



Angelia Selosvone

/"Alex! Are you deaf or what? I told you th-/"

/"Little Angel, I'll lock you outside if you don't come in 3.. 2.. 1../" I ignored him, he really closed his door and locked it. I sighed and looked around his house. I have to find a way out from here.

I walked to his garden to find a door or.. my eyes widen when I found a small door to go out. I walked there but suddenly I felt a hand circling my stomach. Alex was carrying me inside by force, I kept smacking his body but no use.

/"Can you just listen to me!/" He burst and put me down as we got inside. I crossed my arms and looked at him raising my eyebrows

/"Stay with me for tonight, I have to make sure you're safe./"

/"Don't even make that s*** speech Alex, you already put me in danger and why the hell care that I'll be safe!/" I burst back.

/"Angel listen-/"