



Jean Verodine

I opened my eyes slowly, the sunlight hit straight into my eyes. I looked at the blanket that is wrapped around my body. Suddenly the scene last night went back, I cursed under my breath.

I closed my eyes again hoping that everything was only a dream. Oh boy, I slept with Blake last night. I can’t believe that I gave my precious jewel to a guy that I met a week ago. This is freaking insane. I don’t know what got me but I gave it all to him without hesitating.

Blake’s arms were wrapping around my waist and now how am I going to get out from his grip? I slowly started to take his arm away.

/"Where do you think you’re going sweetheart?/" I froze hearing his voice and he pulled me back to his embrace.

/"Blake, let me go./" I said but he ignored me. He kissed my back slowly and I turned my body facing him. His beautiful green orbs already looking at me.