



Jean Verodine

/"This is really good miss/" Blake’s maid Romina said and I smiled at her. Now, I’m currently making pasta for me and Blake. I thought that I should do something to repay him for letting me stay here for awhile.

I let Romina tasted the food and she gave me a two thumbs up for it.

/"It’s not salty right?/" I asked her as I tried it again.

/"It’s perfectly seasoned Ms. Verodine./"

/"Don’t be too formal, just call me Jean./" I patted her shoulder and she nodded.

/"What’s going on here?/" Blake suddenly walked in.

/"Making you dinner./" I said with a sweet tone to him and he looked at me shocked.


/"Sit down./" I pulled him to the dining room and let him sit. I put the bowl of spaghetti in front him. He looked at it and then he looked at me.

/"What?/" I asked but he just looked at me blankly. I walked back to the kitchen and took one more bowl

/"Mis- I mean Jean you forgo-/"

/"It’s for you./" I smiled at her and she looked at me touched.

/"Thank you for helping me./" I said and walked out from the kitchen. I sat across Blake and looked at the spaghetti excited.

/"Where did my cold Jean go?/" Blake asked and I looked up to him.

/"You want me to go back to cold?/"

/"No but it’s incredible that you can change in a few hours./" He said.

/"Eat, I’m starving. Tell me what you think about it./" I pointed the spaghetti with my fork. He started to dig in.

/"This is weird for me./"

/"You don’t like it? I’ll make you-/"

/"Not the food, it’s good but you./" He looked at me seriously.

/"What about me?/"

/"You changed from cold Jean into sweet Jean in just hours. I like the fact that you agree to marry me but this thing is weird./" He gestured me and I nodded.

/"I just want to repay you for letting me stay here./"

/"You’re going to be my wife soon, you don’t need to repay me./" He said.

/"Blake, I’m not going to be your real wife. I’m your puppet./" I stated the obvious fact.


/"You like it? What’s your favorite food? So I can cook it next time./" I asked and he looked at me weirdly.

/"I’m still not use to this!/"

/"You’ll get use to this soon./" I said and we both ate our food. We rarely talked, after finishing all of the food. I walked to the kitchen with the dirty dishes and washed them.

/"Jean, let me!/" Romina ran to me and I chuckled

/"It’s okay, just take a rest. I bet you’re tired already./" I smiled at her. After washing all the dishes, I walked out to the dining room and found Blake busy with his phone.

/"Let’s make the contract./" I said and suddenly someone knocked on his door. Blake walked out from the dining room and I took a peek to see who came.

/"Hey Blake./" There’s two dark brown haired guy greeted Blake, the one who wore dark blue suit quite look alike like Blake.

/"Hey Aaron./" Blake hugged him briefly.

/"How are you?/" The other guy asked.

/"Good, you?/" Blake asked and they walked inside.

/"Jean/" Blake suddenly called me and I walked out. The two guys turned to me and Blake pulled me towards him. He put his arm around my shoulder.

/"New girl?/" Excuse me? The guy name Aaron said.

/"My soon-to-be-wife Aaron, not a new girl./" Blake answered.

/"First time seeing you bring a girl to your house./" The other guy said.

/"I’m Jean/" I introduced myself.

/"Kenneth Domanco./"

/"I’m Aaron Samuel, his cousin./" Aaron said and I nodded looking at them.

/"Nice to meet you./" I smiled awkwardly.

/"Nice to meet you too beautiful/" Kenneth smiled to me winking.

/"Don’t flirt with her!/" Blake glared at him and Kenneth laughed.

/"Here I am thinking that you will never settle down./" Ken said.

/"I’m not, marriage contract./" Blake answered and my eyes widen. I looked at him and he smiled to me.

/"We can be together after you and him done./" Excuse me? Do you think I’m a slut?

/"I’ll beat your ass Ken, shut up!/" Blake hissed glaring at him.

/"Where’s the agreement and the complete file?/" Aaron asked and Blake pointed at the table.

/"On that table, take it and leave!/" Blake hissed.

/"In a hurry?/" Aaron smirked at the both of us and I felt disgust right now. Boys like them always use girls to satisfy their needs. Boys are stupid.

/"Shut up Aaron!/" Blake pushed him so he can get the file that he wanted. Aaron got the file.

/"Go!/" Blake kicked them out.

/"Rude much bud? See you next time okay?/" Ken said and he looked at me smiling.

/"Bye, have fun!/" Aaron said and Blake closed the door to his face. We heard their laughs.

/"Let’s make the contract./" I said coldly to him.

/"Cold again? I like the sweet Jean better!/" Blake protested and I rolled my eyes.

/"Give me 2 papers and let’s make it on the dining room table/" I said.

/"Ask me nicely baby./" He held my shoulders and leaned to me.

/"Just get the-/" I pushed his hands away from my shoulders but I got a kiss instead. He pulled me closer without stopping the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist securing me so I can’t go anywhere. I felt my system going insane, the warmness and the electrifying sensation roamed all over my body.

/"Blake!/" I pushed him but he still kept me in his arms kissing me.


/"Give me back my sweet Jean./" He stopped and looked straight to my eyes.

/"Let’s write the contract/" I wiggled out from his arms and walked to the dining room. He got the papers along with the pens.

/"We both write the contract and discuss it right away to see if we agree to it or not/" I said and he nodded. We both started to write the contract, I thought a lot of things about this.

/"Done./" He stated and I looked up to him disbelief.

/"Done? We just started!/" I said and he nodded crossing his arms in front of his chest.

/"Here./" I slid my paper to him as I finished everything. He passed his paper to me too and I started to read it.

/"What the freak is this?/" He burst and I looked at him.


/"No sleeping in the same room, no kissing, no hugging. What’s with this contract?/" He ripped my paper and my eyes widen because I didn’t expect that he will rip that into pieces.

/"That’s what I want!/" I hissed at him and he shook his head. I turned my head to the paper and my eyes widen because his contract was the opposite of mine.

/"We’re husband and wife not a stranger./" He stated seriously.

/"Fake, Blake. Add it everytime you said husband and wife with me./"

/"Still.. We’re going to get married for real even though it’s all for a contract./"

/"Oh boy./"

/"So let’s make a new contract, future wife./" He smirked and I looked at him disbelief.