

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappears without a trace, everyone think it's just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search leads him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He begins to wonder if Jasmine is Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine finds herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs


As the rain poured down in torrents, Jasmine's eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings caught in the storm. Her eyes were like two pearls shimmering with a million raindrops. Yet, they were trapped behind the thick veil of water, unable to escape the deluge. Her ears were filled with the thundering sound of rain, a never-ending symphony of chaos and despair. What was once a gentle summer rain had now become a raging tempest, engulfing her in its fury. There was no escape from the torrential downpour, no safe haven to shelter her from the storm.

She closed her eyes back and tried to feel her environment, ignoring the excruciating pains that were threatening to take her life, but the sound of the rain was not helping matters. She gave up and hopelessly laid back, relaxed. This is the first time she is enjoying her peace after so many years without any disturbances from any 'family members'. She started mapping out her next line of action. Where will she go from here on? Obviously, she could not go back to the Anderson's family again. The door has been shut behind her – forever. Where is she going to start her life now? What has fate in store for her? She took in a deep breath and tried to think back on what happened for her to be under the rain but almost suddenly, the rain stopped falling. No, someone was hovering above her with an umbrella, preventing the rain from reaching to her. She chuckled inwardly at the thought of who could have been generous enough to help her – an angel in distress.

"Hey, are you awake?" the voice resounded in her ears, causing her to crease her brows but the voice continued anyways. "I guess you are. Can you open your eyes? I am not going to hurt you. Hello, can you hear me?" he called out worriedly.

'I am not deaf, you idiot. How am I sure you are not going to hurt me? You are a stranger anyway.' Jasmine cursed inwardly, she grunted slowly as she tried to reposition herself before opening her eyes, gradually. Finally, her eyes are about to see the day, no, night. Her large hazel eyes looked askance at him immediately they were open.

"Hi, I'm Brad. Brandon in full," he introduced himself with a genuine smile. Jasmine took that opportunity to check him out; her eyes trailed from his messy side-parted curly wet brown hair, his brown eyes that were looking at her inquisitively; his pink lips and because he was looking down at her, Jasmine could not guess his height but he looked quite tall. However, she could not deny the fact that he looked gay or maybe he is one. She sighed and looked around her surroundings. It is dark already.

Brad offered her his hand so that she could stand up. He has already concluded that she might have been struck dumb by the thunders while she was under the rain, that is why she didn't reply him or maybe too tired to speak because there is no way this angel could be dumb, so the most he could do right now is to offer a helping hand. She looked at his stretched hand and looked at him as if contemplating if he is trustworthy enough. Nonetheless, she took his hand and made to stand up but she winced and bit her tongue to suppress the cry of pain that was threatening to escape her lips. Finally, she was able to stand up with Brad's help; the world spun around her but he steadied her and supported her as they walked towards his car.

"Are you okay?" he asked immediately both settled in the car. "Uhm, we will drop at the hospital to get your injuries treated. It might have been infected since you were under the rain for long. Hope you don't mind?" he said. When she did not say anything but looked outside the car window, he took that as a 'yes' and drove towards the hospital but not after turning on the warmer.

Jasmine was immediately lost in her own world of thoughts after she settled in the car. So many thoughts were whirling in her mind as she tried to concentrate on her surroundings. She sighed and let herself be lost in her world. What is going to happen after getting her wounds treated in the hospital? She contemplated begging him to allow her pass some days in his place but she perished the thought almost immediately. He is still a stranger to her no matter how she tries to paint the truth. She does not even know his last name in case things go south from here. What will happen if he is a human trafficker who pretended to be there to assist her before ultimately trying to sell her? Besides, he is a man and he might try… Her heartbeat increased rapidly at the thought of that. She turned and looked at him and that was when she realized that he was wearing false lashes. Gay. She stilled for a moment, trying to regulate her heartbeat. Funny enough, somehow, she felt safer being with him; if she can remember very clearly, the last time she felt this safe was about 20 years ago.

"Am I that beautiful that you can't just stop staring at me, huh?" Brad spoke up, trying to flirt with her or maybe get her to speak but that only succeeded in breaking Jasmine from her realm of thoughts.

She turned back towards the car window but the car has stopped moving. Almost immediately, she turned back to him looking at him suspiciously. What are they doing here? Is he here to sell her? Her heart started beating fast again at that thought. Brad then faced her after rolling up the car windows. "Heh-heh calm down. You need to change your clothing. It is wet already. Well, unless you are not cold then we can proceed to the hospital," he explained after seeing the suspicious look she was giving him. Jasmine turned towards the boutique and saw the billboard and her heart finally calmed down but almost immediately, guilt and shame replaced her fears. How could she suspect him? He seems nice after all. She shrugged silently. You can never tell.

Finally, they were in the boutique and Jasmine could not help but be amazed at how the sale representatives treated Brad as if he is an everyday customer. 'He is gay Jasmine, what do you expect? Sure he will have tons and multiples of clothings and who knows if he does get them here?' she mentally berated herself. After checking out some clothes, she decided to go with a knee-length A-shaped gown, at least, to enable the doctor check the injuries. Brad paid and got some extras for her without her knowledge. They got in the car and zoom off with Jasmine back in her world of thought.

"We are here," Brad's voice woke her up from her reverie after they arrived at the hospital and she sighed inwardly. That was fast. They walked in and after getting her injuries checked and getting some medical advice from the doctor, they left. By the time they were outside, it has stopped drizzling. Time to find her way. She took a quick glance at him as he walked before her and sighed.

"Do you have anywhere to go from here; maybe a friend's house or back to your family? They might be looking for you now." Brad asked concernedly as both reached the car. He turned to face her and she looked at him with her large eyes as if she was begging him to see her reality. She really has nowhere to go. She was as sure as hell that the devil might have pity on her but not the Anderson's family. However, Brad could clearly see the helplessness and hopelessness in her eyes.

"Then come and live in my place until you decide your next line of action. What do you say?" Brad finally made the juiciest mouth-watering offer that no homeless soul will ever reject. Jasmine contemplated on it for a while as Brad patiently waited for her reply and inwardly praying she talks. No doubt, he is dying to hear how her voice sounds. After weighing the pros and cons, she decided to reply him anyway.

Hey readers, it is my first novel here and I hope you tolerate my grammatical errors. I promise to improve as time goes on and I wish to see y’all on my subsequent chapters. Please drop your thoughts. I want to know what you think about the novel so far. Thank you.

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