OC Parahuman with powers influenced by Amy and Victoria Dallon(Panacea and Glory Girl). Uploaded every Tues and Fri at Noon EST What to show your support or read ahead? p*treon.com/ASJ_ASJ All properties belong to their original owners
I had plans going forward regarding my training and applications.
The first set of plans were designed to increase my energies' potency. My first training strategy was, while imbuing my blood energy, creating bone energy posts, and breaking them with artificial muscles. The second was, while imbuing my blood energy, wrapping a yarn ball of artificial nerves in a fat layer, and electrifying them. These plans would play the energies off one another and creating feedback loops. It would also train my blood energy when I healed from mistakes in my training.
The second set of plans were designed to increase my skill and control. My first strategy was rapidly spreading nerves across all the surfaces of my surroundings and then creating sculptures made of the other energies. The first two sculptures were made up of only fat and blood. The other was an anatomically one made of bone and muscle. They were various organisms in various positions. The next strategy was made for after I was higher up the learning curve. It was creating puppets based on the sculptures and acting out various scenes.
The second set of plans also helped me with my plans for future applications. They will allow me to experiment with various biological structures and create combat puppets and forms.
I had various plans for future battle forms.
The bull form was designed for pure strength. It was just wrapping bulky artificial muscles around my body, focusing on my upper body, while imbuing my body with <bone>. I would also layer the artificial bone focused on the fist.
The rabbit form was designed for pure speed. It was just wrapping bulky artificial muscles around my body, focusing on my lower body, while imbuing my body with <bone>.
The monkey form was designed for balancing strength and maneuverability. It was wrapping artificial muscles, with a focus on agility, around by entire body, while imbuing my body with <nerve>.
The falcon form was designed to allow flight. It involved the creation of wings made of artificial muscle and artificial bone, while imbuing my body with <nerve>.
The tiger form was designed for combat. It involved wrapping artificial muscles around my body, with a focus of strength, around my entire body, while imbuing my body with <nerve> or <bone> as needed. It also involved the creation of claws of artificial bone and an artificial head as needed.
The fish form was designed to allow underwater maneuvers. It involved creating webbing made of artificial muscle, while relying on blood imbuement to breathe. As I believed blood imbuement may one day reach the point of allowing me to be independent of oxygen.
The flood form was designed for mass takedowns and larger opponents. It involved creating a vast amount of artificial blood and covering myself with it, while imbuing my body with <blood> to breathe.
The blob form was designed for mass takedowns and larger opponents. It involved creating a vast amount of artificial fat and covering myself with it, while imbuing my body with <blood> to breathe.
The wrecking ball form was designed for taking down immobile structures and opponents. It involved creating a wrecking ball made of artificial muscle as the chain and a ball made of artificial bone, while imbuing my body with <muscle> to be able to swing it.
The knight form was designed for fights. It involved the creation of artificial bone armor and weapons, the creation of minimal artificial muscle, and an under layer of artificial fat. It also was one of the forms that I changed the imbuement as needed.
The giant form was designed for taking down large structures and opponents. It involved the creation of a large body, changing the organism it's based on as needed, made of artificial muscle and bone while hiding somewhere in the body connected to it by nerves. I imbued my body with <blood> to breathe inside the body.
The bunker form was designed for defense and healing. It involved the creation of a fortress made of artificial bone and fat. I imbued my body with <blood> to heal and breathe.
The electric sub-form involved adding a layer of artificial nerves on top of the form.
The armored sub-form involved adding a layer of artificial bone on top of the form.
These are just my current plans; I will find the viability of them as I go.
As I was walking home I got an email, apparently Suzie was unable to accept the paid internship at the hospital. so that means I now have it if I still want it. While it would cut into my training, it would give me a chance to be close to my crush and provide me money to facilitate my training. It would also provide a great cover for being gone from home a lot.