


---The Past

Jean Verodine

I opened my eyes slowly and I found all white. I felt someone’s holding my hand so I slowly sat up. I held the pain from the wound so badly. I can’t help but smile widely to see Blake sleeping. His hands was holding mine so tightly.

I pulled it out from his grip slowly and stroked her hair. I moved a little so I can give Blake a space but suddenly he woke up. His eyes widen and he immediately smiles.

/"Hey./" I said and he hugged me instantly. It was painful since the wound was still fresh but the joy of me reunited with Blake again made me forget the pain that I was having.

/"Gosh, Jean. Everytime and everywhere you successfully make me go crazy./"

/"I’m sorry./" I said and he released the hug. He crashed his lips to mine and kissed me passionately.

/"I miss you so much!/" He hugged me again.

/"I miss you too./" I kissed his cheek and he smiled.
