



Blake Samuel

8 years later..

I kissed my wife’s bare shoulder, slowly trailed up to her neck. She moved in her sleep as I continued kissing her.

/"Blake/" She whined.

/"Morning, my sunshine./" I kissed her lips and she opened her eyes.

/"We need to take a shower and get dress before the boys come in./" She got up but I pulled her to my arms again.

/"Another round./" I whispered to her ear.

/"Blake!/" She blushed and someone knocked on our door. I knew right away that it’s one of the boys. Her eyes widen and she pushed me. She ran to the bathroom naked.

/"Get the door, Blake!/" She shouted before closing the door. I quickly took my clothes on the floor and wore mine quick. I opened the door and saw my 4 years old son rubbing his eyes.

/"Dad./" He cried suddenly and I picked him up.

/"What happen, Blane?/" I asked and he wrapped his arms around my neck.