



Jean Verodine

/"Come on Jean!/" My trainer Rex cheered from the side while I was doing me pull ups.

/"I hate this you moron!/" I screamed but I kept doing it to make sure my body is in shape.

/"Oh Jean, you love me./" Rex said and I rolled my eyes, I kept doing it. 4 more to go, Jean, you can do it.

/"Nice ass./" My hands slipped after hearing that voice causing me to fall to the ground. I sighed and got up again. I eyed Rex and he smirked at me.

/"Hello Blake./" Rex shook his hand and I glared at them both. I quickly got up again to do my pull up, ignoring Blake’s presence.

/"How’s my girl doing?/" Excuse me?!

/"Who? Jean?/" Rex asked and I wanted to hit him so bad.

/"Who else?/" Blake answered easily.

/"I’m not your girl asshole, don’t just claim a random girl yours./" I got down after finishing my pull ups.

/"Why did you stop?/" Rex asked.

/"I’ve done my job./"

/"Who wears a sweater inside the gym?/" Blake asked me and I ignored him. I don’t want to answer him. I took my drink and sipped it.

/"Squats with weight now!/" Rex said and I nodded following him to where the weights are. I turned to Blake and looked at him suspiciously.

/"Don’t you have work to do?/" I asked.

/"You’re more important sweetheart./" He smiled to me and I looked around to see girls biting their lips trying to get Blake’s attention.

/"Pick from one of them, I’m not interest in helping you/" I said andhe chuckled.

/"Nah.. I chose you./"

/"Can’t you just go away?/" I asked as Rex gave me the weight. I put it on my shoulders and looked at Blake.

/"Babe, I want to workout here. Is it a crime?/" He smirked widely.

/"I wish I could throw this to you./" I said as I started to do my squat

/"Don’t be feisty Jean, you always do that to every guy who hit on you./" Rex said and I looked at him disbelief. I squated and glared at him hard

/"I like seeing my girl working out, you look sexy./" Blake leaned to the wall and I can’t belief he said that out loud. Girls were giving me envious look.

/"I’m not your girl./"

/"Yet./" Blake added and I sighed ignoring him to concentrating on my squat. I finished 3 sets of 20 squats in no time. Rex helped me to put the weight down.

/"I’m done?/" I asked and Rex nodded. I took my drink and sipped it. Suddenly Blake slipped his arm around my waist and I looked at him shock.

/"Get off me!/"

/"Oh come on ice princess, don’t be so cold and feisty./" He whispered to my ear and I pushed him but he got me again.

/"Thanks Rex./" I said and he smirked walking away.

/"Blake, let me go or I’ll kick your jewel./" I threatened glaring at him.

/"Jean, if you kick it, we can’t have kids./" He said and I knew he was joking but joking about having kids was out of my league. I stomped his foot hard and he groaned in pain. I walked away from him towards the bathroom.

He followed me but he stopped when he got a call. I glared at him and he smirked at me before answering the call.

/"Hello, Aaron./" He answered and I walked into the bathroom to shower. I took a quick shower and dried my hair quickly. I changed into my black t-shirt and denim shorts. I walked out from the bathroom and found Blake leaning on the wall waiting for me. I sighed.

/"You still here?/"

/"Let’s have lunch together./" He walked to me and I shook my head.

/"No thanks./"

/"You wound me again./" He said and pretended to be sad.

/"Good./" I hissed and walked towards the door to go out.

/"You have a nice ass./" Blake stated and I turned to him annoy.

/"You’re so annoying./" I said coldly.

/"Let’s go./" He caught my wrist and I pulled my wrist from his grip.

/"I don’t want to go and besides I have my car./" I pointed at my car and he pointed the car in front of me.

/"Get in beautiful./"

/"Stop calling me nicknames, I hate it!/" I said and turned my body planning to walk to my car but he caught my arm and carried me on his shoulder. I squalled in shock.

/"Blake!/" I squalled and smacked his back.

/"I asked you nicely but you ignored me so you leave me no choice./" He said and he unlocked his car. He opened his car door and put me inside. He locked the door from the outside causing me can’t open it from inside.

/"You’re unbelievable!/" I said to Blake when he got into his car.

/"So what do you want to eat beautiful?/" Blake asked smiling sweetly to me.

/"I lost my appetite already./" I said coldly.

/"Italian it is./" He said as he started his car. I looked at him disbelief. I looked out the window completely not interested to talk to Blake.

/"So let’s get to know each other my future wife./" He said and I scoffed at the word ‘wife’. He said he doesn’t even interested in love but he’s acting like he does.

/"No thanks./"

/"What’s your favorite food?/" He asked.

/"Shoes./" I answered randomly.

/"Oh Jean, I don’t know that you’re this weird./" He said laughing.

/"Yeah I’m weird, sometimes I ate glass when I’m hungry./" He laughed harder and I looked at him weirdly.

/"You always amuse me more each time, you made me like you more than hate you more./" He stated and I hissed. I made a wrong move.

/"That’s not suppose to happen./" I mumbled.

/"Here we are./" The restaurant was quite near from the gym, it was just 5 blocks away. He stopped in front of the restaurant and got out. I got out planning to runaway but Blake caught my hand in time. I looked at him and our hands.

/"You can’t runaway from me./" He stated and pulled me inside the restaurant.

/"Welcome Mr. Coster./" The waiter that stood in front of the restaurant greeted Blake.

/"This way sir./" She lead us inside and walked to the corner of the restaurant. We sat across each other and then the waitress gave us the menu.

/"Fettuccine Alfredo./" Blake ordered without looking at the menu.

/"Make that two./" I said smiling to her and Blake ordered a drink and again I copied him. After that, the waitress left.

/"What exactly do you want Blake?/"

/"Same as yesterday./" He stated as he looked at me with amusement in his eyes.

/"Listen Blake, I don’t want to marry you. You don’t do love and I do love. For you marriage is just a game but not for me, it’s once in a lifetime thing for me./"

/"You’re a perfect bride, you have this coldness towards me and I assure you that you won’t fall in love with me because I don’t do love and besides you despise me right?/" He said and I raised my eyebrows.

/"You can have any man after marriage because it won’t bother me. After 3 months we can have our old lifes back and get divorce./" He added and I hate the word divorce so much until I believe that it won’t be in my dictionary.

/"Find someone else, there’s a tons of girls that will wiling to help you./" I said because it’s the truth. Girls love a guys like him.

/"You’re the girl Jean, I’ll give you a one million dollar check and then I’ll buy anything you want./"

/"Do you think I’m an easy girl to begin with? I don’t need any of your money!/" I said looking straight to his eyes.

/"How about pretending to be my fiance?/" He asked and I shook my head.

/"I don’t want to Blake, I told you-/"

/"Blake honey./" I turned to the side to see a beautiful woman in her 50s kissed Blake on his cheek. She turned to me with a questioning look to Blake.

/"How do you get here mom?/" Mom?! Blake stood up and hugged her. I got up too and smiled to her. She took my hand and shook it. She smiled so widely and she turned to Blake.

/"Who is this beautiful lady?/"

/"I’m his-/"

/"My girlfriend mom, Jean Verodine./" My eyes widen at him and I can’t help but put a smile in my face

You’re dead Blake Coster.