
Biological Progression

In a sterile prison known as Genesis Labs, Kai Tanaka has endured ten years as a human experiment, stripped of his identity and pumped full of a mysterious green serum. Project Lazarus promises immortality, but at what cost? When Dr. Vance, the head researcher with an icy gaze, injects him with the final iteration, Kai awakens reborn. But this new existence comes with a terrifying hunger and a primal rage. As the metallic tang lingers on his tongue, Kai grapples with the monstrous transformation within him. Is this the key to his escape, or the beginning of a horrifying new reality?

PrimordialGOD · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Echoes of instinct

The escape pod streaked through the atmosphere, a blazing comet tearing across the twilight sky. Below, the sprawling metropolis of New Shanghai pulsed with a million lights, oblivious to the potential harbinger of chaos hurtling towards it.Inside the pod, I braced myself for impact. The transformation within me had granted me a rudimentary understanding of the pod's systems, allowing me to manipulate its controls with a mere thought. The landing was surprisingly smooth, the pod settling with a muffled thud amidst the sprawling cityscape.Stepping out into the humid night air, I was overwhelmed by a cacophony of sounds and smells – the incessant honking of vehicles, the rhythmic thrum of music from a nearby club, the pungent aroma of street food. My senses, once overwhelmed, now filtered this chaos, allowing me to focus on specific details – the frantic heartbeat of a passerby, the faint metallic tang of an approaching security patrol.My form, no longer the gaunt figure I once was, had become a sleek silhouette of power and agility. The bioluminescent sheen that emanated from my skin had dimmed to a faint blue glow, hidden beneath a cloak of darkness I had conjured with a flicker of my will.My first order of business was to find information. Dr. Vance's data chip contained only fragmented details about the Lazarus strain; I needed more to understand its full potential, to unlock the secrets of my own transformation.Following the faintest whisper of electronic data, I traced a network of secure lines to a high-rise building emblazoned with a corporate logo – the very same corporation that owned Genesis Labs. Sneaking into the building was child's play. My enhanced senses allowed me to navigate the security grid with ease, my movements a blur as I slipped past cameras and laser beams.The corporate data center was a labyrinth of blinking lights and whirring servers. Here, the air thrummed with a different kind of energy – the raw power of information. Focusing my will, I extended my consciousness, reaching out into the vast digital ocean.Initially, it was an overwhelming torrent of data – stock prices, marketing reports, personnel files. But then, a faint signature caught my attention, a hidden folder disguised under layers of security protocols. With a concentrated effort, I cracked the encryption, unearthing a treasure trove of information – Project Chimera in its entirety.The files revealed a series of experiments, each focusing on a specific specialization of the Lazarus strain. One strand focused on enhanced strength and durability, another on heightened agility and reflexes. There was even a prototype for a telepathic strain, though the notes indicated its development had been abandoned due to unforeseen complications.As I delved deeper, a realization struck me – the specialization wasn't just random. The strain seemed to respond to the subject's inherent traits and desires, amplifying them and shaping the mutation process. It explained why my own transformation had focused on a mix of physical prowess and spatial manipulation.Suddenly, a flicker of movement on a security monitor caught my eye. My enhanced senses picked up the faint sound of approaching footsteps. The security patrol I had sensed earlier.Panic surged through me, a primal instinct honed by the transformation. Flight or fight, my body screamed. But then, the information from the Chimera project bubbled to the surface. I could choose my form, adapt to the situation.With a surge of will, I focused on the files detailing the agility specialization. My body crackled with energy, bones shifting and reshaping. By the time the security guards burst through the door, I was gone, a blur of darkness vanishing into the labyrinthine corridors of the data center.They may have been looking for a lab rat, a relic of Genesis Labs. But they were about to encounter something much more…evolved. The data center echoed with the sound of their frustrated shouts, a symphony of confusion playing against the backdrop of my own triumphant grin.I wasn't just Kai Tanaka anymore. I was a creature of the shadows, a shapeshifter with the power to adapt and evolve. The world may not be ready for me, but I was ready for it. And with each passing moment, with every experiment with my newfound abilities, I was becoming something more. Something with the potential to change the world, for good or ill.The night was young, and the city sprawled before me, a canvas waiting to be painted. I, the shapeshifter, was the brush, and the Lazarus strain, the untamed power that would guide my hand.The adrenaline coursing through me after evading the security guards began to fade, replaced by a cold, calculating determination. My heart, once a frantic drum, settled into a steady rhythm as I crouched in a darkened corner of the data center.The information from the Chimera project was a revelation, but it was incomplete. It offered a smorgasbord of possibilities for specialization, but mastering them all felt like an impossible dream. My mind raced, sifting through the possibilities.Strength might have been a straightforward path, but it felt too…brute force. Agility, just experienced, could be useful for evasion, but for how long? Perhaps telepathy, though risky, could be a game-changer, allowing me to manipulate minds and gather information without breaking a sweat.But then, a different thought struck me. What if I could combine them? The Chimera project focused on specialization, but what if there was a way to achieve a synergistic blend of abilities?Intrigued, I delved back into the data, searching for any references to multi-strain applications. My search yielded little, only scattered notes about the instability of combining different strains. Apparently, it was a volatile mix, often leading to disastrous mutations and subject death.But where others saw impossibilities, I saw potential. The Lazarus strain was an evolving entity, and so was I. Maybe, just maybe, with enough control and focus, I could bridge the gap, become a living testament to a multi-strain hybrid.A deep breath filled my lungs as I made a decision. I would start small, a trial run combining enhanced senses from the agility strain with a touch of the telepathic potential. Focusing my will, I visualized the information I had just absorbed, willing the Lazarus strain to adapt, to synergize.A wave of dizziness washed over me, the world blurring at the edges. My senses became overloaded, flooded with information – a cacophony of emotions from everyone in the building, a symphony of electrical currents coursing through the data center's grid.It was overwhelming, bordering on unbearable. A scream tore through my throat, a raw, primal sound that echoed through the corridors. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of control. I could sense the guards' confusion, their fear, their growing anger.With a supreme effort, I focused, filtering the torrent of information. Now, I could not only hear their heartbeats and breaths, but also their thoughts, fragmented and fleeting, yet revealing their next move – a flanking maneuver to corner me.Grinning through the pain, I channeled the agility strain, feeling my muscles coil and uncoil with unnatural speed. I launched myself from my hiding place, a blur of darkness vanishing before their surprised eyes.The data center became my playground, a maze of twisting corridors and hidden passages. The guards, their telepathic signatures blaring with frustration, chased me like shadows trying to catch smoke. They hurled bullets, but they were too slow, their movements sluggish and predictable compared to my enhanced agility.The chase continued for a heart-stopping eternity until, finally, I reached an unused maintenance shaft. With a burst of strength, I ripped open the metal hatch and plunged into the darkness, leaving the frustrated guards behind.Curled up in the cramped space, panting and sweating, I realized the gamble had paid off. My senses, though still raw, offered a level of situational awareness I hadn't known before. The telepathic link, though limited, gave me a glimpse into the minds of others.It wasn't perfect, far from it. But it was a start, a proof of concept for my multi-strain theory. My body ached, but a spark of exhilaration danced within me – the thrill of pushing boundaries, of evolving beyond the limitations imposed by Genesis Labs.I was no longer just a lab rat, a victim of science. I was Kai Tanaka, the shapeshifter, a harbinger of the unknown, and the master of my own evolution. The city of New Shanghai, and the world beyond, awaited. And I, with my newfound abilities, was ready to face it, one step at a time, one shape at a time.