

A man finds himself in another world after a new "medical" operation gone wrong, or perhaps right? he wouldn't know, he was the subject of it after all. with a new body and a new ability how will he live this new life in this new world? I would love to tell you that but I just started writing this so I will just leave the basics here I suppose No NTR prob will have netori, thats all i will tell currently since i too have no idea will happen ps it might have some hard stuff, I don't know how I should be describing it so I would just tell you this story isn't wholesome, and it probably will not have much if any wholesome moments, maybe it will? no idea, ah and there will be smut

Daoist6mM4Ra · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


~ chrip ~ chrip ~ chrip ~ chrip ~

"Urrrgh... what the hell..? HEY! Lockwood you bastard! lower the lights! if you finished the operation you don't need th... what the..."

where the fuck am I??? I'm suppose to be in the operating room currently undergoing the...

"Wait... right! my body... it worked! pfft! hahahahaha! I knew it! I, Valence Fable am the greatest! hehehehehe, but... now seriously, where am I?"

-The man, now young boy starts looking around his current location in confusion

"I'm sure I was in the operation room, could the staff have thrown me right after they finished the operation? fuck! what should I do I don't have any way to confirm my identity so I won't be able to... UGH those fucking bastards!"

-Valence starts stomping on the ground in frustration 

*sigh* "Well there is no use in crying about it, I should start searching for a way out."

-Valence starts moving in the forest in a hurry

"They shouldn't have dropped me too far off, right? damn! those heartless bastards!"

-As Valence walks around inside the forest, suddenly a disturbing sound echo's

Crunch-! Crunch-! Crunch-!

"!" Hearing the sound Valence immediately starts spiriting in the opposite direction, getting as far away as he can

what the hell! what the hell! what the hell! what the hell..! what the fuck is that?!?! no! never mind! I don't want to know!

-He continues to run until he gets to a small cliff and sits in it's shade

*huff-huff-huff* He breathes heavily due to exhaustion

"Ugh... man, where has those fu... bastards dropped me, what kind of creature makes that kind of sound"

Damn them assholes... whatever I should focus more on myself than them right now, hm? what's this feeling?

-Holding his own handing Infront of himself, Valence continuously clenches and unclenches it, in thought 

I was so angry and confused that I hadn't realized before, this feeling..?

-Valence closes his eyes and concentrates for a few seconds, and than slowly opens them his eyes now seemingly completely relaxed along with the rest of his body

"I was right, this feeling it's like I can see my whole body, no... understand my whole body and control it... he, hehe, heheheheh- pftt! HAHAHAHAHA!"

-He starts to laugh maniacally, reveling in his discovery

hehe... I start doing research on this.

-Valence stands up, and starts heading in different direction, moving away from whatever creature he ran from, but not to escape the forest this time, but to explore it.



It has been four months, my research about my new ability has been going smoothly, I had concluded that this ability allows me full control of all my body functions and total awareness of it. allowing me to will my body to eject chemicals for my body which one normally can't control like dopamine and adrenaline whenever I want.

It also possible to slowly refine my body in ways that should be impossible. I can make my muscles grow stronger without putting them through constant stress to induce that reaction I also managed to set my biological clock to track time, which usually isn't possible and allows me to keep track of time, it is the reason I know that four months have passed.

I had been surviving on fish caught in a river going through the forest, and I had also discovered something big. this isn't my world, it seems to be another world I know this because these green fuckers.

*Slice* The small, green humanoid doesn't get to scream as it dies, since it was smoothly decapitated 

"Huff, damn those bastards where do they keep coming from"

-Valence says as he wipes the blood of the makeshift axe, made from a stick and a stone

"Luckily for me they aren't the smartest creatures to exist so they are delt with easily"

Another thing I discovered is that when consuming a 'living being' I get the knowledge of it's biology, which is useful if I have to fight that kind of creature repeatedly since I can understand and target their weak points better but other than that it doesn't have much use/


*crack* *crunch* *chew* *gulp* Taking the goblin's hand, it easily leaves the rest of it's body because it's so thin and weak, I put it in my mouth and eat it.

With my ability I don't need to worry about most diseases since I can clearly see what's inside my body and order my immune system to destroy it, nor do I need to worry about the taste since I can easily tell my body to just not feel the taste and project whatever taste I want

"Alright, I think it's time to go deeper in to the forest, I have been seeing only small animals and goblins for far too long, my research is getting stagnant..."

Valence says as he looks into the deeper forest, where the trees are bigger, and the creatures are deadlier 

"Hehe, I suppose they would be new creatures to research, something new, not from my world but this one. I'm looking forward to it"

Valence says as he walked in the direction of the deep forest, wearing a wide smile as he walked forward


And so 2 more years have passed