



Nicholas Lemiere

/"We're so proud of you, Dylan./" Chloe hugged him.

Today is my second son Dylan's graduation, he got 4th place for the highest score and we're really proud of him.

/"Thanks mom./"

/"Now give your dad a hug bud./" I smiled and he hugged me.

/"Good job Dylan./" I patted his shoulder and he nodded.

/"Congrats little bro./" Matthew hugged him too.

/"He's going to college too./" Crystal said not wanting to hug her brother.

/"Ignore her./" Brandon my third son said as he hugged Dylan. Dylan looked at Crystal smiling, she looked away not wanting to look at him.

Crystal and Dylan has a really close bond than the others, Dylan always got her back in every way and I really like to see them like this. Matthew and Brandon love her too but in a different way.

/"Come here give me a hug./" Dylan said but Crystal still look away. I stroked her hair.