



Kenneth Domanco

20 years ago..

/"Nicholas!/" My dad called me.

/"Yes dad./" I said in a really clear voice.

/"Let's go somewhere and asked Marie, Josh, Leonardo and Cassie to come too./" My dad said, I nodded and walked inside the house. Running upstairs to their rooms and asked them to go out now.

/"Are we going to training again today dad? It's Saturday./" Marie my sister asked.

/"Don't ask any questions, just follow me./" He said.

/"Come on bud, let me help you./" Leo helped me to get inside the jeep, we all get inside the car. My dad was driving with Josh beside him and we all sat at the back.

/"Where are we going dad?/" Cassie asked.

/"Listen to me kids.. Listen to me well, I want you to remember the road to get to the place hat we're going now. Remember it because it's important for emergency./" My dad seriously said, Leo sat me on his lap so I can see the road.