
Billionaires Breakable Bond

Hayes Tates; a fashionista who was extremely wealthy yet rude and arrogant finds his life becoming a total chaos after he signed some legal marriage paper unknowingly and he was tied to Carmel Anderson; an artist with a generous heart yet she couldn't find a place in her heart to like Hayes one bit. What happens when trouble comes knocking on their door and one person's life is at risk?

Qamardeen_Aweda · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


Hayes walked into his office and saw his father sitting down waiting for him which made him a bit confused because his father barely comes to his company and even if he does they come together so what could have possibly made him come here?

"Dad, what are you doing here?" He asked and he immediately turned towards him.

"I need your signature on some documents, that's all."

"Why didn't you wait for me to come home?"

"I can't predict when you will come home Hayes, sometimes I don't even see you till the next day."

"What are they about?"

"Just the property and the lawyer is kinda waiting for me, he can't do his job without these papers." He set the papers down and picked a pen from the pen cup before signing everything his father asked him to.

Though his father hated the fact that he was lying to him, he really didn't have a choice but to handle him this way.

"Thanks." He collected the papers and walked out of the office.

Though Hayes was suspicious about the sudden signing of papers and the strange way in which his father was tapping his feet earlier, he didn't bother to look into it because he knew his father wouldn't do something that isn't for his own good.

West unstapled the papers that Hayes had signed and removed the one he needed before putting it in a file and steepled the rest back together while telling the driver where he should be taken to.

He stepped out of the vehicle and entered the cafe and just as he looked around he saw exactly who he was looking for. He was officially gonna seal the business deal he had with the Anderson's and to say he was filled with joy was less of the truth.

"Mr Tates, it's so nice to meet you again." they gave each other a hand shake while he just gave a smile to his wife; Ava

"Mr Anderson I do hope our meeting this time is based on something good."

"Of course it is, come on, have a seat." they all sat down and began to discuss stuff based on business then processed to talking about the deal they agreed on.

"So I got it signed. You just have to do your part of the deal now and everything will be settled."

"Definitely Mr Tates, I mean what type of parents will we be if we don't consider our children's life."

"Exactly! So when are we meeting again?"

"I guess the next meeting will be at my house, I'll give you a call."

"It's a pleasure meeting you Mr Anderson."

"The pleasure is all mine and thank you for agreeing to this."

"Thank you too." West left the building and asked the driver to take him to the company for he had a meeting to attend in the next thirty minutes.


Carmel walked into the house feeling completely exhausted after Connor decided to take her everywhere he could drive to and when she told him she was tired he immediately brought her home.

Their parents were waiting for them to come home which was totally weird on Carmel's behalf but she hugged them when they had their arms open.

Something wasn't right she could literally sense that they were up to something but she didn't want to confront them right now all she needed was some sleep and water

"It feels good to have you back home." Ava kissed her forehead and she smiled.

"You want to eat something?" Her father offered and Connor was upstairs secretly staring at them as they spoke.

"Not at all, I already had a burger and I am way too full, all I need right now is a good night's sleep."

"Sure thing honey, let's go." her father took her hand as they began to walk upstairs and Connor walked into his room while Ava went to the kitchen to cook dinner

Connor was quite suspicious but even if he had his ear glued to her room door he wouldn't hear a thing because it was soundproof.

Carmel took a seat on her soft bed then her father handed her an envelope which made her furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's this dad?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Well I know this isn't really the right time to do this honey and I'll advise you not to open that till you wake up from sleep."

"How important is this?"

"I need your response as quickly as possible but I want you to think about it clearly and we aren't sending you away, you can visit whenever you want to."

"What are you saying? Are you sending me to Bangladesh again?"

"No honey, just a place closer and a lot more comfortable for you."

"Does Connor know about it?"

"No, he doesn't, I promise. Come on let's get you tucked it" he grabbed the paper and put it inside her cupboard before making her lay on the bed.

Carmel knew he wasn't gonna leave unless she sleeps so she took a deep breath and closed her eyes gently while walking towards dream land.


Connor walked towards the kitchen to ask his mother what was going on but he couldn't find her there then he heard noises from the store room and he figured she was the one and just as he thought she was taking out some spices to cook.

"What do you want?" She questioned in a way that made him laugh.

"Why did you answer that like you knew I was coming to ask for something?"

"Because you always do that, you come out of nowhere like a ghost just to ask me for anything random, move out of my way."

"Oh come on mother, ok fine I do want something."

"Spill it."

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked at him.

"I mean what's going on? The last time our father followed Carmel to her room was when we were kids."

"Don't you dare tell me you are getting jealous now."

"Of course I'm not, there's something you both aren't telling me here and your gestures show it."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't tap your legs unless you're a nervous mother."

"You don't know that."

"I've lived with you all my life. Why can I not know that?! Come on mother tell me the truth."

"No I won't."

"Which means there's something going on then."

"Connor just get out of here before I hit you with a spatula." she warned and he knew that was definitely gonna do that without a doubt so he immediately moved away from her but he didn't go out.

"Come on mother, just tell me." She shot her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them to look at him with a frown on her face.

"Do you know why I closed my eyes?"


"I prayed to God that I don't end up killing you with my own hands."

"It's just a simple question mother."

"Connor." she ran towards him and he ran for his life while laughing.

Conner was without a doubt his mother's favourite but he troubles her more than anyone in the house and Carmel sticks to her father more than her mother.

After a few hours of sleeping Carmel woke up and sat on the bed while rubbing her eyes. She looked at the time and saw that it was almost dinner time and just then she remembered her father giving her something before she went to sleep.

She opened the cupboard and removed the paper to read and as she read she had tears in her eyes, though she was suspicious about what her father meant by what he had said earlier but never would she have thought that it would be this hard.

Her mother had asked her about it before but she rejected it immediately saying she didn't want it but now they really meant it if they had it on paper and a part of it was already signed by a familiar looking signature.

She tried to recall where she could have possibly seen it but she could barely remember. Wiping the tears off her face and walking to the bathroom to freshen up.

She took her clothes off and changed into shorts and a shirt before she picked up the envelope along with the paper and walked out of her room. She wasn't really mad about it one but, she completely understood what was going on in her parents mind but this wasn't the moment that she would agree to a decision that will cost her a lifetime.

They were all seated for dinner as she walked in and she passed the envelope to her father with a sad look on her face which made Connor confused and just as he was about to pick the envelope up his father slapped his hand away.

"Sit down for dinner dear, we will have this conversation later."

"I'll have my dinner in the courtyard and please no one should follow me." she said as a single tear dropped from her face and she left but told someone to bring her dinner for her softly.

"What did you say to her father?"