
Billionaire Single Dad: My Daughter's Crazy Nanny

Rebecca, a crazy young lady accidentally clashes into the rude, saucy, cruel and famous Cold billionaire Single Dad as she was in a rush to deliver some ordered goods because she was already late. Robert, the famous cruel cute boss harassed and refused to let her go and threatened to arrest her for reckless driving, he thought of a punishment to get back at her and at the same time he was uncomfortable leaving his daughter to be in the mansion alone without a mother figure. It was then he got the idea of a perfect punishment for Rebecca and that is if only she would be his cold daughter's maid. Robert's Ex wife, Melissa wants Robert back after dropping him but Robert seems to have someone already in the picture, someone he wasn't sure could love him because of his cruelty towards her. How is that even possible? To live with an arrogant cold billionaire and his spoilt daughter. And who is this mystery lady that melted Robert's heart? Find Out with me as to unravel the mystery together.

Blue_Navi · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter Five

Billionaire Single Dad

(My Daughter's Crazy Nanny)

Genre: Romance

Chapter 5

Graig's House

Rebecca woke up very early the next morning and hurriedly took her bath.

She wouldn't want to be late for Mr. Robert's place after all the saying goes 'First impression matters'.

She put on a blue long gown and a black jacket, packed her hair in a ponytail, and applied some makeup, she splashed perfume on her body.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied with her looks she picked up her luggage and ambled outside.

She met her mom setting the dining table and she smiled. She was going to miss her mom's cooking.

"Come and eat before the driver comes looking for you." Veronica motioned to her daughter who stood staring at her.

Rebecca nodded and settled down on a chair and served herself.

Midway into the breakfast a knock sounded and Rebecca groaned.

"Don't worry, continue eating, I'll get the door," Veronica said and stood up before Rebecca could object.

She opened the door and met a young man on the doorstep.

"Sir Robert sent me to bring ma'am," The guard said, referring to Rebecca.

"She will be with you in a jiffy okay?' Veronica said and the guard nodded.

She turned back to meet Rebecca coming towards her.

"So soon? Are you done with your breakfast?" Veronica asked.

"Yes Mom, have eaten to my satisfaction," Rebecca said and with that, she hugged her mom.

"I'll miss you, Mom," Rebecca said as tears slipped out of her eyes.

"I'll miss you chicken," Veronica said, she pulled out from the hug and stared briefly at Rebecca.

"C'mon, this is no time to shed crocodile tears, you'll be late," Veronica said and took her bag.

They went outside to meet the guard waiting, he collected the bag and dropped it in the boot.

He came back and went in, he turned on the ignition and Rebecca burst into tears, she waved at her mom as the car sped off.

Wilson's Mansion

The car drove in and Rebecca didn't waste any time getting down.

She got her back and the maids directed her to the living room.

She stood staring at the magnificent building, the living room was so large that it could fit in her entire house.

It was beautifully decorated, everything here screamed of wealth. His portrait was not left out as they graced the living room

Robert came downstairs ready for work and met Rebecca staring around.

He smirked and went behind her. "Yunno you look ugly while staring." He said, causing her to jump.

She turned around and met that devilish smirk on his face

She scoffed and looked away. "Well, I never asked for your compliment." She said and he grinned.

"Don't forget I am your boss and you must respect me," Robert said and sat down.

"And I am your daughter's maid, so you must respect me." She said hands akimbo with that kind of posture that said she was ready for whatever it was.

Robert smiled. "Sunshine" He called and a Small beautiful girl ran out from the door opposite them.

"Daddy." The girl called and hugged him. He smiled and carried her.

"Sunshine, I got you another maid." He said motioning to Rebecca who stood staring at them.

Lillian turned and stared briefly at Rebecca. "I don't like her." She said and Rebecca gasped.

"Sunshine, believe me when I say she's good and she will treat you well," Robert said convincingly.

"Will she treat me well like my mom?" Lillian asked and Robert nodded.

"Now daddy needs to go to work, won't you kiss daddy bye?" Robert asked and leaned forward.

Lillian pecked him and patted her head.

"Please be good to her and overlook whatever attitude she exhibits," Robert whispered.

"I'll try my best." She said and with that, he went outside.

Lillian's Room

"So what should I call you?" Lillian asked, sitting on her favorite chair.

"Rebecca is my name, just call me Becca," Rebecca said and sat down beside her.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to sit down," Lillian yelled, pushing her but she sat still.

"Shouldn't I?" Rebecca asked, surprised.

"You can sit anywhere but not on this chair, it's my favorite." She said and Rebecca nodded standing up.

"So Lillian, how old are you?"

"Am five years old, why do you ask?" Lillian asked.

"Now number one rule, you must respect me and the fact that I am your maid," Rebecca said, staring at her.

"And if I don't?" Lillian asked, staring back at her.

"Well...I'll have no other choice than to move your favorite chair and pack your toys," Rebecca smirked.

"Hey, don't you dare touch my things," Lillian yelled.

"Don't you dare disrespect me, Lillian?"

"I hate you and wait until my dads come back, you're leaving this house for good," Lillian said furiously.

"Ohhh...I'd love that." Rebecca smiled.

"Get the hell out of my room," Lillian yelled, throwing a pillow at her.

Rebecca dodged and went out laughing.

She turned back walking and staring at the door, she accidentally bumped into someone. She staggered back a little bit.

"Ohhh." A gasp escaped her lips. "I didn't know Mr. Robert was a twin." She said, staring at the man in front of him.

The guy chuckled and leaned on the wall. "Am I?" He asked, looking at the lady In front of him.

"Aren't you?" Rebecca asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm his cousin, flew into the country yesterday." He said.

"Ooh that's nice, sorry for bumping into you," Rebecca said.

"Marshall." He said, extending his hands.

She smiled and accepted it. "Rebecca."

"What a lovely name for a beautiful lady like you." He said and kissed her hands

"Lillian, how's she?"

"Ohh she's fine except she's hard to get, I mean...."

"I understand," Marshall said, cutting her short. "All you need now is to be patient and easy with her, I am sure in a matter of weeks, she'll be cool with you."

"Ohh," Rebecca said

"Yunno she's strong-headed like her mom, very difficult to please," Marshall whispered and Rebecca nodded thoughtfully.

"Gossiping about me Uncle Marshall?" Came the tiny voice of Lillian and both froze on the spot.