

They had won this time and that was that on the matter.

She exited the office, trying not to seem like she had been in a haste to leave but she was. The truth was that she needed to leave or she would break he act. She did not know how she had pretended to be tough for so long that she had to take a hard breath out.

She saw them outside the office with eager eyes. She knew that they all wanted to know how it had gone but she could not exactly tell them that right now.

Alex was sure what the outcome of this meeting would be. She just wanted to know if he would fight harder than she had imagined that he would.

She watched them as she walked towards them but also watched as their eyes went out like they would pop out of their sockets. She turned around to see that Steve had come after her as soon as she had left his office.

"Fine." He said as he narrowed her with a look that said he had resigned even thought he had a lot of fight inside of him.