


"Does Mr Harold pay his workers close to one million dollars a week?" Irene asked.

"One million dollars a week?" Nola nearly screamed.

If Harold pays his workers one million dollars a week,it's possible cause his family originated from wealth, they are billionaires plus the fact that Harold is a billionaire on his own even without his family's money,he had worked very hard regardless of his family status but even with how generous Harold is, she has never heard he pay his employees close to one million dollars a week!

A week!

Not even a month!

"Why did you ask ? Is Harold paying you that amount?" Nola asked Irene and she hesitated before answering.

She feel she can trust the woman.

Nola had told her so much without even considering the fact that she just resumed today.

"Yeah" Irene replied slowly.

"Wow!" Nola exclaimed inwardly.

For Harold to pay a nanny that amount,then there's something behind it.

He definitely wants to help her.

Is the lady probably suffering from a problem?

Harold should have just sent his philanthropy company to do the job instead of that huge pay. It'll of course raise eyebrows.

She'll need to call him and discuss with him later.

Nola cleared her throat.

"Irene, to be sincere, i don't think Harold pays his workers close to that amount but he's someone who can do anything he wants. Harold always have a reason for everything. He definitely have a reason for wanting to pay you that amount. He wants to help you" Nola said.

"Help me? I never told him i needed help." Irene said.

She really needs all the financial help she can get but she never mentioned it to Harold, how did he found out?

"You never told him you needed help?" Nola asked.

"Yes" Irene answered.

"Well.. Harold has his way of doing things, just go along with him" Nola said.

"I will" Irene said.

"Fifteen minutes elapsed already" Irene stood up and quickly walked out of the kitchen.

Nola smiled, she hoped Irene won't stop this diligent act as time goes on.

Irene got to Ivory's room and found the little girl trying to open her eyes.

She quickly moved close to her and bent over her.

"Ivory, are you okay?" She asked before touching her body.

What the ..!

She's burning up!

Ivory finally opened her eyes and placed her tiny palm on her forehead.

"Dad" She whimpered.

"Ivory, it's your nanny" Irene said, blinking severally.

She's so lost right now.

"My head aches. Get me my dad" Ivory cried.

"Okay" Irene said, feeling her temperature once again.

Damn! It has increased.

She turned to walk out of the room and was so grateful when Harold walked in.

"She's calling for you" Irene said worriedly and harold almost ran towards his daughter.

"Ivory, I'm here" He said, kissing her forehead.

"Dad" Ivory held firmly to his hand.

"My head is aching" She cried.

"You'll be fine princess, i called the doctor already" Harold said and Irene could see his attractive face wrinkled with worry.

She stood there, not knowing what to do or say.

She moved close to Ivory and felt her temperature again before suddenly walking out of the room.

Harold wondered why she did that but he knew she doesn't have a nanny experience before employing her.

Moreover he's so worried about his daughter right now.

He so much hates seeing her in pains and knowing he made her sick saddens him more.

And he knows he'll still have to force her to take medication, Ivory hates drugs.

If that freaking Carrle hadn't appeared.

This wouldn't have happened.

"The doctor will be here soon okay?" Harold said to his daughter and she nodded slowly.

She didn't let go of his hand and he let her be.

She's always that way whenever she's ill.

Harold sighed and was about picking his phone to call the doctor again when he saw Irene walked into the room with water in a bowl and a piece of clean cloth.

He watched as she moved close to Ivory and then bent before her.

"This will keep help in keeping her temperature cool till the doctor arrives" Irene said as she dipped the cloth into the water.

Ivory glanced at her dad and he gave her a reassuring look.

Irene squeezed the wet cloth and started by dabbing Ivory's forehead with it.

She moved to her body after a while and that went on for a completely long and silent moment.

Harold found himself staring at at her while she tend for his daughter.

She had packed her hair uptight and the tendrils framing her face were no longer there .

She was looking so serious and worried.

She looked just like a worried mother.

A beautiful one at that.

He's so glad he made her stop that dirty job, and he's more glad he made her work in his house, he'll get to see her everyday.

He doesn't know why he wants to keep seeing her face.

Knowing so many man had had her because of money hurt him so much cause she acts and looks so responsible that he know if it wasn't for money,she wouldn't have involved herself in such impure job.

He wish he had found her earlier.

He has money at his beck and call,he would have gladly helped her.

How he knew she needed help is still deeply buried into him and he's not ready to disclose it.

"Mr Harold,seems her body temperature is starting to get cool" Irene said, interrupting his thoughts.

"Huh?" He asked,not quite getting what she just said.

"I mean, Ivory's body temperature is almost back to normal" Irene said.

"Ohh.. really?" Harold asked and felt his daughter's body temperature.

"Oh..my! It's not almost back to normal, it is back to normal" Harold said in surprise.

He grinned happily which made Irene smiled too.

"Ivory, how do you feel now?" Harold asked.

"I feel better dad but the headache is not completely gone" Ivory said,like her real self.

"Do you have some pain reliever? She can just use a pill and she'll be fine" Irene said and Ivory frowned.

Irene smiled,knowing how most kids dislike drugs.

"A doctor shouldn't always be called for everything" She added.

"Just Imagine! He's not even here yet, my daughter would still be in that pitiful state if not for you. He's definitely gonna have some tongue lashing from me when he comes" Harold asked.

"And was it magic you performed?" Harold asked,amazed as his daughter sat up on the bed.

"I want some candy" Ivory said and Irene smiled.

"Wow!" Harold exclaimed.

Ivory do take a day or two to recover from her sickness but it's just hours and she already sat up herself asking for candy.

"Y.. you want candy?" Harold asked.

"Yes daddy"

"I'll call Nola to get it for you right away" Harold said, unlocking his phone.

"Hold on" Irene stopped him.

"Ivory, I'm so glad your temperature is back to normal but you know you still complained of headache. So for you to be completely fine,you have to please promise me you'll take some pain reliever" Irene said and Ivory who hated taking medication nodded almost immediately.

"Good! And i promise you're gonna have your candy immediately you take the medication" Irene smiled.

"Okay Irene." Ivory smiled back at her.

Harold watched the both of them in awe.

He's always having difficulties in making Ivory take drugs but Irene just..she just spoke to her and she agreed almost immediately.

This little girl can be so surprising.

And he noticed she kinda changed the moment she set her eyes on Irene.

She had almost cried this morning thinking Irene won't be resuming after reading her rules booklet.

"I should call Nola to get the pain reliever and candy" Harold said.

"No, I'll go get it myself and when I'm back,I'll tell you the magic i did" Irene shrugged and then chuckled.

Harold smiled as she walked out of the door.

"I'm so glad you're fine now" Harold said arranging his daughter's hair scattered hair.

She allows only her father and Nola to touch her hair, she just doesn't like other people touching her body or her hair.

"I'm surprised you agreed to take your medication that easily,you were always begged to take it and you'd end up whining and crying but you just listened to Irene without hesitation"

"I just felt like it dad" Ivory said..

"You felt like it? Or just because it's Irene?" Harold asked.

"Maybe" Ivory shrugged.

"Do you really like her that much? She just resumed today" Harold said.

"Yes, i like her, she seems so nice. And she really tried her best in making me feel okay,i like her more" Ivory said.

Harold smiled, this is the first time his daughter will really like a nanny.

Like, the first time she'll really be satisfied with a nanny.

"Here i come" Irene said walking in with a glass cup of water and the pain reliever with some candy too.

She made ivory took the pain reliever and told her to lay on her back,she covered her properly with her blanket and then handed her her candy which the girl took delightedly.

Irene turned to Harold...

"I didn't performed any magic, that was just a common act. " She said, finally sitting on the couch.

"A common act? If it was so common,i would have been doing that anytime her temperature is high instead of calling the doctor" Harold said.

"Well...it's so common where i live, my parents do that to us anytime we have high temperature,they rarely call the doctor"

"We?" Harold asked.

"Yeah, i have a younger brother" Irene said.

"Really?" Harold asked.

"Yes" Irene said proudly and Harold noticed that beautiful light in her eyes, she must really love her younger brother.

"His name?" Harold asked.

Irene smiled, knowing how happy Damien would be so happy if she tells him Harold knew about him and even asked for his name.

"Damien" Irene said.

"Still in high school?" Harold asked.


"Okay, send my regards to him" Harold said.


Damien would nearly pee in his pants.

"Alright, i will" Irene said and there was an awkward silence.

Ivory concentrated more on her candy while Harold and Irene caught themselves severally stealing glances.

"I should return the glass cup" Irene said as an excuse to leave the room.

The silence was just so awkward and she can't stop stealing glances at the man.

"No, someone would come clear it" ivory said as she clicked a switch beside her bed, it sounded like a bell and Irene was wondering what was happening until a maid came rushing in seconds later.

"What do you need Ivory?" The young lady asked and it was then Irene knew she had used that switch to summon her.


She had thought it was just a normal switch.

"She wants you to clear the glass cup" Harold said and the maid did so without hesitation.

She walked out of the room almost immediately while Irene sat there, blinking.

"Whenever Ivory presses the switch,you should tell the maid whatever she wants. I don't allow her order people who are old enough to birth her around,so you speak for her instead" Harold said to Irene who nodded numbly.

These people keep surprising her every minute.

She's so impressed that Harold is bringing up his daughter in a good way.

She had thought the girl can order anyone around as she wishes, she never knew she's restricted from doing so.

It'll really help her grow into a well mannered lady.

"He's such a good father" Irene thought smiling admiringly at Harold who was tickling his daughter.

They were both laughing and her heart melted at the scene.

She took her time in looking round the room.

There are two doors in the room, she knows one is definitely the bathroom door but she wondered which was the second one.

A knock on the door stopped every movement.

"Who's there?" Harold asked.

"Doctor Fernado is here Mr Harold" Someone said through the door.

"Let him in" Harold said and the door opened to reveal a chubby man,neatly dressed in a blue shirt tucked into white pants, black shiny shoes and nice haircut.

"Good day Mr Harold" Doctor... greeted.

Good day doctor Fern" Harold replied.

"I thought you said she's..."

"Well she's fine now" Harold interrupted him.

"Really?" The doctor asked moving to touch Ivory who scampered away from his touch.

"Don't touch me!" She said, rolling her eyes.

"Ohh...I'll go wash my hands right away..." The doctor said dropping his bag.

"You don't have to do so, as you can see,she's fine already so there'll be no need to examine her. I wonder what took you so long! What if she was dying!" Harold flared up.

"Mr Harold, I'm so sorry about that, an emergency came up at the hospital and i really had to attend to it"

"An emergency came up? And you couldn't send another doctor to attend to her, what if she's still burning up till this moment, do you think her little brain can handle such pain. If anything had happened to her, I swear i would jail you for life! This isn't the first time you'll do such, when next it happens, I'll withdraw you as my personal doctor" Harold said with a very angry tone.

"I'm so sorry Mr Harold, please forgive me. I promise it won't repeat itself" The doctor pleaded.

"You can leave, my manager sent some money into your account already" Harold said.

"For doing nothing?" Irene wondered, almost aloud.

"I'm so sorry Mr Harold" the doctor said, picking his bag.

"It's fine, you can leave now" Harold said with a more calm tone.

"I'm so sorry" The doctor said one last time before finally walking out of the door.

Irene sighed.

Ivory continued licking her now slim candy, looking unconcerned.

"I hope the headache has relieved you?" Harold asked her and she nodded.

"I'm fine now, i only need more candy and maybe a slice of strawberry cake" She said.

"Okay, I'll call Nola to get it ready for you" Harold said and quickly placed a call to Nola.

A maid came in minutes later, Irene noticed she wasn't the one who came in earlier.

She wondered how many maids were in the house.

She gently placed the tray containing more candies and a slice of strawberry cake on ivory's bedside table and then turned to walk out.

"You'll be able to go to school tomorrow right?" Harold asked.

"Of course" Ivory replied picking another candy.

"Irene will be here early tomorrow to prepare you for school" Harold said.

"Isn't she sleeping over?" Ivory asked.

"She's yet to get her wears" Harold said.

"Ohh" Ivory nodded.

"Irene,your room is adjoining mine" Ivory announced.

"Really?" Irene asked.

"Yes, can you see that door?" Ivory pointed to one of the doors in her room.

"Yeah" Irene nodded.

"That's the link to your room, you can come into my room without having to go through the normal doorway and i can also easily come into your room if i need anything" Ivory smiled.

"Wow! That's nice" Irene smiled.

She had seen the two doors in the room and she had been wondering which door is the second one.

Now she know.

"I did it that way so she can always have easy access to her nannies" Harold said.

"That's fine" Irene said.

"You'll get to see your room tomorrow when you move in" Harold said.

"Okay" Irene said,still not used to the fact that she'll be spending most days of the week here and just weekends with her family.

"Ohh...it's time for lunch already, no wonder my stomach has been rumbling" Harold said glancing at his expensive looking wristwatch.

"Time flies, was it not just now she arrived" Irene thought.

"Let's go have lunch, I'm starving already" Harold said standing on his feet.

"I'm having my lunch already" ivory said.

"Of course i know. I was referring to Irene" Harold said.

"Ohh...me?" Irene asked quickly getting on her feet.

"Yeah, let's go have lunch" Harold said.

"Okay" She said trailing behind him to the door.

"Ivory,will you be fine?" Harold asked.

"Of course Dad, but help me switch on the TV please" Ivory said, she's chewing on her strawberry cake and candy at the same time.

"Okay" Harold said and grabbed the remote control. He switched on the TV and scrolled through the channels for his daughter's favorite. He found it and click on it before dropping the remote control.

"Thanks Dad" ivory called after him as he walked out of the door with Irene.

"How old is Ivory?" Irene asked Harold as they approached the dining room.

Harold opened the door and they stepped in.

The table was set already and Irene almost exclaimed at the classic settings.

Just like how she sees it in movies.

She shouldn't be surprised by anything in this house,she knows he's a billionaire who can afford anything.

"Ivory is eight" Harold answered.

"Wow! How come she's so smart?" Irene asked.

"Well...she got the smartness from me" Harold boasted, smiling.

"That's obvious" Irene nodded.

"So,this is my personal dining room, i eat here with my daughter and Nola. The workers have their dining room" Harold said.

"Ohh...okay, I'll go meet Nola to show me the way to the workers dining room" Irene said.

"Chill..." Harold paused and then continued.

"You'll be eating here with us" He finally said.

"Huh?" Irene asked, furrowing her brow.

"Why?" She wondered aloud.

Shouldn't she be happy she'll be eating on the same table with him?

So many people would jump at it.

"I'll be fine at the workers dining room,that's where i belong" Irene said.

"Of course that's where you belong cause you're a worker here" Harold agreed.

"Yeah" Irene said.

"But ivory wants you here" Harold lied. He does,not Ivory.

He just doesn't know why he want to keep seeing her every time.

When did he turn into a liar?

And when did he ever propose this idea to any of his workers? Even those that has been with him for years have never got the chance to eat on the same table with him.

And he even had to lie that ivory want her here just for her to accept.

"Really? Why does ivory want me here?" Irene asked.

"She needs to be close to her nanny always."

"But the past nannies definitely do not eat on the same table with you guys,why does Ivory suddenly want me to?" Irene asked.

"Well..she told me, starting from you, she's gonna make a change" Harold said,his conscience hitting him hard.

Lies brings more lies.

"Ohh... okay" Irene said, feeling so special she'll be dining with Harold Marshall, the most handsome billionaire in the whole of San Francisco who some people are dying to see.

She had felt special right from when he told her she'll be dining with them and she had almost jumped at the offer but again she had a rethink.

"Let's go eat, enough of the dilly dally" Harold said and they both moved towards the dining table.


They had almost finished eating and Harold kept hoping Ivory won't pop up anytime soon.

She's gonna be surprised to see Irene dining in their personal dining room and she'll ask what she's doing here.

And then Irene would know he lied.

She'll start seeing him as a liar right from that moment.

Oh.. no.

He stared at Irene who was obviously enjoying the meal, even if he wants to stand up anytime soon, he knew she's not ready at all.


She just shifted another bowl of fruits closer to herself.

Nola is done eating, she picked a glass cup of her favorite fruit juice and started gulping it down her throat.

She had communicated with Harold with her eyes when she saw Irene in the dining room and he had nodded, meaning he'll explain things to her later.

Harold shifted in his seat when he heard tiny footsteps on the step.

He hoped it wasn't Ivory but again who among his workers has such tiny steps.

"Why can't you just stay put in your room,this little girl" He thought, feeling uneasy that his cat is about to be let out of the bag.

"Dad" He heard Ivory called before the dining room door opened.

Hell no!

"Stop her!" He suddenly shouted, scaring everyone out of their chair.