



Jean Verodine

/"How’s your butterflies?/" My mom asked and I can’t help but a nervous laugh. I’m so happy today but also nervous at the same time. Me and Blake have our wedding in Greece with only our family and friends.

I held my hands together and looked at the mirror. I kept sweating because I’m nervous. What if I trip on my wedding dress? That’s not cool. What if I drop the ring? That will be so embarrassing.

Today, I’m wearing a beautiful off-shoulder wedding dress, with a lacy detailing all over it. It’s really beautiful because it’s simple and elegant at the same time. Alexis helped me to pick this dress.

My hair was pulled into a bun and the make up was really light. Everything is so perfect and I can’t believe that today is my wedding day. Marrying the man I love has always been my dream.