


---Don’t Care

Blake Coster

/"I don’t agree with all your contract Blake, it’s ridiculous!/" Jean glared at me as she pushed back my paper. In a split second, she gave me a cold shoulder again.

/"We’ll be husband and wife Jean not an enemy./" I said and she sighed.

/"We’re fake, why do you want me to be in one room with you and even share bad with me?/" She raised her eyebrows.

/"That’s what married couples do honey./" I said sweetly to her and she scoffed completely hate the idea. She suddenly looked at the table blankly and she pouted without her realizing.

I had the urge to kiss her so bad. She looked so cute and adorable with that face. I love seeing this side of her.

/"Blake!/" She called me and I looked at her.

/"So Jean baby, I want us to act like a real married couple on or off camera. After 3 months, we’ll divorce and I’m going to give you a house in Brighton, UK. The place is really nice and quite./" I said and she shook her head completely not agreeing with my idea again.

/"You said you like to sleep around right? I don’t mind you having your mistress around as long as we don’t have this one room agreement. I mean this is all just an act. We both won’t fall for each other so do whatever you want because I don’t care!/" She said seriously and I knew she wasn’t joking about it. She raised her eyebrows giving me do-you-agree look.

/"Are you serious about that?/" I asked.

/"Yeah 1000% agree./" She nodded without hesitation.

/"Deal./" I said and she smiled widely. She stood up from her seat planning to go away. I caught her arm and she turned her head to me.

/"No goodnight kiss?/"

/"You wish./" She said coldly and pulled her arm from my grip.

/"Wait! Let’s seal the deal./" I said and she looked at me like I grow 4 heads.

/"Seal the deal my-/" I cut her by crashing my lips to her. How I love the feeling when our lips touch. I sneaked my arm to her waist pulling her closer to me. She kissed me back but her hands pushing my body.

/"Bla-/" I cut her again.

/"Blake!/" Feisty Jean came out again, she successfully pushed me away.

/"Yes beautiful? You call me?/" I looked straight to that beautiful green eyes, I can see a lot of mix emotion in it. I felt suspicious suddenly.

/"Don’t ever kiss me again! I’m not a cheap girl that you can spoil with money just like your mistresses./" She burst coldly and then she walked away. I looked at her disbelief because I never thought that she’s a cheap girl or one of my mistresses. I was more than piss when she said that. How can she think like that?

I need to find out about her more because when I saw that emotions in her eyes. I started to get curious. What exactly the reason that made her change her mind because I’m sure that she rejected it seriously before.

I walked to my room and got a text from my secretary about the party tomorrow at St.Regis Hotel. Should I take Jean with me tomorrow? I need to show people that I’m settling down and going to marry her soon.

So my grandparents will believe me that I will marry her soon. I need to take her tomorrow and I forgot to tell her. I don’t want to go to her bedroom either since she’s pissed with me and vice versa.

I took off my tie angrily and threw it randomly. I threw myself to my bed and sighed. Why is she so difficult?