


Joan Cesborn

I literally ignored every single thing related to Nate. I blocked his number and just 100% ignored him. I knew he will come to me sooner or later but let's let him be like this

/"Closer Joan/" I leaned to the male model more and he looked to the camera

/"Good.. Beautiful Joan.. Great chemistry/" The photographer said and I kept changing poses

/"That's a wrap/"

I walked into my changing room and changed into my tight sexy dress. After this I'm going to meet the girls to go clubbing and go for a drink. I walked out from the door and walked into my van. I jumped when I saw Nate was inside my van.

My eyes widened and I looked around to see no one was there.

/"Why are you ignoring my calls? To be exact you blocked me/" He said and I closed the door. I sat casually on my seat not wanting to answer him

/"Joan!/" He burst angrily , I turned to him