicited a scoff, landed differently now. Shame battled with a strange sense of pride, a feeling so unfamiliar it left her speechless. "M-my shirt," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. The simple request felt like a desperate attempt to regain control, a physical barrier to mask the whirlwind of emotions churning within her.

Athena arched an eyebrow, her gaze lingering on the discarded garment lying close to the bed. A slow, infuriating smile spread across her face.

"Did someone perhaps, find it hard to leave the bed?" Athena murmured, her hand trailing suggestively down Callista's bare back, sending a shiver down Callista's spine.

The touch, both intimate and impersonal, was a confusing mix of pleasure and unease. "I just… ugh, nevermind," Callista mumbled, her frustration boiling over. 

But the world tilted beneath her, exhaustion finally catching up. A yelp escaped her lips as she stumbled forward, only to be caught by Athena's strong arms, the sheets tangling around her legs.

The princess steadied her. The scent of lavender, a faint echo of last night, mingled with Callista's own musky perfume, a heady combination that made Callista's breath hitch. Golden eyes, burning with an intensity that both frightened and excited her, drifted down from Callista's flustered face. Their bodies remained pressed together, a wave of goosebumps erupted across Callista's skin as Athena's hands trailing seductively below the small of her back.

Callista swallowed hard, hunger momentarily forgotten. Her throat tightened in a mixture of anticipation and a strange vulnerability. But to her disappointment, Athena abruptly stepped back.

Picking up Callista's discarded shirt, Athena draped it around her shoulders with a surprisingly gentle touch before guiding her back to the bed. Unease prickled Callista's skin at the princess's sudden change of heart. The playful banter, the suggestive touch, and now this unexpected tenderness – it was all so confusing. The thought of being just another fleeting encounter for Athena, a source of amusement rather than something more, was… unbearable.

Deciding food was a better distraction than her churning emotions, Callista focused on the meal. As she swirled the fork through the pasta, the unexpected dish – a seafood creation both delicate and flavorful – sparked a flicker of warmth towards Athena.

Athena's playful smile returned, but the golden glint in her eyes seemed dulled, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy that had radiated from her the night before. "Perhaps we need to hold a seminar on the concept of 'enough,'" she murmured, her voice a touch hoarse. "Seems there might have been a communication error."

A wry smile tugged at Callista's lips. The playful banter felt like a return to normalcy, a normalcy she both craved and feared. "Insatiable," Callista countered.

Silence descended, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery. The meal, a stark contrast to her usual fare, was surprisingly delightful. But her enjoyment was overshadowed by a growing concern for Athena. With each passing moment, the vibrancy seemed to drain from her, replaced by a concerning listlessness.

"Are you alright?" concern laced Callista's voice.

Athena forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. A bead of sweat trickled down her temple, marring the flawless porcelain of her skin. "I'm fine, just…" she trailed off, her breath hitching slightly.

Sustenance. The unspoken word hung heavy in the air. Come to think of it, the usual metallic tang of blood, a constant reminder of Athena's true nature, was strangely absent today.

Callista's grip on her fork tightened. "Why didn't you...?" she started, her voice trailing off as a strange possessiveness warred with concern within her. Their conversation last night had established clear boundaries – purely physical. Or so she thought.

A bitter taste settled on her tongue, the word "physical" suddenly feeling hollow and inadequate to describe the tangled web of emotions blooming within her.

Athena's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her face, a stark contrast to the usual mask of control. "You disliked the scent," she admitted softly.

The hunter's breath caught. Was that why Athena refused to touch her earlier? Ignoring the treacherous tug of desire that flared with the admission, Callista leaned forward, closing the distance between them. Their lips met in a soft, reassuring touch. Doubts and unspoken anxieties melted away in the warmth of that simple contact.

Pulling away, she grasped Athena's wrist, her touch surprisingly gentle. "Go," she murmured, her voice husky with unspoken emotions. "You look terrible."

A throaty chuckle escaped Athena's lips, the sound laced with a hint of relief. "As you wish, Astra." She leaned down, a feather-light kiss on the corner of Callista's mouth, before gliding out of the room with surprising swiftness.

Callista watched her go, a confusing mix of emotions swirling within her. Was this what "just physical" meant? A wry smile touched her lips. Perhaps it was time to redefine that term as well.


A strangled gasp escaped Athena, swallowed by the urgency of the moment. Her golden eyes, usually vibrant, smoldered with a dark hunger that mirrored Callista's own.

"You didn't have to…" Athena murmured, her voice laced with amusement and a tremor of something deeper.

Callista leaned in, her voice a husky rasp against Athena's ear. "Don't move," she commanded, her touch feather-light as it traced the elegant curve of Athena's jawline. The tang of blood, a metallic reminder of Athena's feeding frenzy, filled her nostrils. Yet, strangely, when it mingled with the scents of their perfume and arousal, it was almost… tolerable.

Intoxicating, even.

Her lips trailed a searing path of kisses down Athena's throat, each one a brand against the cool skin. A crimson bloom erupted on Athena's pale flesh with each touch. The room blurred at the edges, the only focus the press of Athena's body against hers.

Surprised by Callista's sudden boldness, Athena arched her back deliberately, pressing her body into Callista's in a silent power play. A playful smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. The hunter moaned at the tantalising brush of their bodies, she scowled at Athena's knowing smirk.

"So demanding, Astra," she purred, her voice laced with amusement and a tremor of breathlessness. "But very persuasive."

Cashmere ripped with a sharp shred as Callista, fueled by a sudden surge of possessiveness, pressed Athena against the bed, straddling her. Her weight, a delicious pressure, grounded Athena to the silk sheets.

Callista savoured the sight. Athena, usually the picture of regal composure, lay sprawled beneath her, crimson flushing her pale cheeks. Her meticulously braided hair was a mess of golden strands, clinging to her face like a lover's caress. The memory of those lips, now swollen and tinged a delicious pink from Callista's kisses, sent a tremor of heat through her.

Last night had been a blur of exploration, fueled by Athena's insatiable hunger and Callista's own awakening desire. But today, a new hunger gnawed at Callista. She wanted to reciprocate, to leave her mark on Athena in a way that mirrored the exquisite release she'd experienced.

Doubt, however, was a serpent coiling in her gut. What if her inexperience with women was a turn-off? Could she possibly match the skill and finesse Athena had displayed? The insecurity gnawed at her confidence, threatening to cripple her newfound boldness.

As she reached for the hem of Athena's lace bra, her fingers trembled with a mix of desire and insecurity. But before she could explore further, Athena shifted, her bare thigh nudging suggestively between Callista's legs. A gasp escaped them both as skin met skin, a sizzle of awareness crackling between them.

A slow, knowing smile crept across Athena's face as she noticed Callista's lack of… undergarments. A husky purr rumbled in her chest. "It was cashmere you just shredded, Astra." Her nimble fingers danced across Callista's shirt, unbuttoning it with practised ease. "Perhaps some punishment is in order."

Heat flooded Callista's cheeks, a delicious inferno stoked by Athena's touch. The princess, even pinned beneath Callista, held a power that both frustrated and excited her. A cool hand slipped inside her shirt, caressing her bare breast gently, ever so slowly. Her breath hitched as Athena's fingers grazed a sensitive spot, a soft moan escaping her lips before she could bite it back, heat pooled between her legs, a demanding ache that throbbed with every teasing stroke of Athena's fingers. 

Athena propped herself on her elbows, a predatory glint in her eyes as her tongue darted out to languidly moisten her lips. She leaned in, a knowing smirk played on her lips as she traced a languid circle around…

Just then, the air crackled with a different kind of tension. "Callista!" Indigo's voice boomed through the room, laced with exasperation that cut through the heated atmosphere like a glacial wind. Callista shot upright, the book clutched to her chest like a shield. Heat flooded her cheeks as she realised she'd been miles away, lost in a rather… vivid daydream.

Indigo cleared his throat. His gaze snagged on the book Callista now employed as a literary shield, obscuring the undoubtedly rosy battlefield of her complexion. Gone was the usual scowl, replaced by a serenity that whispered of… leisurely pursuits? Perhaps a touch too leisurely, considering the recent near-death experience with the Queen of the Damned. What exactly was she thinking behind that shield? Indigo had a feeling the battlefield of her mind was one he'd best leave unexplored for his own sanity.

Callista's voice, rougher than usual, scraped through the silence. "Where were we?" The question hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the vivid scene that had just played out in her mind. Any mention of Athena's name sent a jolt through her, a delicious mix of excitement and apprehension that left her breathless. "Right," she finally managed, forcing a semblance of normalcy. "You asked about Athena's power."

Callista reached for her apple, a subconscious attempt to ground herself, but her hand trembled slightly as she took a bite. The sharp tang of the fruit did little to dispel the phantom heat that prickled beneath her skin, a stark contrast to the cool air of the study.

"She's... more vigorous than expected," she admitted, unconsciously pulling the book a touch higher to shield herself – not from Indigo's gaze, but from a memory that sent a jolt of heat through her. "But her attacks seem undisciplined. Capturing her seems…" The word caught in her throat, a tangle of frustration and a strange protectiveness that coiled in her gut, a possessiveness she couldn't explain away.

Why did the thought of Athena in Council custody spark a flicker of panic within her?

"Why the Council's sudden obsession is beyond me," Callista finished, her voice clipped.

Indigo watched her closely, years of shared history making him acutely aware of the subtle shifts in her tone. Whenever Athena's name arose, a flicker of something akin to… possessiveness? Or perhaps it was more? A sliver of… something he couldn't quite define flickered in Callista's eyes, a vulnerability he hadn't seen before.

He frowned, the weight of his own decision pressing down on him. Should he reveal his suspicions about the whispers surrounding Athena and the enigmatic vampire queen, Eydis? How would Callista react? A pang of unease prickled his skin, a protectiveness towards this girl whom he had watched over for years, a protectiveness that felt… inadequate

"It's an order from the Council," Indigo said.

Callista's posture shifted, the flustered facade replaced by a steely glint in her crimson eyes. A predatory air crackled around her, a stark contrast to the woman who'd been lost in a daydream moments ago. "And you didn't question them?" she demanded, her voice laced with defiance.

Surprise flickered across Indigo's face. It seemed Callista could not only fight like a demon but also see straight through him. It was… terrifying, yet a sliver of… pride flickered within him. She had certainly grown. "The Council never elaborates. But…" he hesitated.

Should he tell her?

Callista locked her gaze on his, the flustered woman gone. Her demeanour held a gleam of predatory authority. "You know something. And you aren't telling me, Watcher."

The sharp accusation stung. He flinched, his hand trembling slightly as he brought the teacup to his lips. The exquisite longjing did little to calm the turmoil within him.

"They believe Athena might share an… intimate connection with Eydis," he finally whispered, choosing his words with agonising care.

Fury flared in Callista's eyes, a silent growl escaping her clenched jaw. A sharp crunch broke the tense silence as she squeezed the half-eaten apple to mush. Denial flickered momentarily, but a sliver of doubt wormed its way in. The memory of Amelia's genuine concern for Athena at the cafeteria resurfaced.

Could it be true? Her throat constricted. Damn Athena and her… revolving lovers. But a more unsettling thought flickered at the edge of her mind. Could she even allow herself to see Athena in that light? The past two days had been a whirlwind of…

"Grant, the Vice President, was nothing but cryptic," Indigo continued, hoping to distract her from her spiralling thoughts. "I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. Perhaps you could…" he hesitated, his voice dropping to a murmur, "tail Athena if she ventures out? Keep an eye on her… companions."

The carefully chosen word hung in the air. Despite his attempt to downplay it, Callista's facade flickered for a moment. The image of Athena entangled with another, a psychopathic vampire queen no less, sent a fresh wave of jealousy crashing over her. The emotion surprised her, a foreign invader in the logical landscape of her mind.

"I'll see what I can do," she gritted out, her voice tight with barely concealed emotion, before storming out of the study, leaving Indigo alone with his thoughts and a growing sense of dread.