



Sky Locason

7 years later..

Moving my hands around but I felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see the empty spot beside me. I quickly got off my bed and went to the bathroom.

I walked out from our room and walked into the room across mine. Looking at my little princess still sleeping curling herself like a panda. I walked to her and kissed her forehead.

She suddenly move and opened her eyes slowly. Revealing those beautiful blue eyes and she smiled at me.

/"Daddy./" She slowly got up and I sat on her bed. She attacked me with hugs and kisses. Her physics might be a copy paste of her mom but she acts like me.

/"Come on let's see what is your mom doing?/" I said and she nodded. She circled her small arms to my neck and I carried her downstairs.

I saw her cooking and giving our 3 years old son food. I walked to her and kissed her cheek.

/"Morning love./" I said and she smiled.