
Biological Progression

In a sterile prison known as Genesis Labs, Kai Tanaka has endured ten years as a human experiment, stripped of his identity and pumped full of a mysterious green serum. Project Lazarus promises immortality, but at what cost? When Dr. Vance, the head researcher with an icy gaze, injects him with the final iteration, Kai awakens reborn. But this new existence comes with a terrifying hunger and a primal rage. As the metallic tang lingers on his tongue, Kai grapples with the monstrous transformation within him. Is this the key to his escape, or the beginning of a horrifying new reality?

PrimordialGOD · Fantaisie
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Awakening The System

Dawn painted the horizon in hues of orange and pink as I emerged from the maintenance shaft, blinking in the sunlight. The city sprawled before me, a concrete jungle teeming with life. My escape from the data center had been exhilarating, a testament to the nascent control I wielded over my hybrid transformation. But exhilaration soon gave way to a more pressing concern – hunger.My body, fueled by the Lazarus strain, craved sustenance unlike anything I had experienced before. It wasn't just a craving for food; it was a yearning for raw energy, a primal urge to replenish the reserves I had expended during the escape.Following my enhanced senses, I found myself drawn to a bustling open-air market. The cacophony of shouts, haggling, and sizzling food was overwhelming at first, but I quickly learned to filter it out, focusing on the specific bioluminescent signature of ripe fruit.With a newfound appreciation for the agility strain, I snatched a mango from a vendor's stall with lightning speed, leaving him bewildered but unharmed. The burst of sweetness as I sank my teeth into the fruit was unlike anything I had ever tasted, a concentrated wave of energy surging through my veins.As I devoured the fruit, a faint hum resonated within me, emanating from the data chip nestled in a hidden pocket within my cloak. The data chip had remained inert until now, but the surge of energy from the fruit seemed to have triggered it.A holographic display flickered into existence before my eyes, its blue light outlining a series of menus and icons. Tentatively, I reached out with a tendril of thought, and the display responded. It wasn't telepathy, but an intuitive interface unlike anything I had encountered before.The system, as it called itself, was a treasure trove of information. It contained detailed schematics of my body, highlighting the modifications wrought by the Lazarus strain. It offered training programs designed to optimize my abilities, pushing the limits of my strength, agility, and even the fledgling telepathic potential.But the most intriguing aspect of the system was a section labeled "Skills." It showcased a vast array of skills, from rudimentary hand-to-hand combat to advanced hacking techniques. Each skill had a corresponding "unlock cost" displayed in the form of a bioluminescent energy bar – a clear reflection of the strain's hunger for energy to fuel its transformations.Excitement bubbled within me. This system, far from being a mere information repository, was a gateway to untold power. With it, I could not only hone my existing abilities but also unlock entirely new skillsets, becoming more than just a shapeshifter.The implications were staggering. I could become a master of combat, a ghost in the shadows, a manipulator of minds – all with the right amount of training and enough energy to fuel the process.But a nagging doubt lingered. Where did this system come from? Was it a failsafe created by the scientists at Genesis Labs? Or was it a part of the Lazarus strain itself, a hidden potential waiting to be unlocked?The answer, for now, remained shrouded in mystery. But one thing was certain – the arrival of the system marked a turning point. The Lazarus strain was more than just a physical transformation; it was an evolving entity with an agenda of its own.Steeling my resolve, I began navigating the system's menus. First, I focused on honing my existing abilities. The training programs, a series of holographic simulations, were grueling, pushing me to my limits. But with each passing simulation, I felt myself becoming faster, stronger, more attuned to the world around me.Next, I delved into the "Skills" section. The initial skills, like basic unarmed combat, were relatively inexpensive in terms of energy cost. With a surge of will, I unlocked them, feeling a surge of information flow into my mind – muscle memory, combat techniques, a primal understanding of how to fight.But the truly powerful skills, like hacking and advanced telekinesis, remained locked behind exorbitant energy barriers. I needed to find a way to replenish my reserves, to feed the Lazarus strain and fuel my evolution.The city, teeming with life and energy, seemed to offer a potential solution. But how to tap into that energy without causing chaos, without revealing the monstrous power hidden beneath my cloak?As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling metropolis, I knew my journey was just beginning. I was no longer just Kai Tanaka, the lab rat. I was the shapeshifter, the system user, a creature on the cusp of evolution. The city of New Shanghai was my training ground, and the secrets of the Lazarus strain were mine to unlock.One bite, one skill, one step at a time, I would unravel the mysteries of my newfound power and decide what kind of creature

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The twilight sky bled into a neon jungle as I navigated the back alleys of New Shanghai. The system's training programs pushed me to the brink, but they didn't offer any guidance on how to replenish the Lazarus strain's ever-growing hunger. Desperate, I followed my senses, drawn to a secluded alleyway where shadowy figures huddled around a flickering fire.They were scavengers, their faces etched with desperation and hunger. My enhanced senses picked up the stench of decay emanating from a nearby dumpster – a potent bioluminescent signature reflecting the energy trapped within rotting flesh.A primal urge, a whisper of the Lazarus strain's potential, stirred within me. Could this be the answer? Could the strain feed on decay, on the very essence of entropy itself?Before I could dwell on the ethical implications, a guttural growl ripped through the night. A monstrous figure, bloated and grotesque, emerged from the shadows, feasting on the discarded scraps. Fear turned the scavengers' faces pale as they scattered, leaving me face-to-face with the creature.It was a "Rotter," a horrific byproduct of a botched biohazard experiment gone wrong. These creatures fueled their own existence by spreading a noxious contagion that turned living tissue into rotting flesh. Back at Genesis Labs, I had only seen them in sterile containment chambers, objects of morbid fascination. Now, one stood before me, a snarling harbinger of death.My mind raced. Fighting this creature head-on was a risk. A single scratch, a touch of its diseased flesh, could turn me into another grotesque mutation. But running wasn't an option either. I needed to test my theory, to see if the Lazarus strain truly hungered for the essence of rot.With a deep breath, I activated the "Camouflage" ability I had just unlocked. My body blurred, blending seamlessly into the shadows. The Rotter, enraged by the sudden disappearance of its prey, roared in frustration.Taking advantage of its distraction, I darted towards the fire, the heat searing my skin but leaving me unharmed thanks to the enhanced durability granted by the system. Grabbing a burning stick, I lunged towards the Rotter, shoving the smoldering embers into its gaping maw.The effect was immediate. A guttural shriek tore from the creature's throat as an unnatural greenish flame engulfed its body. The stench of rotting flesh intensified, but this time, it was laced with a strange metallic tang. My vision seemed to sharpen, everything glowing with a sickly green light – the very essence of decay magnified by my enhanced senses.The Rotter writhed on the ground, its flesh dissolving until it was nothing but a bubbling pool of green goo. And then, I felt it – a surge of energy, raw and potent, feeding directly into the Lazarus strain. My body pulsed with renewed vigor, the primal hunger temporarily satiated.Disgust battled with a chilling sense of satisfaction within me. I had not only defeated the creature, but I had also unlocked a new ability - the ability to manipulate rot itself. A grim smile stretched across my face – the Lazarus strain was not just shapeshifting and telepathy; it held the power of decay within its arsenal.This presented a dangerous path, a descent into monstrosity. But with the city teeming with Rotters and the threat of further outbreaks omnipresent, could I become the monster that hunted monsters? Could I use the rot to purge the city, to become a harbinger of death for the truly diseased?The flickering flames of the fire seemed to reflect the flames of my own internal conflict. As the night deepened, I knew this was just the beginning. The system offered a vast array of skills to master, but it also unveiled a terrifying truth – the line between hero and villain was blurred, and the Lazarus strain, with its hunger for decay, threatened to push me further down that path.