
462. Behaviour

Screams resounded non-stop in the underground structure.

Noah experimented almost without break, that was the first time that he was actually testing the limits of his new mental sphere and the results made him incredibly satisfied.

The sea inside his mind seemed endless, he felt as if the only thing that could lower its quantity was the Divine deduction technique.

Yet, even in that case, the mental energy depleted was quickly refilled, his mind simply produced it at an incredible speed.

'This is really on another level, no wonder there is such a difference between the heroic and the human ranks.'

Noah vaguely thought as he used the smoke of his Demonic form spell to clean the experimentation area.

By then, he had attempted to fuse the body of a magical beast with that of a human sixty-four times and he had always failed.

During that period, Noah had rested only once, even the continuous usage of the Elemental forging method couldn't tire that powerful mind too soon.