
Chapter 1: The Falls

Dipper couldn't believe the school year had passed in the blink of an eye. As soon as he and Mabel got home, he started packing, because they were spending their second summer with Stan and Ford in Gravity Falls. He packed clothes, deodorant, a toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, and sketchbook. He'd been getting into drawing recently. And, from under his bed, he brought out the journals. All three. Ford had let him take them only because he'd wanted to do some research. And he had found out nothing. But...maybe Ford could help. Someone knocked at his door. "Hey, bro-bro, you ready?" It was Mabel. Dipper shouldered his backpack after throwing the journals in. "All set. You?" "Yup. I guess we can get going!" With that, Dipper walked out his door, and to the car, putting his stuff beside him in his seat. Mabel did the same as Mom and Dad hopped in. "I hope your excited to see your uncles again. You both seemed to enjoy it last time." Mom said, as Dad started the car, and drove off. They had the tickets, all they needed was a bus stop. Which was where they were headed. Dipper smiled fondly, remembering last summer. "Yeah, we did. And I know I'm excited, I've been needing to tell Uncle Ford something." Mabel glanced at him, confused, but he pointed to their parents, shook his head, and mothed later. Dipper had noticed the signs. He'd noticed the small changes, only thanks to Ford calling to tell him to keep his guard up this summer, for monster attacks.


Minutes later, they had arrived at a bus stop, and were now boarding the bus. Mabel carried Waddles up the steps, and into a seat, so Dipper followed. "Alright, Dip, spill." Mable said, playing with her pig. He told her what Ford had told him over the phone, and what his suspicions were, thankful his sister didn't interupt him. "You really think that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Dipper readjusted his cap. "Its not a thought. More of a gut feeling of some kind. If anyone can figure it out, though, it's the Mystery Twins!" He nudged her gently. She smiled. "I thought you hated that name?" He shrugged. "Its....kinda grown on me. If you still like it..." Mabel looked him in the eyes, smiling. "Mystery Twins?" She asked, holding her first out. He smiled and bumped it. "Mystery Twins." After that, the bus came to a halt, only to reveal they were now in Gravity Falls. He stood, and walked down the aisle, Mabel right behind him. They were greeted with bear hugs from Ford and Stan, the other pair of Mystery twins. "Dipper, m'boy! It's so good to see you again!" Then, he turned to Mabel, still smiling. "And how's my girl doing, huh?" He ruffled her hair playfully. "I'm good. But how about you all?" Stan smirked. "As good as ever. But we better get inside before we burn to death." He was right. It was pretty hot out- "Pinetree...." Dipper spun around, scowling, sure he had heard something. Ford noticed this and laid a six-fingered hand on his shoulder. "Is something wrong, Dipper?" He stayed quiet, giving it one more chance, and shook his head when nothing happened. "No, I....thought I heard something. Let's get to the shack. Maybe the walk will clear my head more." Fords eyes showed worry and concern, but he nodded, and off they went.