
Chapter 39

I looked at the phone screen in shock.

I read the number again and again. It’s really my brother's friend's number!!

Why would he be calling me though? He never calls me since we have decided that I would contact him every time. Plus, I told him that I won’t be able to call for a while. I even mentioned that he doesn’t have to worry and that I am fine.

Calling on Mrs Green's number which I said that isn’t mine and one of the maid's. He would never call any stranger’s number.

But it really is his friend's number! Did something happen to him?!!

I started panicking.

“Are you okay?” Mrs Green asked me.

I looked at her. Her eyes were full of concern.

“Is something wrong?” She asked me concerned.

“Can I…can I make a call from your phone?” I asked, my voice just a whisper.

“Okay. Is something wrong?” She asked me again worried.

“This is my brother's friend's number. He…he must be trying to reach me.” I said my hand shivering.