
Chapter 6 BBO

Turning my head abruptly that causes my neck to make a cracking sound, I'm surprised my head is still attached to my body

"K-Keith! Ha! Brother you're here" smiling awkwardly to him 'relax, don't scare him off or he'll run away, okay?' He didn't reply to my link

Ohhhhkay this will going to be troublesome, you want to know why? Well, even if you won't, you don't have a choice I'm gonna tell you anyways

My brother, Keith found his mate which is Caleb, my friend who's human, the difference between having a human mate and a wolf mate is

The latter, if your mate is not on the adult stage yet or had the coming of age ceremony which happens during the time when we turn to the age of 20, you cannot find them or be mated to each other and the former one even if your mate is not yet in the age of 20 you'll know that it's them if you find them regardless of their age, that's how it works

"Your still having lunch, can I sit here?" he said while staring at Caleb who looked down with a blush

"Yes, of course but, what about your friends?" Looking at his usual table I saw his friends with a big smile on their faces "never mind" he sat beside Caleb which made my friend jumped a little and giving me a worried look, I just smiled at him

"So, I just want to let you know we're planning to hang out this weekend are you guys up for it?" He said giving us his smile

I kind of get what's going on, he rarely invite me when he's hanging out with his friends but, he knows his mate won't go if I'm not around

"Ehh? Where to?" Looking at him straight in the eye 'you're just using me so that you can hang out with your mate' giving him a smirk

"You'll be surprised where" breaking our eye contact and looking intently to Caleb "are you coming?" Giving him a sweet smile

"Ah? I-I... I'll think ab-about it" Caleb stuttered cutely, his answer making my brother grin from ear to ear

"That's great! Let me know if you're coming, here" giving Caleb a small piece of paper then he stand up and walk off to his friends 'you have to convince him to come okay lil bro?'

'What's in it for me big bro?' I gave Caleb a smile

'Anything that I can give, you have my word' with that reply I know I can ask him for something BIG

"What did he wrote for you?" I look at his hand that's holding the paper, he open and close it immediately "what?" I already know what's in it, I know my brother so much to that level

"It's-it's ahh-" I raise my hand to cut him off, I know he's reluctant to tell me what's written in there

"It's fine, I'm cool with it so, save it" after I said that his eyes widened and a blush formed on his cheeks and ears

"H-how? B-but you- I-" composing himself "but we're friends, I can't possibly.. with your brother" looking down at the paper

"That's exactly why it's okay, you're my friend and he's my brother, I know you'll be safe with him" giving him a reassuring smile

"Okay, I'll think about it" whispering his reply

So, today is the day that Aiden will move in to our house, what I feel you ask? I feel terribly anxious, as the school day nearing its end, me and Oli are getting more restless but, the latter is restlessly happy

We're having dinner now, Aiden and Raymond successfully moved in without any problem, my sense of smell is back but in exchange for that I can feel a slight pain on my lower back

At first it's tolerable when I felt it this afternoon but now that I'm sitting here eating? The pain is like fire spreading all over my body

"Honey, are you okay? You look kind of pale" mom ask me

"Hmm fine" is all I could answer, suppressing the pain

"What's wrong? You kept flinching" Keith said then holding my hand

That's when a sharp pain shoot through my back making me whimper, the pain keeps getting stronger

"What's happening?!" I heard Anna ask

The pain is circling from my back to my stomach making me clutch it, I look up and saw Keith, Aiden and Raymond covering their noses and their eyes changed, mom and dad horror laced on their face

"The three of you go out!" Father used his Alpha tone to make them leave which they did in a hurry

"Honey it's okay, you'll be okay, take a deep big breath, okay breath in... breath out....." mom said rubbing my back

I couldn't keep my consciousness up, a strong cherry and strawberry scent is making us crazy yet the pain is making me dizzy