

Cenisa is a black woman from Georgia, how do you say that in Chinese? Maybe that man that came out a scroll could show her. After falling from sky, she ends up in a village during ancient Chinese. The villagers seem cozy. Soon enough, nobody likes her and her only friend is a man that drinks and washes in the rain. Now lets come to terms with the fact she might be a jiangshi.

Givean_HooH · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Carcass

"Give it to me, so I can live again!"

Cenisa heard but she doubted. "Are you serious?"

Jingyu sighed. "I want to be an oni! I'm homeless, half my family dead. But being an oni would be the best redemption."

"You said your mother was ate by that son of a bitch!"

"Yes! That's why!"

"You're an idiot!"

"You're not even from here…" he glowered. "Give the fucking soul!"

"No!" she guarded the soul with the branch. "This is retarded, you wanna be a demon?"

"I can take it!" he yelled. "Fuck what my dad said. I know I can take it. I'm not going to loose myself in bloodlust!" he put out his hand. "Give me the soul!"

She wasn't from this world. She was from Georgia. She was from America. America probably didn't even exist during this time period.

Jingyu was basically asking for suicide. "Fine," she furrowed. "Take it…" she waved the soul his way. He grasped it, hugging it close to him. "See if I fucking care…" she muttered.

Jinyu's spirit was hot. He felt the oni's pain. He cried at the burning. 'Why did he wake up?' His left foot turned black, flames burst from his eyes. At that moment, Cenisa didn't want his soul to vanish. "Jing?"

He screamed, his soul was covered in fire and his neck bled. "Jing!"

Horns grew from the top of his head. His skin turned red. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

What could she do? She gripped the tree and aimmed it at Jingyu. "LEAVE!" he felt the anger crept up his throat. Was this a bad idea? He wanted blood. His eyessmall and the brow extended over them. Tattooes along his arms and legs. His earlobes extended, Jingyu howled. "WINDS!"

The dirt picked around him and blasted up, he didn't fly away like she thought. The flames circling Jingyu died.

He had a mighty chest and pierce board shoulders. Lengthy tusk came from his bottom teeth, painted black nails, teardrops in black under his eyes. Jingyu slowed down his breathing.


He gazed at her. He approached her slowly. "Jing." Cenisa wasn't that tall. He lifted her chin and his left hand came from the side. Cenisa went on her hands and knees, did that just happen? He kicked her behind and left her there. "What the fuck…?" she gasped. "JING!"

"I'm still here…" he answered with a breathy voice. "I told you…"

She didn't understand a damn thing. "Come on, let's go to Janluut." he said walking off. He turned around, "Or is it the other way. I forget."



"The village!" she got off the dirt. "Leave it…" he bore. "This place died a long time ago. And people ain't shit; leave it."

She didn't understand shit. She looked around, her eyes landed on the body of the oni. It was slowly leaving this place.

She lifted her shoulders, "To Janluut."




Jingyu took supplies from the village and they carried it all in a wagon he fixed.

They had bread, cheese, rocks, blankets, extra weapons; armor, a pot, sutras, and some wood… in case. He was tall enough to carry the wagon and told Cenisa walk in front of him.

He also gave her an old gown found in one of the homes. "Who did this belong to?" she questioned. She changed in the woods. It seemed beautiful, a orange, red, and white furisode with a ocean design. The bottom of the dress towards her feet was torn previously, exposing her knees but the back was kept long.

"Theese sleeves are long…"

"Tear them."

"It's ok." she looked at him. He was kind of sexy. "You look like a monster…"

"Bitch…" he blinked astonished. "Can you roll up the sleeves for me?"

"Can you walk?" he snapped. "Lord… what did I do?"


Jingyu's forehead was exposed and gave her all the wrong opportunities. She walked up to him and told him to been down. "What are you doing?" he wondered.

She turned her head to the side, felt her cheek, brought down her bottom eye lid. Checked her chin, grabbed her hair in a ponytail and pulled her ear. "Where can you get a little makeup here?"

Jingyu damn near slapped her again. They had a whole argument beforehand about, women beaters. He just let her have the whole thing.

"How far is Janluut?"

"About four days."

"Four days!" and he grave her sandals to walk in. "I don't have hiking boots for that. Let's just stay in the village."

"Ok…" he tightened the wagon. "Do you understand what we just left?"


"And the way the jiangshi works is that the soul stays in the body."


"And you wanna be here?" he pointed his finger at the ground. "Because they are down there. You wanna be here?"

"We could get rid--" He picked her up and put her on top of the wagon. "Jing!"

"And we are gone." he moved the wagon behind him. She couldn't get comfortable as the wood sticking up slapped her shoulder and she swore a knife was in her back. "We gotta rearrange something back here."





They eventually had to stop because Cenisa's back was bleeding. "I told you to rearrange shit." Cenisa put her arms out and let Jingyu check her dress. He tied up her hair, rose the dress up to look at the wound. "It's just a little scar." he said. Jingyu slapped her back and did some rearranging.

Cenisa put her dress down and folded her arms. "So… what was that about?"

"I'm sorry I hit you."

"I already cussed you out for it. What happen in the village?"

He gazed at her triangle face. "I can't believe you made fun of my forehead."

"You have a big forehead."

"Amen, now as for the village? They believed it was a second chance on life. I got that from the restraunt."

"I went in there." she said. "I got a book on something called the Weapons of Woe."

"You wanna take a detour?" he smirked. "No!" she huffed. "I wanna go to Janluut and do what we need to there."

He licked his lips, "I do."


"Because, I want something."

"What do you want?"

"A sword…"

"Oh hell," she rolled her eyes. "Don't y'all have black smiths that make them. Like a big samurai boomerang?"

"No…" he looked her up and down. "Your talking about Fuxia Naishi."

"Who the fuck is that…?"

"A samurai that got stuck with a boomerang and died."

"What the fuck happen?"

"He just got hit in the head a lot and his daughter killed him."

"My God…"

He grinned, "I'm fucking with you…"