
1762. Theft

'They always get distracted when they counter the Shadow Domain,' Noah snorted in his mind while descending through the battlefield.

Noah had attacked as soon as the blue fire swept Isaac's insides. He had expected the expert to have a counter ready for his Shadow Domain, so he had charged ahead to finish him in a single attack.

However, Isaac's life-saving spell had activated as soon as the Demonic Sword hit his head. Noah's sharpness didn't manage to pierce the explosion of blue flames, especially since it propelled his opponent toward the ground.

Noah descended through the weaker troops, who stopped fighting and let him pass when they noticed his arrival. It didn't matter if they were allies or enemies. They halted their abilities and performed respectful bows until he was outside their range.

A blue dome surrounded Isaac. Raging flames that featured human faces covered a large area on the surface and created a defensive shield that even Noah's instincts feared.