
Bigwheel and Lame

Everyone knows the past can never be forgotten… However, Zazriel had forgotten that night long ago when she nearly died, and her father saved her and began to train her. However, she is forced to remember when her pack members are being killed one by one. Mourgent is a powerful alpha with a powerful pack. When he finds out there’s more to his mate than her paralyzed legs, he becomes protective. No one thought heartbreak could be fatal… Zazriel’s and Mourgent’s first meeting starts off rough. However it becomes worse when Zazriel finds another female kissing her mate. She slowly begins to die. Mourgent must convince Zazriel he had no interest in the female and save her from a very slow, very painful death.

Patricia_Levy · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
31 Chs


Zazriel wheeled up to the group of pack members who were huddled together and talking amongst themselves. When one saw her, the talk stopped and they all stood to face her. Behind her, Jasmine and Gatrrie stood on either side, not at all happy. She could sense Mougent though, hovering in the shadows, waiting for her to do what she said she'd do.

She stood tall and met each pair of eyes of her pack mates. "After last night, we have lost so many of our own. We are down to a handful and without a home." She swallowed her emotions and blinked away the tears. "I revoke my title as Alpha and swear my allegiance to Alpha Mourgent as I hope you will do in my wake. He will give us all the necessities and more, as I cannot do anymore."

It hurt to say the words, but the hurt wasn't so bad when her pack mates walked up to her and gave her a hug, one by one. They thanked her, for what, she did not know. And as she followed the group who were being led by Mourgent to his pack, she felt weak for the first time since she was a girl. She felt so small, she decided to not use the chair, instead using her hands to drag herself along the ground, partly hiding herself, partly feeling sorry for herself.

Mourgent's pack crowded around them, eyes curious and children excited. Mourgent gestured to Zazriel's pack. "Please help me in welcoming new members of Lightcrest Pack. They could not survive on their own with so many having perished in the fires that destroyed their homes. Their alpha, a brave and kind soul, revoked her title to help her pack fit in with us. And for that, she will be respected and can be looked to for advice if I am not around."

Zazriel was surprised by Mourgent's words. It made her sit up straighter, made her look at him with a light. He glanced back and nodded then turned to his pack again.

"Tonight, we celebrate our new found family and friends. Our new members of pack. And until we can find somewhere for them to live and settle in, we will share our roofs and food. They are pack. No longer outsiders. Treat them as you treat each other."

With that, people started to mingle. Children ran around and played with new friends. The male who had helped Mourgent escort her to his office earlier came up and held out his hand. "I don't think I introduced myself earlier. My name is Orion."

She gave him a small smile. "Nice to meet you. And sorry for my snappiness earlier. It wasn't your fault."

He shrugged. "No problem. Women like to snap at me!" He chuckled and his eyes wandered behind her. "And here is a welcoming gift."

She turned and saw a wheelchair being brought to her. Shocked by their kindness and regretting coming here and getting dirtier, she sighed. "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me," Orion said and pointed over his shoulder. "Thank the alpha! He seemed to notice the strain you were having using your hands to walk."

She smiled, but found Mourgent with her eyes. He was watching her with a blank expression, arms crossed. She inclined her head, a silent thanks. He did the same, dark hair obscuring his features.

"Are you hungry?" Orion asked. "There's food in the pack house."

She nodded and followed him.

Mourgent was talking to Matilda who was his healer, about the wounded Zazriel had brought with when he saw the said alpha following his Beta into the pack house, her arms propelling the chair forward in steady, strong pushes. Her raven black hair was coming out of it's tail as she moved. He remembered those hazel eyes glaring at him in his office and how they blazed with anger, with pride. If he didn't respect her for her decision to protect the pack, he respected her for standing up to him the way she did.

Matilda said abruptly, "Alpha, if I may?"

He looked at her. "Yes?"

"You are a good man for letting these poor people into the pack. They must be devastated! I can't imagine how the alpha feels about giving up her pack!"

Mourgent nodded. "It was definitely a sacrifice."

Matilda sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Best you celebrate with everyone else. I will worry about our wounded pack mates."

"Thank you." As the healer strode towards the wounded, Mourgent made his way into the pack house where he found Zazriel sitting alone eating fries. Every now and then, one of his pack mates would introduce themselvse and she would smile and do the same, but then end up alone again. He also noticed that behind her was the two males who accompanied her into his territory earlier. They were watching their former alpha with worry, whispering to each other.

Mourgent sidled up to Zazriel, unable to resist, and sat down. She glanced up at him and sighed in exasperation. "I'm not in the mood for talk."

"Are you always like this?" he asked. Zazriel raised a brow. He gestured to her. "Are you always sitting alone, without friends?"

"I have friends. They just know when I don't want anyone around." Now it was his turn to raise a brow. Zazriel pushed her plate away and wiped her hands on a napkin. "When something like tonight happens, I like to be left alone. I think about what I could have done and should have done."

"But a pack needs their alpha after these kind of things."

She shrugged. "My pack never came up to me for comfort so I never offered."

Mourgent was confused by this female's lack of social interactions with her pack. What was so wrong within their ranks that the usual formalities aren't practiced? He stood to leave but paused and took her weary form in, her saddened expression and bowed face. "In my pack, you will have to adjust. We all have groups in which we are a part of and in which we have friends. You must have friends. It is the way of this pack."

She gave a harsh laugh. "Me and friends don't mix well, Alpha. I tend to push them away."

He set his hands on the table and leaned in close to her. "You won't be doing so here, Zazriel," he whipsered harshly. "I will demand obedience from everyone and find ways to make everyone feel a part of this pack, including you."

She glared. "Try it."