


---Thoughts about Her

Aaron Samuel

I looked at myself at the mirror, putting my tie on and checked myself one more time before going. I took my watch and put it on my left wrist. The scene kept lingering on my mind, the moment where I see Sophia again after 3 months.

Her eyes were full of hurt and sadness, I don’t know why I felt my heart crunch. Besides that, she’s still look so beautiful, her face still radiates and everything about her still so perfect.

I still don’t know what my feelings are, why am I acting a wreck like this? This is so stupid but I can’t get rid of her from my head.

She’s officially the first woman that I care about without sleeping with them first. I usually slept with women and I don’t care about them the next day, I don’t care if they die or kill themselves because of me. I don’t freaking care.

But Sophia.. I care for her without her trying..