
Bigshot becomes House husband

Stephen Walters being an heir of the Walters family is a proud and arrogant person. At the same time, he is capable and intelligent also. He has his own secret forces and immense wealth of the Walters family. He married the princess of the Adams family, Priscilla Adams. But it was one of the biggest mistakes in his life. Being betrayed he died in the hand of his wife and his childhood friend who adopted into his family. He thought his revenge will be unsatisfied. But fate has another setup. He reincarnated into a useless man in china named Chen Xiu. He is a son-in-law of the Fang family. His wife Fang Xiang despises him and his twin child felt embarrassed whenever at the mention of their father. How things will change after Reincarnation? Is there any secret why he reincarnated into this body? How will he get his revenge? To get all these answers join this awesome journey... Disclaimer: Cover Photo isn't mine, Credit goes to the original owner.

RajuKairi · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The flow of Strange Memories

When Stephen opened his eyes, he saw some obscure images before his eyes. He has no idea where he is, his eyelids felt heavy while he is trying his very best to open them. Gradually the obscure images cleared away when he saw two people looking at him. One of them had an intense worry in her eyes.

"How are you feeling, boy?"An old yet strong voice sounded.

He looked at the elderly man who asked him that question. These people in front of him had Chinese traits.

'Where am I?' He thought. He had beautiful landscapes in front of him some time ago, and now he is lying in bed.

"I am fine, sir." Although perplexed, he answered the old man in a hoarse voice.

"Thank God you are fine son. I thought you left me. You don't have any idea how broken I was. Son, please don't ever leave me again. Promise me. " A lady spoke out, leaning in front of him, grasping his hand firmly.

He saw the woman's anxious face, this look is very common for him. It's exactly the way his mom used to look at him when she was worried about him. Thinking about his mother a sharp pain shot through every nerve in his body. His eyes become bloodshot recalling the way his family has killed.

The old man was astonished to sense the intense killing intent emanating from this man. 'Something is odd here' He thinks to himself.

Chen Ning was also surprised by his son's cold-blooded eyes. Her son was always a weak and gentle person, so what made this change? Her son seems too different than before.

He pulls out of his thoughts when the grip on his hand becomes stronger. He looked up only to find the tear-watering eyes of the lady seeing him like this. Seeing her like this he felt bad. But suddenly a thought shook up his soul. If this lady calls him son, then who is he now?

"Son, what's wrong? Talk with me. Are you angry with me? " Chen Ning urged.

Stephan shook his head in response.

"I am Ok. Don't worry. " He said in a low voice.

"I am very tired. Can I have some rest? " He added looking at them.

They nodded their head in approval before leaving the room. Chen Ning stares at him from time to time with anxious eyes before leaving.

After they left, He stared at the ceiling with dull eyes. So he back to the earth somehow. Though he doesn't know how it made possible to return to life after death yet rather than feeling happy, he felt very lonely. Perhaps death would be the better outcome for him, now that every single member of his family is dead. Every happy moment with his family keeps playing in front of his eyes. Tears poured out of his eyes, recalling the memories.

After a while, he felt a severe headache. He clenched his head in response. Strange memories entered his head. These are the memories that don't belong to him. 'What is happening to him? Who is the man in his memories?..' Various other questions came to his mind.

After a while, the headache gradually subsidizes leaving behind a heap of memories. He started sorting the memories in his head. These are the memories of a man called chen Xiu. 'But why did the memories of this man come to his mind?'This is the first question that arises in his mind.

He tried to sit but failed to do so as his body is very weak now. He looked down to discover that this body is not his. He becomes more and more puzzled now. At first, he was in a dark tunnel, and then a light brings him to a strange otherworldly place, and then a pulling force returns him to the body of another person!! How strange!! So this is the body of the man called Chen Xiu and the memories belong to this body!! What a mess!!....


When chen ning and Mr. Luo come out of the room, the man saw the ghastly pale face of chen ning.

"What happened?" Mr. Luo asked chen ning.

"Sir, is my son really Ok? has he lost his memory?" she asked hurriedly.

"And why you think so?"Mr. Look asked back.

"He didn't even call me Mom and doesn't seem to recognize me. So I wondered if he had lost his memories." She replied.

Mr. Luo has also put a lot of thought into this. As he was about to respond, a voice intervened.

"Master meal is ready." The maid informed.

"You can join me."Mr. Luo said glancing at Chen ning.

"No. Sir. It's ok. I will eat with the maids." She waved her hand in embarrassment.

"You are guests here. So you don't have to eat separately. Ok today, we're all going to eat together." The man said seeing her discomfort.

"Fei organizes the plates on the table and today you will have lunch with us as well." Mr. Luo said to his maid.

"Master..me.."She stammered.

"Yes, You. And did you make some light meals for that young man?" He asked the maid.

"Yes, master." She answered.

"Ok. Inform Shun to join us as well." The maid quickly excused herself as she went to inform Shun, bulter of the house.

"Fed him this after lunch. He needs to get stronger now." He told looking at chen ning to which she nodded her head.

After that, they made their way to the dining table....