



Aaron Samuel

20 years later..

I looked at my watch frequently and can’t wait to get home from work. I miss my wife so much and my 17 years old son.

Gathering up all my files into one small pile and turned off the table light. I took my suit and wore it again. I walked out from my office and suddenly remembered that Sophia wanted a banana cake from her favorite bakery shop. I need to buy those.

Suddenly I got a phone call, I took my phone out from my pocket and looked at the caller ID.


/"Yes, honey./" I picked up as walked inside the lift.

/"Honey, where are you? It’s 8 o’clock, you don’t want to miss dinner right?/" She asked in her almost angry tone, I can’t help but chuckled.

/"I just got out from the office, sweetheart./"

/"Good, now get your beautiful ass here./" She said.

/"Gross mom, I’m eating./" I heard my son protested and I chuckled more.