
Birth of the Mind Wraith: Danmachi

Birth of the Mind Wraith. Leo was a normal collage drop-out working at a local mechanic shop to get by, a slight otaku in his personal life Leo was confused when one day on his way home from an exhausting day at work he found himself elsewhere, and in a younger body no less soon he discovered his location when his saw the dungeon tower looming in the distance. In that moment Leo decided then and there that he would live this new life of his to the fullest and enjoy all the heroines of this world. Cover image not mine, if you are the owner and would like it removed simply tell me. Recent chapters have better spacing than the first 3 Bad grammar is expected. Danmachi is not owned by me this is simply a fan piece written for pleasure.

Distant_Tree · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Gaining strength & slight wealth

I made my way through the first floor coming across a few more individual goblins as I did, each time I killed them with ever increasing ease as my boosted power only grew with each kill, I made, sucking the mana out of there dead bodies.


Along the way I figured out a few tricks that I could pull off with my control over the ambient mana, the control I had was weak but I could feel it growing the more mana I absorbed. I found out through slight trial and error that I could condense the mana in the air to act as a sort of pseudo telekinesis, tripping up the goblins when they moved or even flat out restraining them with it, preventing them from moving or attacking me.


I knew though that this was just the surface of my ability and with more power and practice I could accomplish so much more.


I walked the dim corridors my visage turning ever more ethereal the more mind I absorbed, my eyes were plainly glowing at this point, and my hair was floating around me as if on an intangible breeze. I moved through the dungeon like a wraith my quick but silent steps carrying me down the corridors with ease.


I turned into a new section of the 1st floor and saw a group of three cobalt's sitting together "bantering" with each other, I approached silently but was still noticed. The 3 monsters jumped to their feet wielding no weapon beyond their natural claws as the growled at me menacingly.


I ignored their attempts at intimidation and in one smooth motion drew my dagger and sank it into the neck of the nearest cobalt absorbing its mana before ripping my dagger out and spinning on my heels, dogging the incoming swipe from another before using the ambient mana to bind my attackers movements leaving the cobalt open and unable to block my fallow up stab that took it in the chest, killing it, and causing it to explode into ash by scraping its mana stone.


With only one opponent left I turned, side stepping a pair of slashing claws before I grabbed the back of its head with my free hand and shoved it downwards right into my rising dagger blade impaling the cobalt's head.


Deciding not to absorb the mind in the body I pulled out my dagger and began butchering the remaining two cobalt's bodies before picking up the fallen magic stone and claw of the exploded cobalt.


Shoving my most recently obtained loot into the bulging pouch at my side I decided to wait where I was and let my skill end before I made my way to the surface, no need for unnecessary questions about my glowing eyes or floating hair.


While waiting I practiced my ambient mana control, improving the strength and speed of my "casting", after about five minutes of practice the wall opposite of me spit out two goblins which near instantly locked on to me, soon after they began rushing towards me there chipped and rusted swords seeming to thirst for my blood.


Stepping forward from my leaning position on the wall, I intercepted the first sword strike with my dagger deflecting the blow off to my right as I created a small barrier out of the ambient mana (AM) that blocked and rebounded the other goblins attack.


My hand shot forward and I pierced the blocked goblins exposed neck with my dagger, before I raised my foot and kicked its body away, sending its limp form tumbling. I turned seeing the other goblin recover from its failed attack before it stabbed forward strait towards my belly, I brought my dagger up feeling it scrape agents the side of the sword for a moment before I flicked my wrist and sent the stab wide leaving the goblin of balance and defenseless.


My dagger took the poor creature in the throat and ended its miserable, short life. I began to collect the mana stones and fangs but during the prosses I felt myself weaken and, realizing the boost had finally faded off, I checked my appearance in the reflection of my dagger.


My eyes which had previously been glowing had returned to normal and my once floating hair was now resting in its usual place atop my head, smiling I made my may back through the maze-like corridor of the first floor killing a few more monsters along the way and finding the fights a fair bit more difficult than before, each encounter leaving me slightly winded.


I eventually found the stairs leading upwards and exited the dungeon breathing in the fresh air that hadn't even known I was missing. I wondered around the lobby for a minute enjoying the still new sights before beelining my way to the guild.


Entering the guild, I went towards the nearest available counter and handed over the gathered stones receiving a cool 600 vails for the day's effort, the high amount due to the sheer amount that I had hunted.


Leaving the guild money in hand I began to make my way back towards the abandoned church and my new home, on the way back I remembered that our food situation was rather subpar and went to a local supplier buying a nice haunch of smoked ham and some cheese that set me back near 200 vails.


Happy with my purchase I continued my way back home food in hand, I arrived outside the church doors not long later and entered closing them behind me as I did. Right as I turned back around, I heard a loud yell and was hit in the stomach, hard.


"Leeeoooo your baack!!!"


Yelled Hestia as I fell back agents the door, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around me as she rubbed her face into my chest, a giddy smile stretching her lips. I to smiled as I felt her rub herself agents me and enveloped her in a tight hug lifting her up my body till we were face to face her arms around my neck, mine around her waist.


We stared into reach other eyes Hestia's cheeks gaining a dark blush as we did, I leaned in placing my forehead agents hers as our lips crept closer. The moment was interrupted however when a bashful cough came from behind Hestia, we pulled back from one another as I looked around the goddess in my arms and saw another familiar character standing there, it was Bell Cranel the main character of Danmachi.


I paused for a moment surprised by his appearance and unsure of what to do, I turned to the blushing goddess a questioning look on my face. She looked back seemingly just as confused as I, before her gaze traveled back and forth between me and bell a few times.


Jumping from my arms she landed on the floor her chest puffed out and a smug look on her face as she raised an arm pointing towards Bell.


"This Leo, this is the newest member of our Familia, Bell, and Bell this is Leo" said Hestia motioning between the two of us with her hands.


Shaking my heads slightly I walked forward my hand held out in offer, seeing my hand Bell hurriedly took it and began shaking it vigorously an excited and nervous expression on his face.


Smirking at his reaction I spoke "So, Bell huh? nice to meet you kid, have you gotten your Falna yet?"


Bell simply shook his head to the negative and I responded


"Great, then we can get you yours and update mine at the same time"


letting go of his hand I turned to Hestia who was standing beside me holding the sack of food I had bought.


Smiling at her I grabbed the food and headed downstairs Bell, and Hestia fallowing behind me. I set the food down on a small section of countertop before I unpacked it and began making three servings of meat and cheese before I handed them out, we began eating in silence, me and Hestia sitting on the bed, Bell on the couch.


Finishing my food, I turned to Hestia with an ingratiating smile on my lips and asked.


"Hestia would you mind updating my Falna, I think I made some good progress today"


The goddess nodded smiling as she sat behind me and lifted up my shirt. It only took a moment before I heard an exited giggle, and a new piece of paper was handed to me.


Leo Greyrock

Level: 1

Strength: 53 I

Endurance: 32 I

Dexterity: 46 I

Agility: 48 I

Magic: 54 I


Skills: Mens custodis - Mind Keeper - Can absorb the mind of defeated opponents providing a temporary boost mainly to mind, strength, dexterity, and agility. Absorbing more mind increases the boost while also extending the duration of the boost and changes physical appearance, when boost ends a small portion of the boosted stats will become permanent. Gain control over ambient mind when boost is active, spells gain extra power when boost is active.


Magic: none


Looking over my stat gains I couldn't help but be exited such a meteoric gain was very impressive especially if it held true thorough future levels, and in higher stat tiers.