
Lies & Negotiation (Livia)

"We can always postpone the game for a bit," suggests Raylen out of the blue.

'How convenient for you,' thinks Livia as she fights off a sneer from appearing on her face. Instead, she asks, "How long shall we postpone it?"

Lius is looking way too hopeful for her to reject her former lover on the spot.

Raylen shrugs a tad. "Not too long. I am thinking of letting the two children explore a city together before we start this treasure hunt. Perhaps," he eyes Livia with a sly look that turns her stomach, "perhaps we can start with Eimmery."

"Mama's hometown?" There is undeniable excitement in Lius's voice. Lia shifts a little in her sleep again.

Raylen nods. "Indeed. Now that I think of it, it is a pity we've never visited the city. I have heard from Kai that it is quite a charming place."