
Birth of the Mind Wraith: Danmachi

Birth of the Mind Wraith. Leo was a normal collage drop-out working at a local mechanic shop to get by, a slight otaku in his personal life Leo was confused when one day on his way home from an exhausting day at work he found himself elsewhere, and in a younger body no less soon he discovered his location when his saw the dungeon tower looming in the distance. In that moment Leo decided then and there that he would live this new life of his to the fullest and enjoy all the heroines of this world. Cover image not mine, if you are the owner and would like it removed simply tell me. Recent chapters have better spacing than the first 3 Bad grammar is expected. Danmachi is not owned by me this is simply a fan piece written for pleasure.

Distant_Tree · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

An awkward start!!!

I looked around at the busy market district I was walking through scratching the side of my head while I admired the paved street, and the colorful booths, anything to distract me from the blooming beauty hanging on my arm.


At the thought I unwittingly looked at her and for the umpteenth time this day I was near slack jawed. Hestia walked beside me as we weaved our way through the boisterous market crowds, her arm wrapped around mine, a bright, joyous smile stretching her lips.


She bounced alongside me her strides seemingly filled with air as she near floated with every step, her dark hair flowing along with her movements.


Hestia was dressed in her normal attire but for some reason it, right now, looked like the finest dress the gods had ever crafted, it's silken shine reflecting the sunlight ever-so-slightly as it's form fitting fabric hugged the goddesses every curve and accentuated them.


This had the side effect of making the already very voluptuous Hestia appear even more so, drawing the eyes of countless men everywhere we walked, her puffed out chest and arched back doing nothing to hide her appeals and serving to only further show them off.


My gaze was locked on her for the longest time, simply observing her, her actions and habits, everything I could get a hold of, I only noticed we were stopped when Hestia began tugging on my arm trying to get my attention.


I broke from my trance a deep blush attempting to warm my face but with an effort of extreme will I tempered it down to only a feint, ruddy red that left me looking only slightly flushed.


My eyes met with the insistent goddesses, her shinning depths drowning me within them, I only managed to surface when her smile distracted me, leaving me at the edge of reality. Half drowned and blinded I only barley managed to catch her words which finally fully released me from her immortal spell.


"Leo! Leo! look!"


Said Hestia, as she pointed with her finger towards a nearby stall selling a large assortment of sweets.


Looking back to Hestia I saw traces of drool start to form near the edges of her small mouth and smiled.


Nodding I guided the stary eyed Hestia towards the stall using the grip she had on my arm to steer us around any intervening obstacles, not long latter we arrived in front of the sweet stand, it's colorful arrangements and tantalizing smells drawing the two of us closer.


Catching myself and Hestia before we got too close to the sweets, I straitened a flash of pain lighting up my nerves like lightning for a brief moment, but I ignored it.


Looking towards the grinning saleswoman I saw the sparkle of humor in her eyes, as she watched our action, and sighed slightly, looking back towards Hestia I saw her in a losing battle of wills, her trying to keep herself from grabbing a sweet while her body crept ever closer to it.


I shook my head, a bemused smile on my lips as I asked for the desired sweets price.


Soon after I found both myself and Hestia walking away from the stall. sweets in hand and my pocket 15 vails lighter.


Hestia happily licked her hard candy, a swirling pole of colorful, hardened sugar while I munched into mine, the closest thing to a chocolate crusted-caramel apple I had seen since arriving, and boy was it nice knowing that they existed here too.


Like this we continued our way through the market streets, each of us enjoying our sweets while they lasted, talking about random nothings and simply enjoying our time together.


When our sweets were finished, and the idle chatter had died down we found a quiet, secluded place to sit and enjoy the cool evening air. I felt the soft breeze rustle my hair and chill my exposed skin and smiled, I had enjoyed the day.


Hestia was curled up against me her arms around my mid-section as we sat there, taking in our surroundings.


My eyes roved over the greenery consumed ruins that surrounded us, I found it a rather nice and relaxing place, part of the reason I liked the old church so much, it's peacefully, quiet, and the air almost seems fresher than in the city crowds.


Hestia looked up at me then, her sapphire orbs catching my attention quicker than any words ever could.


"L-Leo" she muttered, her eyes growing misty before she continued.


"T-thank you!"


"Thank you... for saving me, for giving me a family, for showing me what "this" is like" she spoke her grip on me tightening.


"I-I just... I was so lost, after descending I felt I had no place, no home and, that scared me so much, I spent a few months with Hephestus trying to... tying to feel safe I guess, but you, in one night made me feel so safe and warm and... Thank you, Leo you've done so much for me, I just wish I could do the same..." she finished, pulling back and searching my face.


I was stunned by Hestia's words, so much so that I didint react right away, Hestia seeing this seemed to take this as an act of rejection or something as she turned away her gaze falling as she tried to stand.


Not wanting her to go I forcibly stood and nearly fell, as my back once again flared in pain, I let out a slightly muffled groan and stumbled forward unprepared for the pain.


Hestia, hearing my agonized groan whirled the tears which had been forming in her eyes disappearing as she rushed to my stumbling form.


She grasped me tightly, preventing any possibility of me falling, as she used herself as a brace to help me stand. Hestia was about to let go and step back when I gripped her hand with a firm resolve and pulled her to me, beginning to speak.


"Goddess, no, Hestia ever since I arrived in Orario, just a few short days ago, you have helped me in so many ways, that I have amassed a debt that I cannot hope to repay. You, since our first meeting in that moonlit square, have been a motivation, a reason to push forward, yes, I have my own ambitions and goals, but one of those ambitions is... you"


I barely managed to finish my words, so deep was my embarrassment, I knew without any doubt that my face, even in the darkening light, was a visible, shinning red that did more than enough to convey my feelings to any who might see.


Looking down, my cheeks still flaming, I saw a frozen Hestia, her eyes were spinning, and she looked almost dizzy as she tried to process my words.


Suddenly a bright red flush covered her cheeks and smoke began to waft off the top of her head, she then buried her face into my chest and began hitting me over and over again with her closed fists.


Though, funnily enough, they carried no real power behind them, the torrent of fists came to an end only a minute later, after which they ended up tightly wrapped in my shirt. Hestia then raised her face, slowly, to look at me.


Her cheeks were still a bright, cherry apple red, and her eyes seemed to have gained a new gleam as she whispered to me softly.




Her words faded off into the distance as we stood there holding each other and watching as the sun set behind the distant city walls, we sat down as the sky turned dark still hanging on to one another and began to talk about ourselves, our passions, our dreams, our pasts.


Talking about the past proved rather difficult as even with my memories of my other life, trying to fit things into a medieval framework didint work to well leaving me to not talk too much, instead I listened to Hestia.


She spoke of her past as an ascended god and of the divine relm both the good, and the bad.


We sat together long past sun set, kept warm by one another as we talked, eventually though, we stood and made our way back to the church, smiles on both our faces as we walked through the moonlit ruins, hand in hand.


Hestia and I arrived at the church, and like bashful children afraid to be caught, we let go of each other's hand and turned away from one other slightly as the main door opened and Bell popped his head out, his worried expression instantly shifting to one of relief as he saw us.


"Guys, you're back!!!" he exclaimed, clearly overjoyed.


"Yea... uh. Yea! we are" I responded lamely, my attempt at enthusiasm failing miserably.


Bell though seemed oblivious to my words though and opened the door wider, letting the warm light of the lit candles spill out and onto the overgrown cobble street.


Nodding my head, I first allowed Hestia to enter before doing so myself, closing the large front door behind me.

Hand holding, so lewd~

Distant_Treecreators' thoughts