

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappears without a trace, everyone think it's just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search leads him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He begins to wonder if Jasmine is Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine finds herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · Urbain
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16 Chs

Who is Janice?

It has been less than forty-eight hours since Investigator Fox had left the home of the Andersons and it has felt like eternity. But his mind was still racing with the thoughts of Jasmine. If he didn't find her soon, he knew that the Andersons will track her down and that will disrupt his plans.

He already knows the Andersons like the way he knows the back of his palms and he was so sure that they would stop at nothing to get their way, and he had to be just as tenacious if he hoped to find her first.

His mind was consumed by thoughts of Jasmine, and as a result, he began to see her in every lady he passed on the street. It was like a mirage, her face haunting him at every turn. He would approach these women, believing them to be Jasmine, only to realize his mistake and have to apologize. But his obsession with finding her was growing stronger by the day, and he was becoming desperate.

Today, just like any other day, he had stopped by at one of the popular restaurants that bustles with activities, to have dinner. As he sat at his table, enjoying the rare moment of peace and quiet, someone walked towards him. A lady. At first, he was surprised at the way she made herself comfortable on his table without regard to him. He racked his brain to remember where he knew her from but he couldn't remember. He cleared his throat and addressed her. Gentlemanly.

"Hello," his deep voice resonates in the corner where they were seated. "How may I help you?" He asked, giving no room for pleasantries seeing that she seems to be here for business.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, she finally broke the ice by ordering a drink. As she took a sip, she crossed her leg, the movement elegant and graceful, her gaze never leaving his face. Her body language was confident, almost challenging.

"Hi Fox, I am Alexis. Alexis Han," her tone pleasant but firm. As she introduced herself, there was an unmistakable note of authority in her voice, a warning not to underestimate her. She paused, letting the name sink in. Fox couldn't help but notice the way she emphasized her surname, a clear indication that she expected him to recognize it. And indeed, he did - the Han family was one of the most powerful and influential families in the city.

"What can I do for you, Miss Han?" he asked, his tone professional and direct. He was not one for small talk, preferring to get straight to the point. 

After ignoring his question, Alexis took her time sipping her drink, her eyes never leaving him. Finally, she put down her cup, and for a moment they were both silent. Then, she swirled the liquid around in her mouth, savoring it like a fine wine. The way she moved was almost sensual, and her smile was both charming and disarming. 

"How much do you need to stop the investigation you're doing for Clyde?" She asked, taking him unaware.

She had overheard his discussion with Clyde the other day when she went to Clyde's office. P.A. Ivan was not available to keep her 'company' while Clyde was entertaining a guest. And when she had gone close and heard everything, she knew that if she didn't act fast, she would be the loser in this game.

So the first move was to buy Investigator Fox over to her side and at the same time, look out for Janice in question.

His brow furrowed in surprise, and a small, almost mirthless laugh escaped his lips. His eyes fixed on her, but his smile did not reach them. She matched his gaze, a mirror of his own expression, her own lips curving into a smile that was all teeth and no warmth. For a moment, they were locked in a silent battle of wills, neither one willing to look away first.

"What investigation?" he asked, feigning ignorance. But there was something in his tone, a note of wariness, that betrayed his true feelings. He was trying to play it cool, but he could tell she was suspicious. And he had to tread carefully, lest he give away too much.

"Mr. Fox, you may not be aware, but I'm Clyde's girlfriend, and soon-to-be wife," she said, her voice filled with pride and a hint of smugness. She knew she had a unique position in Clyde's life, and she wasn't about to let that go unnoticed. Her relationship with him was a source of power, and she was determined to use it to her advantage.

"You don't say?" he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, then, why don't you tell him to stop the investigation yourself? Because, if I'm being honest, I don't have any clue what you're talking about." He said, his tone shifting to one of cool professionalism. He wasn't going to let her get the better of him - not in this conversation, or any other.

Her lips curled into a sly smile. She was used to dealing with people like him - those who were difficult and unyielding, but who could be bought with the right amount of money. After all, as the saying goes, money can buy you anything - even life itself. She knew that she had the upper hand in this situation, and she planned to use it to her advantage.

Reaching into her designer purse, she pulled out an open cheque and placed it on the table between them. "The cheque is already signed," she said, her voice as cool and smooth as silk. "All you need to do is fill in the amount you desire, and it's yours." Her gaze was steady and unwavering, and she held his eyes with a confidence that was almost unnerving.

Realizing that she already knows about the investigation, so he had no need to beat around the bush, "what makes you think that I'd want to stop the investigation?" he asked, his voice firm and unyielding. He wasn't about to be intimidated by this woman, no matter how much money she was offering him. 

He leaned forward, his eyes flashing with intensity. "You seem to have forgotten who I'm working for," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "But then, why would I need to remind you? You should know better than to try and bribe me. I'm not afraid of taking risks, but I would never dare cross paths with Clyde. It's your job to tell him to stop the investigation, not mine." He paused, letting his words sink in, the tension in the room thick and heavy as he leaned back on the chair. 

Frustrated, Alexis clenched her jaw, trying to keep her composure. She knew this would be difficult, but she had not expected it to be this hard. She was going to have to pull out all the stops if she wanted to get what she wanted. Taking a deep breath, she tried one last time.

"You're being unreasonable," she said, her voice even and controlled. "We both know that this investigation needs to be stopped, and we both know why." She paused, letting the words hang in the air. "I'm asking you to do the right thing. If you concur. You can rest assured that your safety is guaranteed with me. Clyde will have to pass through me before he can hurt you. What do you think?" 

"Miss Han," he said, his tone polite but firm. "I appreciate your offer, but I must decline. This is not something I'm willing to do." He rose from his seat, preparing to leave. But before he walked away, he looked her in the eye and said, "Clyde is one who covers the sky with just a palm of his hand. There's no information that passes him by, unless he is not interested in that. I will advise you to not play the game you are about to start. It is a dangerous one and if Clyde gets involved, be sure that you have lost already. You'd better be careful," With that, he turned and strode out of the restaurant, leaving her to her thoughts. 

"Aaargh," Alexis screamed, pushing everything on the table down. Everywhere fell silent, every eye trained on Alexis as she raged against the table. The expensive porcelain plates and glasses crashed to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. The waiters and waitresses exchanged nervous glances, not daring to breathe too loudly, lest they draw her ire. 

"Who is Jasmine and who is Janice?" she asked rhetorically, gritting her teeth harder. She stared into an open space, "I will find her before you do, Clyde," she promised herself, her resolve unshaken as she looked uncomfortably calm.

I'm really sorry for being offline for long. I'm back now, and I promise a regular update.

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