
Birth of the Mind Wraith: Danmachi

Birth of the Mind Wraith. Leo was a normal collage drop-out working at a local mechanic shop to get by, a slight otaku in his personal life Leo was confused when one day on his way home from an exhausting day at work he found himself elsewhere, and in a younger body no less soon he discovered his location when his saw the dungeon tower looming in the distance. In that moment Leo decided then and there that he would live this new life of his to the fullest and enjoy all the heroines of this world. Cover image not mine, if you are the owner and would like it removed simply tell me. Recent chapters have better spacing than the first 3 Bad grammar is expected. Danmachi is not owned by me this is simply a fan piece written for pleasure.

Distant_Tree · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Getting my Falna

Looking at Hestia while she did her best impression of a chipmunk, I couldn't help but smile and pat her head, an action she apparently greatly enjoyed as she leaned heavily into the head pats. Still smiling I asked Hestia an opening question "Hestia, I was hoping that I could get everything sorted today so I could start exploring the Dungeon by tomorrow would you mind giving me Falna now?" direct? yes, but me beating around the bush would do neither of us any good so I just decided to ask.


Hestia paused for a moment in her eating before face palming and scarfing down the rest of her fruit before she turned and motioned for me to remove my shirt. Compiling with her unspoken request I removed my shirt showing off my apparently really fit body, before turning and giving her my back, it was a couple seconds later when I felt the cool, smooth sensation of her ungloved finger sliding across my back. A heat began to build where her finger passed and I started to feel the sensation of her divinity interlacing with my soul, marking it as her own. I felt a piece of paper being pressed onto my back before I heard a sharp intake of breath and then a happy giggle come from behind me. Turning I was handed the piece of paper by a wildly grinning Hestia as she bounced up in down in excitement, looking down I read the paper.


Leo Greyrock

Level: 1

Strength: 0 I

Endurance: 0 I

Dexterity: 0 I

Agility: 0 I

Magic: 0 I


Skills: Mens custodis - Mind Keeper - Can absorb the mind(Mana) of defeated opponents providing a temporary boost mainly to magic, strength, dexterity, and agility. Absorbing more mind increases the boost while also extending the duration of the boost and changes physical appearance, when boost ends a small portion of the boosted stats will become permanent. Gain control over ambient mind when boost is active, spells gain extra power when boost is active.


Magic: none


Looking at my skill I couldn't help but be as excited as Hestia was with such a skill gaining strength will become much more efficient and the Hestia Familia will quickly rise with my strength. I stood grabbing Hestia off the couch and twirling her around in my arms as we both giggled, giddy at our good fortune. After a while, I sat Hestia down, but she seemed reluctant to part from me and in all honesty, I was too, holding her in my arms just felt so right that it was hard to let her go but eventually I managed and stepped back separating myself from Hestia too both our disappointment.


Sighing lightly, I spoke "I should go to the guild hall and register myself as an adventurer, and maybe check out the dungeons first floor possibly gain some funds for dinner along the way" at my words Hestia nodded sadly but brightened after a second, running off again before returning a few seconds later clutching a sheathed strait bladed dagger in both hands. She proudly presented it to me, chest shoved out and chin raised saying "Hephestus gave me this to me for my first Familia member, soo her you go!!" and with that she shoved the dagger into my hands. Not a second later she began pushing me out the door, up the stairs, and eventually outside the church, when she stopped, I turned finding her hanging out behind the church's door. Smiling at me, seeing me turn she spoke, "Go get em Leo, good luck!!!" before she slammed the churches door shut leaving me outside to bask in the morning sun.


Taking a deep breath, I breathed out heavily a wry grin on my lips, then I turned and began making my way towards the Orario guild hall exited and ready for the days adventure's.


I made my way through Orario's busy morning streets threading myself through the morning crowds, my new dagger at my hip. I wondered slightly in my search for the guild hall looking through a few shops' windows as I went, which ended in me scoffing at the prices more often than not. Seriously half a million vails for a fancy dagger, really? Moving on from the frankly ridiculous prices I, after asking a few passersby, found the Orario guild hall. It was a grand piece of architecture large marble pillars and high sealings, every inch covered in an elaborate tapestry of engravings.


I appreciated the buildings fine design for a moment before heading inside of the slightly busy guild hall, a few people heading in and out through the main doors in front of me. When I entered, I was greeted by a familiar looking room, looking near exactly like the one shown in the anime, looking around for a moment I headed towards one of the open desks and greeted the pretty wolf girl sitting behind it. "Morning, I'm Leo part of the Hestia Familia, and I would like to officially register as an adventurer" the only reaction my words got was a slight raise of an eyebrow from the stoic redhead when I stated my Familia. She sighed lightly grabbing a book from below her desk before setting it down, and beginning to flip through it, her finger moving across the page in a systematic manor as she did clearly looking for something specific.


Her finger finally stopped as she was reaching the end of the book a small, satisfied expression crossing her face in the same moment. She looked up at me then, saying, "The Hestia Familia, a new one with no members, am I to assume you are the first?" in response I gave her a small nod and a kind smile that seemed to erode some of her cold demeanor if only for a moment. She turned her head down towards the book picking up a quill from the side as she did, "Full name?" she asked, "Leo Greyrock" was my quick response. She asked a few other questions regarding my current level and a few things about the Familia before she put aside the quill and moved the book to the side giving the ink time to dry as she looked into my eyes saying "Good luck adventurer Leo" before she turned and began attended to other business.


Shrugging my shoulders, I made my way out of the guild and back onto the street outside and began considering my next cource of action, I could go back to the church and spend more time with Hestia which sounded nice, or I could go to the dungeon, kill some beasts, have some fun and most importantly test out my skill. My decision was quickly made when I brought up my last mental point, and I began making my way towards the dungeon entrance. I passed many other adventurers along my way all clad in different armors and carrying different weapons, shortly after setting off I arrived at the towers base and looked at the painted sealing in amazement, it truly was difficult to tell the difference between it and the outside sky so real was the depiction.


I admired the ceiling for a bit longer before moving, setting myself in the small line of adventurers waiting to enter the dungeon. It wasn't much longer before I was allowed in, and I began making my way down the stairway into the dungeon's depths a grin beginning to creep its way onto my face. I made it to the first floor not long latter and drew my dagger holding it in my right hand as I began to stalk forward cautious of any goblin or cobalt that might appear. It wasn't longer later that I came across my first monster, it was a lone goblin swaying back and forth on its feet while facing the dungeon wall, a blank look on its fugly mug. It carried a rusted and chipped short sword and nothing else, slowly I made my way towards the seemingly unaware goblin, reversing my grip on my dagger I brought it down in a savage, but quick arc aimed for the goblins neck. Surprisingly though the goblin noticed the strike and tried to move, thankfully thought I saw and grabbed the goblins left arm with my own and tugged him back into the strike, my blade sinking deeply into the flesh at the base of its neck.


I felt the goblin go limp within my grasp as a small chuckle of relief escaped my lips, I was about to pull my dagger out when I remembered my skill, thinking for a moment I tried to feel the mind (Now mana) of the dead goblin and after only a second, I felt it, it was a sort of misty energy that filled the goblins body silver-blue in color. It floated around swirling inside its body and slowly leaking from its skin. Smiling at my success I tried to absorb the Goblins mana, a whirlpool appeared in the goblins smoky mana spinning and funneling it through my now glowing dagger and into myself. I felt an almost instant increases in my power not a lot, but it was a tangible increase, my perception increased, my body grew stronger and lighter, and I could feel the ambient mana in the dungeons air, without my notice my golden eyes gained a very slight silvery glow to them. I felt great, even if only slightly stronger I still felt great, grinning I took my dagger from its fleshy sheath and began to butcher the goblins, retrieving its mana stone and fang before moving on heading down the tunnel in search of more prey.