
Birth of the Mind Wraith: Danmachi

Birth of the Mind Wraith. Leo was a normal collage drop-out working at a local mechanic shop to get by, a slight otaku in his personal life Leo was confused when one day on his way home from an exhausting day at work he found himself elsewhere, and in a younger body no less soon he discovered his location when his saw the dungeon tower looming in the distance. In that moment Leo decided then and there that he would live this new life of his to the fullest and enjoy all the heroines of this world. Cover image not mine, if you are the owner and would like it removed simply tell me. Recent chapters have better spacing than the first 3 Bad grammar is expected. Danmachi is not owned by me this is simply a fan piece written for pleasure.

Distant_Tree · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Bell's first time~...Lol

I awoke the next morning like the last, groggy and disorientated flailing around slightly as I tried to sit up the motion being blocked by the sleeping goddess on my chest. She clung to my side arms and legs wrapped tightly around me as her chin dug uncomfortably into my arm.


Gronning, I began to pry the small goddess of which proved to be a rather arduous task and took a fair few minutes of me wiggling and pulling to free myself from Hestia's ever tightening grip. Once free I took a deep breath feeling as though I had just escaped a weird form of slavery and was now enjoying my newly ganned freedom.


I got out of bed the drab covers shifting off of my half naked body as I did, standing up I stretched feeling my back pop and spin shift as I did. I breathed out a happy breath as a soothing release flowed through my cold body loosening my stiff muscles and bringing back life too my frozen limbs.


I stretched for a few minutes longer throwing in a few little aerobic motions to kick start my blood flow. Finishing my little morning warm up I looked to my side and noticed bell standing by the couch awkwardly leaning against it, seeming to be waiting for me to finish up as he was already dressed and ready for the dungeon.


"H-hey Leo, morning, I-umm when are we heading to the dungeon?" asked bell, the shining light of excitement clear in his eyes.


Chuckling at his very apparent eagerness I responded easily.


"We'll get going as soon as I'm dressed, just give me a minute"


And thus began the search for my shirt, which took a decidedly longer time than either of us liked. For near 10 minutes the two of us scoured the dingy little basement we called home but found neither hide nor hair of my shirt.


Just as I was about to give up and go dungeon crawling with shirtless, I spotted the edge of a familiar piece of cloth peek out from under the bed covers. Frowning I walked over and picked up the covers, a light sigh escaped me, and a humored grin appeared on my lips at what I saw.


Hestia was curled up on the bed her sweet face calm and relaxed in sleep, clutched between her two hands, and held tightly against her soft chest was my shirt, its good condition making it stand out against the rather messy back drop of the ripped bed sheets.


Shaking my head, I grabbed my shirt and began to pull it away from Hestia but, even in her sleep she was surprisingly strong especially for her size, but I guess that's a side effect of being a goddess.


The tug of war between me and Hestia was at a stalemate, unable to win on my own I looked towards Bell, who without a word joined me in tugging my shirt away from Hestia. Even for the two of us It proved a hard-fought battle and frankly I was shocked that my shirt was still intact, well-made apparently.


Finally, after our morning tribulations we left the church, Bell taking the lead as I slid into my shirt. We made our way towards the dungeon quickly, slipping through the morning crowds that clogged the roads.


Eventually we made our way over and into the dungeon entrance line which was short so early in the morning. After passing the entrance, just before the start of the stairs bell stopped, his feet turned inwards and his shoulders slumped, as he brought his hands together and began fiddling with his thumbs.


Confused by his actions I said.


"Bell...what the hell are you doing?" at my words he looked up a bashful smile on his lips as he spoke.


"W-well Leo, It's just that w-well It's my first time and I-i'm nervous"


I looked at him for a moment a blank expression on my face as I watched him squirm and twist his body in... disturbing ways all while playing with his hands and ohh God his feet too.


Fedd up and disgusted by his action I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder which thankfully stopped his movement and made him look at me, upon his eyes meeting mine I said one word.




Before my grip tightened and I spun, picking him up and tossing him down the stairs, I dusted my hands off as I watched him roll down the stairs.


Nodding to myself for a job well done I began making my way down, listening to Bell's continued screams as he tumbled his way to the first floor.


I arrived at the bottom of the stairs and at the entrance of the first floor, looking at the bottom of the stairs I saw the huddled form of Bell. He was curled into the fetal position arms wrapped tightly around his head as he screamed at the top of his lungs.


Irritated by his continuous screaming I walked over and was about to shut him up when he stopped on his own and raised his head looking around dazedly for a moment before he shot to his feet in a panic spinning around and seeing me standing beside him. He jumped back when he saw me a wild look entering his eyes.


"Aww, I scared the bunny" I thought as I raised my hands in surrender.


"Let's get going bell your just burning daylight" I said unable and unwilling to hide the smirk that appeared on my face at my previous thought.


Seeing that Bell was still acting skittish I turned, drawing my knife from its sheath on my right thigh and began making my way down the corridors of the dungeons first level. It wasn't more than 10 seconds later when I heard the pitter patter of Bells feet rush after and began fallowing me.


We were only walking for a minute or two before a group of 3 cobalt's came into view their ears twitching as their snouts pulled back in vicious snarls.


"Must have heard Bell's screaming" I thought readying myself.


Then I heard a small.


squeak* Come from behind me.


Werling, I looked over my shoulder ready for an attack but instead I saw Bell frozen stiff. Seeing this I sighed and turned back to the three cobalt's who were now closing in on my and Bells position.


"Stay back for this one Bell, just watch and learn" I said as I ran to meet the incoming cobalt's.


"Y-yes Le-" responded bell but I didint pay enough attention to hear the rest of his words as the front most cobalt swung its clawed paw at me.


Dodging to my left I ducked down low and slashed my dagger at the back of the cobalt's right knee. I saw and felt my blade penetrate the monster's flesh, as fresh blood began to run from the wound.


The cobalt, unprepared for the sudden pain and weakness that assailed his right leg fell to a knee, catching himself with an outstretched hand. The move left the monsters neck exposed and I wasted no time reversing my grip on the dagger and shoving its blade into the soft flesh.


The creature let out a strangled cry as it fell to the ground, dead, my blade slipping from its neck with a wet.




As a large amount of blood began to overflow from the wound, taking the moment before the other two cobalt got within range, I placed my empty left hand on the dead goblins back and absorbed its mana. I felt the heat of it enter my palm and travel up my arm as I stood, now boosted by my skill.


I saw the two incoming attacks their speed now seeming sluggish to my eyes, certainly a decent bit slower than the first cobalt's attack. I spun between the two incoming attacks keeping my dagger in a reversed grip as I plunged it into the forehead of the cobalt on my right, absorbing its mana before ripping it out in a spray of blood and brain matter.


Turning I brought my dagger up and parried the incoming claws of the last cobalt away before jabbing it in the throat causing it to choke and claw at its own neck, before I forwarded the blade of my dagger and gave it a strait stab into its heart, killing it, and absorbing Its mana.


I drug my blade from the cobalt's sucking chest wound and watched as it fell to its back blood pouring from its mouth and chest.


I heard the sounds of retching from behind me and turned seeing Bell hunched over and bracing himself against the wall, hurling his guts out.


"You know you're wasting food, right?" I joked as I walked over and began patting his back.


"T-that w-was..." Bell tried to say but couldn't finish before he puked again looking towards the dead goblins.


T-that was, (deep breath*), That was horrible!"


Chuckling at Bell's theatrics I continued patting his back ignoring the horrible smell of cobalt blood mixed with vomit.

Posted this chapter early today as I'm busy around when I would normally do so.

Distant_Treecreators' thoughts