
Chapter 1

Chase's room was dark, the only light coming from the moonlight shining through the window illuminating their faces. It cast an eerie glow on their bodies as they undressed each other slowly, their lips never leaving the other's neck. Skin against skin, muscles flexing, breathing hitching in anticipation. Chase gently laid Sadie down on his bed, exploring her body with his hands, feeling her soft, warm skin beneath his fingertips. She moaned weakly as he trailed down her stomach, kissing every inch of her abdomen. His hands moved to her thighs, parting them slightly, and he could feel her heart racing under his touch.

He hesitated for a moment before entering her, their eyes locked onto one another's as they both took a deep breath. The feeling of her tightness around him sent shivers down his spine, and he moved with caution, not wanting to hurt her. He leaned in closer, lips brushing against hers as he began to thrust into her slowly, their breathing synchronizing. The mattress squeaked beneath them as they moved together, rhythmically, their bodies becoming one.

Both lost themselves in the moment, their eyes closed tightly, focusing on the sensations they were experiencing. The sheets beneath them were damp with sweat, their bodies glistening with it. Their hair stuck to their foreheads from perspiration, and they lost track of time as pleasure consumed them both. Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving small marks, which didn't bother him as he felt himself get closer to his release. He pushed deeper into her, feeling her walls clench around him, the sensation unlike anything he'd ever experienced before.

Sadie's breath hitched as she reached climax first, her back arching off the bed, her body trembling with ecstasy. Chase followed shortly after, crying out her name as he emptied himself inside of her, his eyes shooting open in pleasure. As he thrust what was left inside of him into her.

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The kitchen was quiet; no one else was home yet. The scent of roasted chicken wafted out from the oven, making Bree's stomach growl. They were both ravenous after their workout. "You know," Adam said between sips, "I like how supportive Douglass has been. He's always there for us." "He's changed a lot since we started working with him," Bree agreed. "I think he realizes that we need him now." As they sat there they heard the front door open. A few minutes later, their brother Leo stepped. "Hey! We thought you guys might be hungry." Leo said sheepishly, holding out two pizzas. "Smells great!" Adam exclaimed, standing up to grab some plates.

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Just then, the bedroom door swung open, revealing his father standing there in shock as he took in the sight before him - Chase naked in bed with a girl. "I-I'm sorry!" Chase stuttered, red-faced, pulling away from Sadie. "We were just..." Douglas's expression was far from forgiving as he crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you two doing?" His voice was stern and disapproving. "We weren't doing anything!" Chase tried to explain. "We just finished working out together and...got a bit tired so we laid down..." Leo coughed into his fist, standing in the living room. "I brought pizza." Hoping Douglass would just walk away from Chases' room. Everyone stood out in the living room in silence while Douglass was confronting them both. Douglas narrowed his eyes at them before turning to Leo. "Thank you for the pizza, Leo," he said curtly. "Please leave us alone." Leo nodded and everyone walked away, Douglas turned back to Chase and Sadie. "I trusted you to to be alone up here and here we are," he said through gritted teeth.

Chase wrapped a towel that was on the floor around him and then stepped forward. "Dad, we're sorry. We didn't mean for this to happen," he tried to reason with him. "I don't care about your little...distractions, like working out or relaxation with TV." Douglas sneered. "I'm talking about your responsibilities! Being adult-minded, How could you be so careless?" Chase looked away, "We were just blowing off steam," he mumbled under her breath. Douglas's face hardened even more. "That's exactly the problem!" He snapped. "You're supposed to be better than that! You are supposed to be the smarter one out of your three." Chase swallowed hard, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. Douglas sighed, rubbing a hand down his face tiredly. "You all need to learn that your actions have consequences," he said sternly before leaving the room without another word, shutting the door behind him.

As soon as he was gone, Chase and Sadie glanced at each other nervously, their trembling subsiding slowly but their hearts still racing from fear and guilt. They listened closely for any sign of movement within the house, waiting for Douglas to leave or for further confrontation. Suddenly, they heard the soft click of Bree's shoes on wood flooring heading towards them. She peeked back in, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment and worry visible on her face. "Are you guys okay?" She whispered as she handed them each a slice of pizza. Chase nodded and sat down on the bed while still holding the towel around him, trying not to shake as he took it from her. "Yeah, we're fine," he said reassuringly, trying to keep up a brave front. "Thanks for the pizza." Bree smiled weakly before backing away again, closing the door behind her.

In silence they ate their pizza, each bite tasting like ash in their mouths as they tried to process what had just happened. Sadie gets up out of bed and gets dressed, "I think it is time for me to go.." Chase nods and gets dressed as well. After Sadie leaves Chase makes his way towards Douglas's office where he could be found most nights studying or planning out new experiments for their bionics. As he approached the door, Daniel looked up from his gaming console on the couch. "What's up?" he asked curiously before realizing what he was there for. His face fell immediately, his lips pursing into a thin line of worry. "It's about what happened earlier," Chase began hesitantly, steeling himself for what was coming next.

Donald, who had also been in the room, looked up from his paperwork, his face hardening into a mask of disappointment. "Daniel I need you to leave the room," Daniel nodded and walked out. "Let's hear it," he said gravely. Taking a deep breath, Chase spoke up, "Douglas walked in on Sadie and me having sex...." The room was silent for a moment before Mr.Davenport sighed deeply, shaking his head slowly from side to side. "I'm disappointed in you," he finally said gravely, "but I trust you to understand the gravity of your mistake." His eyes bored into his, searching for any sign of contrition or understanding. He looked down in shame knowing he had let him down."I know, Mr.Davenport," Chase said quietly, "Good," Donald replied sternly, "I expect you to stay in your room tonight and think about what you've done." He all nodded grimly, knowing that this was just another reminder of how much in trouble he was.

Inside his room, Chase turned on his computer, wanting to lose himself in his work for a while. The familiar hum of technology filled the air as he started typing furiously on the keyboard. His fingers flew across the keys as he wrote lines of code until suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was Leo, smiling brightly as he entered without waiting for a reply. "Hey bro," he said, closing the door behind him. Chase looked up, trying to hide his worry about their shared secret. "Hey Leo," he managed, gesturing for him to sit down. "What's up?" Leo asked curiously noticing Chase's tense posture. Feeling guilty for keeping things from him, Chase took a deep breath and decided to come clean. "I got caught having sex..," he admitted softly. Leo's smile faded slightly, concern etched onto his face. "Are you guys okay?" He asked gently. Chase nodded, "Yeah, we're fine." He lied. "But what about our parents?" Leo pressed further. Chase sighed heavily. "That's just it... I don't know." A heavy silence filled the air as they both tried to imagine their parents' reactions to their actions. The taste of fear lingered in the air as they pondered what could happen next.

There was an awkward pause between them before Leo stood up. "I should get going," he mumbled, grabbing his jacket from the chair where he'd draped it earlier. "See you at dinner?" Chase asked hopefully, hoping for some normalcy amidst the chaos. "Yeah, see you then," Leo replied before exiting the room soundlessly, closing the door behind him. As the click of the door echoed through the room, Chase's shoulders slumped – he felt like a stranger in his skin; the burden of their secret was too much to bear alone. He couldn't shake off the feeling of impending doom that hung over him like a storm cloud.

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Over at the cafeteria, Chase was sitting with his siblings discussing their upcoming mission when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He answered quickly, heart racing with anticipation. Mr. Davenport was calling everyone home for an emergency. "We have a situation," Douglass said in a stern voice over the phone, he hung up and told everyone else. Together they left the cafeteria, each one filled with a mixture of emotions. They'd been living a double life for so long, hiding their true selves from the world around them. Now, it felt like their world was crashing down around them. As they walked, Chase noticed the chips on their necks begin to glow brighter – signaling that something was off. Daniel felt it too; his stomach twisted into knots at the thought of what might happen next.

Finally, they reached the lab where Leo was waiting for them impatiently. He explained what had transpired earlier: 'Victor Krane was on campus today." The group exchanged worried glances, their minds racing with thoughts of what this meant. The once personal space suddenly felt suffocating as they struggled to process the reality of the situation. But they knew they had to find out what Krane was doing and why he was at the high school.