

I used to read some novels where I see O my G what the hell is going on then start to think to leave this s**t let's make our own this is where I ended, just sharing my way to end things. start the reading and you will relate to it, if not sorry mate you already started reading so COMPLETE IT......^u^ u will complete it right......right @----@ thankyou

sasi_subbu · Fantaisie
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Description of the novel

"Big trouble"

In a land where colors dance and winds whisper secrets, our protagonist, a young and adventurous soul, stumbles upon a hidden chamber bathed in a golden, otherworldly light. Within the chamber, a magical mirror transports them to a realm where they are the chosen one in a harem of unique individuals, each with their own talents and destinies.

As our heroes form alliances and embark on thrilling adventures, a malevolent force casts a dark shadow over their world, threatening to consume it. With foreboding shades of purple and black creeping in, they must unlock their powers and unravel the mystery to confront the looming darkness.

Amidst swirling colors and the noise of epic battles, the harem faces the malevolent force in an unforgettable climax. Thunderous clashes of magic and triumphant battle cries fill the air as the fate of their world hangs in the balance.

With peace restored, the world returns to tranquil, natural colors, and gentle, soothing melodies accompany the resolution. The harem members find their destinies intertwined in a different, harmonious way, marking the end of their perilous journey.

"Big Trouble" is a fantasy novel filled with adventure, magic, and the bonds of an extraordinary harem, all set against a backdrop of enchanting colors and mesmerizing noises.