

Leila grew up poor and abused. After graduation from high school, she vowed to get over her past. She decided to take whatever means to marry into a rich family and get as much money as she can. Jake, on the other hand, grew up as the heir to his father's billions. He wasn't contented with the money, he just wanted a woman he loves and share his life with. Will both of them fulfill their dreams together or is the marriage doomed from the very start?

Feluz · Urbain
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16 Chs



Jesus took my hand again and told me, "I want to show you something."

He gestured towards the clouds and it cleared up to show me lying on the table, looking pale and dead. But what caught my attention was the guy beside my body. He was talking to me, as if trying to comforr me. He spoke so sweetly.

Jesus said, "He haș already fallen for you while you are dead." Then He added, "Both of you would go through so many trials. But even though he won't show it most of the time, his love for you would always be there. Remember that." He looked at me with so much love. I suddenly felt His tremenduous, overpowering love for me. And I suddenly remembered all those times that I doubted His love. How could I have doubted Jesus when He loves me so much? He smiled, as if He read my thoughts. I looked down feeling ashamed of myself. But there was no accusation on His face. Just love. "It's time for you to go back, Leila."


I felt pain. So, so much pain. I couldn't stand it. Then, inspite of so much pain, I became aware of the young man sitting beside me. My eyes were still closed. But I could feel him. I felt his presence. I felt his feelings for me.

I felt I know him but I couldn't remember who he was. His feelings for me was providing comfort. Regret. Guilt. And love?

I wondered what he did, why he felt guilty. I felt his love. I don't remember if he was my boyfriend. But I know I'm still young. Too young to have a boyfriend. I couldn't remember my age. Weird.

I felt him caress my hair gently. He took my hand. He was telling me about his Dad liking me. Despite of all the pain I was feeling, I was trying to understand what he was saying. They wanted to adopt me. I wondered what happened to my parents. Am I an orphan?

He still thought I was dead. I gave his hand a squeeze. He screamed. His screaming hurt my ears. Gosh! How can a guy scream like that? I wondered if he was gay. Then he was shaking my shoulders. My pain increased.

He strated shouting at me that I was messing with him. Why was he so angry? What did I do wrong. I felt confused. He was șo nice and tender a while ago.

I felt his chair moved, there were noises, like some struggle and he let me go. When he shook me, my pain increased tremenduously. My eyes were heavy. I was too weak to open them. My eyes became wet and tears started to fall. I was hurting so much.

"She's crying!" I heard a struggle and someone falling. Someone was touching the blanket covering me. "She's alive! She's alive! She's breathing." His voice was happy and excited.

I still couldn't remember who he was, or who he was in my life. Actually, I couldn't remember anyone, not even my parents. Is he my brother. Why does he seem to care whether I was dead or alive? Who was he?

"Dad! She's alive! At first, she squeezed my hand. Then she's crying. And we checked, she's breathing!

I felt his lips on my cheek. He was comforting me by caressing my cheek. I ignored his hand even though I liked his warm touch.

He whispered, "We already called an ambulance. Just hang in there. Don't die again please!"

I smiled. Funny guy!

I had a hard time staying conscious. I lost consciousness several times before the ambulance arrived. So painful again when they lifted me and placed me in a stretcher and placed me inside the ambulance.

Then Mr Nice Guy was trying to comfort me again. I felt they injected me with tranquilizers. I fell asleep.


I felt so relieved that she was alive. I wondered if she really died or was it just a mistake?

I don't see any relative or friends around. Only thing I know is that her father was dead and her mother was in jail, her grandmother hasn't arrived yet.

Leila had to go through an operation when she arrived at the hospital. Her lungs were pierced. Her left knee was severely broken so they had to put a metal screw and rod inside her leg.

Dad also want to start the adoption proceedings. But it might take several weeks or even months to process the adoption. An investigation has to be conducted into the background of Leila Evans.

That afternoon, Leila was transferred to the intensive care unit. I was also able to meet her grandmother, She was such a small, sweet lady. Aside from Leila's mother, Grandma Stephanie was Leila's nearest kin.

"She was smiling warmly when I introduced myself. She was wearing a modest summer dress and flat sandals.

"I was told that your family was planning to adopt Leila," she asked in a straightforward manner.

I was a bit taken aback how frank she was. Perhaps Leila got her straightforward manner from her grandma!

"We are seriously considering it, since we found out about Leila's traumatic experience. We learned how gifted she is so perhaps we can give her the environment she needs to widen her horizons and provide her a venue to use her talents."

She agreed. "She has been gifted since she was a toddler. Just like her father. I do want her to stay with me. But maybe your family can provide her more opportunities than me, with my limited resources. But in case your adoption pushes through, I hope your family would allow us to keep in touch. I am ger only relative." She looked at me keenly.

"Of course! We want her to grow up as happy as possible."

Leila stayed in the ICU for several days before she was allowed to be moved to a regular room. Dad went to the office regularly, to make up for my absence.

"It's been more than a week and they were only able to restore fifteen percent of the programs."

"I'm hoping I can talk to Leila soon. She is still unconscious due to the heavy sedatives she is being given everyday. Her leg was broken. Both arms fractured. Her neck ligaments were broken. I think she fractured her skull."

"At least, she is recovering. Tell her grandma we will pay for all expenses. Have you asked the doctor if we can have her transfered here to Pennsylvania?"

"Yeah. That's a good idea since we are going to adopt her anyway. Her Grandma agreed that we adopt her."

The next day, when I visited Leila, I was very delighted that she was already awake. I don't know what she'll be able to drink. I just brought her a vanilla milk shake.

Her grandma was with her. When she came out, she looked worried.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked.

She was evasive. She was looking sideways and wasn't looking at me. "She still couldn't talk to me, so I guess it is expected."

"What is expected?" I asked, puzzled.

She didn't elaborate. "I will be visiting her again tomorrow. So you can now go inside and spend time with her." Then she walked away, as if she wanted to be far from me as much as possible. Strange, I thought.

When I went in Leila's room, there was a blank look on her face. What did I expect? That she'll be ecstatic to see me? Sort off. I sighed.

I forced a cheerful countenance . I was jolly when I greeted her.

But we were not able to talk with one another since her full head was covered with bandages. I can only see her eyes and mouth. She couldn't move her mouth. She was wearing a neck brace. Her whole body was heavily bandaged too, only thing showing was her right leg.

"Do you remember me?" I asked her. I tried very hard to sound friendly so as not to frighten her.

She tried shaking her head slowly.

"Jason Ziegler." I said.

Blank look. She still shook her head.

"You called me up, remember?"

She shook her head again. Then she eyed her milkshake. So I turned the bar on her bed so to make her head higher. Then I gave her the shake. I put the straw in her mouth. She drank, looking at me warily.

Then she asked me in a low, soft voice, "Are you my boyfriend?"

I looked at her, shocked. "No, I'm not."

Then she asked me something that cinfused me more, "Are you my brother?"

I stared at her again, dumbfounded. "My family is planning to adopt you. My Dad's lawyer is already working on your adoption papers."

She looked at me curiously. "Why are you adopting me? Are my parents dead?"

I can't deny it anymore. Leila haș amnesia. I tested her carefully, "Do you know your name?"

Leila shook her head. She looked at me and asked, "Who am I?"